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Everything posted by rakeshenoch

  1. Use this in your text field expression of a new parameter say abc and then use this abc in your query new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd").format($P{startDate});Hope this helps!!!
  2. Hi, You cannot edit .jasper files as they are compiled outputs of their respective .jrxmls. It is similar to the lines of .class files generated after compiling .java files. Bottom line is that you need .jrxml to edit and see the changes
  3. Check this link. Hope it gives you some idea http://www.coderanch.com/t/466659/open-source/Jasper-reports-generating-html-files
  4. Thanks for the reply. I just have one more doubt. Can i get the high-lighted parameter object. Please refer the screen-shot for more clarity Thanks in advance, Rakesh
  5. Hello All, I have been writing plugins for ireport and I'm struck at a particular requirement. I would like to attain the object of the selected element in iReport. Please refer the attachement for more clarity
  6. Hint: just play around with WHEN NO DATA property of your report. You'll find this under Report Properties
  7. Have you tried using LAST PAGE FOOTER band in your report Give me karma points if this information is useful...
  8. Whenever you create a jrxml using ireport, the default template language is GROOVY. When this isn't changed for a report and you try to run this in your application, you get the exception. Such cases, Jasper Engine requires groovy jar to be a project dependency (available in the class-path). In your case, you need to change report language to JAVA (as you do no't want groovy support) and then start running the report from your application. You can change your default template language to either JAVA, GROOVY or JAVASCRIPT by navigating to Tools > General Tab > Restore Defaults Tab > Language in iReport. Revert back in case you have any queries. Provide Karma points if the above information is useful
  9. 1) I don't think copying and embedding support is available in Jasper/iReports. 2) Choosing the type of image expression again depends on your comfort. String are easy to hanlde 3) If I'm right i don't think relative path will help. But in your report let the path of image be supplied by a report parameter say $P{ImagePath}, and in your web-app get the image path using getServletContext().getRealPath("config/ui/images/logo.jpg"); Supply the obtained path to the report param. 4) IsLazy specifies whether the image should be loaded and processed during report filling or during exporting. Hope this info helps you. Is yes don't forget to give karma points
  10. Have you taken care of mapping master report parameters mapping with sub report parameters. The mapping is a must to pass values from master to sub-report. Hope this info info helps you?
  11. Expressions written in Groovy remain invalid when you change the language to Java. Please refer the following link to understand the difference http://jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/ireportwebsite/IR%20Website/iReport_groovy.html . I think you'll have re-write the expressions in Java
  12. Easiest way is to right click on the report name -> Properties -> Scroll down to set the preferred language (Java, JavaScript or Groovy).
  13. Is it possible to add an extra property to iReport Parameter using plug-ins. To be precise, iReport params have already properties like Use as a prompt, Description, Parameter class, etc., I would like to add one more to the list. It would a great help if someone can answer my question. Thanks in advance, Rakesh
  14. Not clear about what you want, but here's something you can try. $F{field1} == 1 ? $F{field1} : "" use of ternary operators can help you to achieve
  15. You need to set the netbeans platform before compiling the sourcecode. First download the IReport NB platform from http://sourceforge.net/projects/ireport/files/iReport/iReport-3.6.0/iReport-nb-3.6.0.zip/download. Secondly, create a new platform in netbeans i.e., Tools -> NetBeans platforms-> Add/Create new platform -> Browse to the platform downloaded in the first step. Finally, configure the settings of the iReport source code to point to the newly created platform.
  16. Hi All, Is it possible to add an extra report element to the palette, Please refer the attachment for more clarity.. Thanks, Rakesh
  17. Hi Pavithra, Any success with the plug-in development. I'm able to launch a new instance from NB, but I have no idea how to move ahead. Any help or findings from your side will be of great help? Thanks, Rakesh
  18. refer the link http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=66958
  19. According to lucianc, You don't have the "scriptletClass" attribute declared in your jrxml. This attribute can be found in the "jasperReport" element of the report XML
  20. Classpath is set so that the jasper engine knows where to find the scriptlet. If your scriptlet is in the same location as your reports, I think you still have to set the path to this folder. You can set the classpath from Tools --> Options Menu. Also make sure that the scriptlet is compiled before you run the reports
  21. Hi All, I would like to know how to access sub-report variables back into the main report. Thanks in advance, Rakesh
  22. Hi All, I would like to know if a single jrxml file can sccess multiple scriplets. If yes let me know how it is done. Any relevant tutorials will be appreciated... Thanks in advance, Rakesh
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