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Everything posted by darth_fader

  1. The community edition is free to use with licensing restrictions (check out the license), there are paid versions as well and a cloud based Amazon AWS version too. Contact Jaspersoft for specifics if you have further questions, they're great about providing information and support.
  2. For jasper-server, add the joda time jar file into: YOUR-JASPER-DIRECTORY/WEB-INF/lib You'll notice other jar files there as well. WIll require a server restart to take effect. If you're just using IReport/Jasper Studio, you'll need to add the jar to the class path, something along the lines of Tools-->Option-->Classpath-->Add JAR The code reference will be something like; see the ref to the example field below? You'll probably be able to make a go of it after this example: <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[new org.joda.time.DateTime($F{YOUR_DATE_FIELD}).withZone(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.forID("UTC"))]]></textFieldExpression> It may be easier to add this in through the expression editor in IReport/Jasper Studio. let me know if you run into any issues
  3. Does the scheduled job produce both paginated and non-paginated output? Jasper will execute the query twice in that case. Otherwise, is there anything else exceptional about the scheduled job?
  4. This can be done with subreports; where each report you want to include is treated as a subreport within a master/parent report. You can even exclude certain regions from rendering output if you have headers/footers/etc in each of your reports you want to include, and when including in a master you only want to keep the detail/body regions of each report. You can also include any number of parameters in your parent report to pass to the subreports you want to include; and to keep those subreports viable as independent reports, you can simply default those parameters to benign values that only have an effect when included within a master report. This can also be done programmatically via java and the JasperReports library, but I don't think it's necessary for this instance.
  5. If you're working with the table component, this is relatively straight forward. To create a column header that spans multiple columns, you'll need to create a column group. You can refer to the following documentation to achieve that: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v60/working-columns If you're working with a crosstab, that's also perfectly achievable but requires a different approach. If so, let me know and I can help you with that as well.
  6. Most likely you'll need a chart customizer, plenty of good references on how to do that online. In your customizer class you'll need something like the following: public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jrChart) { XYPlot xyplot = chart.getXYPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) xyplot.getRenderer(); XYDataset xyDataset = xyplot.getDataset(); if(xyDataset != null) { for(int i = 0; i < xyDataset.getSeriesCount(); i++) { // put your own stroke definition for the given 'i' series below: Stroke stroke = new BasicStroke(2f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 10f, new float[]{10f,10f},0f); renderer.setSeriesStroke(i, stroke); renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(i, true); } } From an older post: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/536536/displaying-different-line-types-same-graphs
  7. The crosstab component is what you'll need to accomplish your goal. There are several example online, check out crosstab tutorials jasper reports on youtube and google. Crosstabs are fairly advanced but IReport has a wizard that can help step you through the process. Here is a link to an example with nested rows http://bekwam.blogspot.com/2011/06/expanding-crosstab-in-jaspersoft.html
  8. Please copy and paste this output rather than a picture of your screen. Anyone attempting to help you with this is going to google that stack trace and probably won't bother typing it in.
  9. If you want to change the pattern of that date, you could create a variable that uses java's simple date formatter to change the pattern of your original parameter. Or you could simply use the "pattern" attribute on the text fields wherever you display that date.
  10. Start small and build up your query one parameter at a time. Parameter expressions can be conditionals; so use one parameter for the value the input control provides, another to create the query string based on that parameter value. Multi select inputs can be handles via the $X! and $P! references. For example, you may have an imput control to fulter null values, FilterNullValues, defined as a boolean data type input control, then a second parameter that evaluates that parameter and builds the sql accordinly. Finally, you can reference the FilterNullPopUpsSql by simply dropping $P!{FilterNullPopUpsSql} parameter in your query string. When linking multiple parameters in your query string, just be careful where you place your "ands" and "nots" that link them together. <parameter name="FilterNullValues" class="java.lang.Boolean" isForPrompting="true"><defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[TRUE( )]]></defaultValueExpression></parameter><parameter name="FilterNullPopUpsSql" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"><defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{FilterNullPopups} ? "AND (NOT (resp.Response_Type = 'Show message' AND (resp.Response_Value = ' ' OR resp.Response_Value = NULL)))" : ""]]></defaultValueExpression></parameter>
  11. A common feature request. The key is using the $V{REPORT_COUNT} variable that's built in to every report in conjunction with a <style> element. Check out this solution at stack overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8980439/alternating-row-color-for-jasperreports
  12. please post the error you're getting from Jasper Studio
  13. Uninstalling JasperServer won't uninstall tomcat. However, if you're using this on a stand alone tomcat, isn't this a war file deployment? Confused
  14. You may accomplish what you're looking for by adjusting the font size or the layout; you can view these options in your jasper server install via urlToJasper/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=sampleFlow&page=dialogs or by clicking on View -> UI Samples in the admin menu. Also, here's a link customizing the jasper server UI: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v630/customizing-user-interface
  15. Please post the expression you're using from the jrxml
  16. Yes, it is possible to use multiple/different data sources in the same parent report using sub-data sets or subreports. So one subreport or data set for stock item and another for number of stocks. And if necessary, you can return a value from a subreport and pass it to another. However, if you need to mix and match data from multiple sources in the same dataset, this will have to be done programmatically via Java or other. Hope this helps.
  17. You could do a simple substitution like - = 1, = = 2, + = 3, ++ = 4 for the x axis values, via an if/then expression. Substitute your characters for integer values. Then use a custom expression to display the tick marks on the x axis. If that doesn't work, you could always create a chart customizer. Some sample customizer code is available here: https://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/chart-customizers-2/
  18. Please see my previous post here; it's fairly simple if you can parameterize your various datasources, and can break up your data needs into subdatasets or subreports http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/540250/clarification-multiple-datasources-report
  19. Don't know of a decent way to use multiple data sources in the same report unit without a subreport for each distinct datasoure, but if you put that in place and return values from the subreports, then combine those in your main report you'll get what you need accomplished. See my approach here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/540250/clarification-multiple-datasources-report
  20. It is possible, please view my post here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/540250/clarification-multiple-datasources-report I've connected many datasources in the same report, but used a separate subreport for each datasource; combining data from those subreports would require return values to the parent report and manipulation there (or at least that's the approach I would take)
  21. All, Was curious if there are still scripts to aid migration from a community install to Enterprise, Jasper Server. I know this was available in older versions, but haven't seen anything in the forum regarding current versions (5/6). Has anyone moved from V 5 to V6 via a migration script? Has anyone attempted automating this process themselves? Thanks, Nathan M>
  22. I have several questions regarding the Amazon Web Services approach to cloud based reporting and analytics: 1) What is involved in migrating existing data to Amazon RDS? We're looking to migrate from a locally hosted Jasper Server installation to the cloud 2) Is the hourly rate based on logged in time or processing time or what? 3) Are there other fees involved in getting the premium html 5 visualizations? 4) Can Jasper iReports Designer AND Jaspersoft Studio connect to this web service in the standard fashion of connecting to an existing server? 5) Are Business Associates Agreements available? We'd be working with HIPPA protected healthcare data Thanks much, I know it's a lot to answer but I'll need these questions answered before I can move forward. Nathan M.
  23. Not sure on limits related to input parameters, but if you could cut down your input to less than 1000 and see if the ORA error goes away, you'd be able to confirm if the 2000 record input is indeed to large for a parameter. Just a thought, may not be feasible to test.
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