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  1. No, there is something like this: I have text (say, 'text1') that is in pageFooter, it is needed to be on each page, and some text (say, 'text2') only at last page. If I put text in lastPageFooter than 'text1' will be replaced by last page footer on last page. Or I need duplication of code to do this ('text1' needed at pageFooter and lastPageFooter). May be there is another method - if I know overall pages number than I can use condition (CURRENT_PAGE == LAST_PAGE), but on generation time there is no info about overall pages number, isn't it? What can you advise?
  2. Help, please! How can I display element at last page if I don't want to use Summary (there is another problem, I post about it in another thread).
  3. Is there some method to stretch summary band? I want one thing: summary table row at last page and some text (at last page too), that I want to place close to pageFooter. In other words, I want stretchable middle element between them. Or does exist some other method to do such thing?
  4. Using ver. 3.7.2. Problem: I'm filling table data, summary is displayed at new page because lack of space. I want summary not to be displayed alone at new page, I want last data row to be displayed at new page with summary. Same problem: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=45922 I did't understand last message, how can I simple solve this problem? I'm new in JasperReport, sorry, if the question is very simple :)
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