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Friendly User

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  1. Friendly User's post in JaspersoftStudioPro Evaluation, cannot run JasperReports.io Report was marked as the answer   
    are you using the same license file in both JRIO and JSS? Are you running the report against the separate instance of JRIO or internal JSS version of JRIO? Are you able to run some random reports outside of JRIO type project? JSS has an internal JRIO module that helps you test the reports that are to be deployed later to JRIO instance. That one should pick up the license from the studio. But if you are deploying a separate instance of JRIO then the license needs to be applied there separately.
    You say you deployed JRIO on port 8079 but the error is thrown from port 8081 so it seems it's using two different instances.
  2. Friendly User's post in JasperReport 2.0.4 changelog was marked as the answer   
    The changelog can be found inside the JasperReports project archive (jasperreports-2.0.4-project.tar.gz) in the file called changes.txt. Also that is a very very very old version, not sure why you would want to use it instead of our latest version.
  3. Friendly User's post in Jaspersoft upgrade from 6.3 to 7.1 login issue was marked as the answer   
    Possibly when upgrading you have imported the previous repository archive with previous themes. I'd suggest to drop and recreate the JRS database, do the import minimal step and then when importing the repository archive add --skip-themes
    As for the user, we'd need more details. Did you have encryption turned on in the previous version? Do you get any error messages in browser console or jasperserver.log files?
  4. Friendly User's post in Create copy of scheduler. was marked as the answer   
    Creating copies of the jobs unfortunately is not possible through the scheduler UI. You will need to schedule your own new job. If you're open to customizations then this technically can be achieved using the JRS rest_v2/jobs service.
  5. Friendly User's post in Using System Fonts for Reports PDF Generation was marked as the answer   
    You can do that but you'll need to register extra fonts with the iText library. iText is used when exporting to PDF and it doesn't pay attention to the fontName unless the font can be found in the font extension. Considering the amount of effort it takes to register a font with iText or to create a font extension, I'd go with a Font Extension since it's much more streamlined. You can do that right in the studio.
  6. Friendly User's post in Setting text to truncate was marked as the answer   
    The text itself won't truncate, the engine will try to put whole text into the field. If you've allowed field to stretch with overflow or not will mean it will stretch the field to try to display it all. If not it'll just display as much as field dimensions allow. So if you want to truly truncate the large string using an expression is a good way to go.
  7. Friendly User's post in A report with Scriplet does not run on Jasper Server was marked as the answer   
    Hey, I would suggest following this video tutorial for scriptlets in JasperServer:
    In your case I'd try to upload scriptlet as a report resource instead of adding it to lib.
  8. Friendly User's post in Report Generation with Single row when SQL Query is returning Multiple Records. was marked as the answer   
    Good to hear it was resolved. Just for others who are interested - place crosstab in Summary band and not Detail band.
  9. Friendly User's post in displaying an image from mssql database in jasper report was marked as the answer   
    This doesn't tell much. How is the image stored? Is it a BLOB? Is it a URL to the image? The image element supports the following classes:
    java.lang.Stringjava.io.Filejava.net.URLjava.io.InputStreamjava.awt.Imagenet.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderableYou'll need to find a way to convert whatever you have in the database to one of these types and then pass it to image expression
  10. Friendly User's post in java.lang.ClassCastException was marked as the answer   
    Here you try to pass a connection as the data source parameter. Try to pass it as reports connection expression.
  11. Friendly User's post in Create a Less privilege Admin role was marked as the answer   
    This will require you to create a completely new role and then define where users with the role can navigate to in the actionModel-navigation.xml. The actions that user with the role can take in the repository is defined in actionModel-search.xml. Both XML files can be found in {JRS-WAR}/WEB-INF/.
    For more information on this refer to chapter "Customizing Menus" of the JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide.
  12. Friendly User's post in My report showing first page is blank was marked as the answer   
    You can only have one summary band in the report.
    The reason why your first page is blank is probably because the data is to large to be fit on the page and the Split Type for the Detail band is set to Prevent. You may want to try Stretch instead.
  13. Friendly User's post in Error JasperReport Server Connection was marked as the answer   
    It looks as if the web client cannot establish connection to the server and does not get back the response with server information from the connection attempt. What exactly is the remote server in this case? Is your server behind a proxy? Are you able to do Test Connection successfully in the server properties? Can you try to do Advanced Settings -> Use SOAP Only to see if you get a more meaningful error than this one?
  14. Friendly User's post in Subtracting date variables? was marked as the answer   
    Possible the equation 30* 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 overflows because that value is way to big for an integer to store. Might want to try something like 30L * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 so it forces to a Long.
  15. Friendly User's post in How to pass values from variables from sub-report to main report was marked as the answer   
    Hello Fabiano,
    the subreport element has a list of return values. You can bind the variables from the subreport to the variables in the main report and then use them in the main report. The variable can be null because if it was used before the subreport calculations take place. So if you're using a variable from subreport in a text field and you see null there, make sure that variable has a proper Evaluation Time option. Now means it will be evaluated as soon as it is encountered in a report. If that is before the subreport is executed then you need to delay the evaluation and put Evaluation Time to Report for example.
  16. Friendly User's post in Jasper Server 5.6 - All scheduled reports are failing after database restart was marked as the answer   
    sorry, I messed up the post by accident removing my previous answer and making your followup question a comment. Apologies for that.
    What happened here was that the scheduler was trying to re-use the connection which wasn't closed properly. It wasn't marked as a closed connection and the scheduler kept assuming it is open. When you use JDBC, a connection is also created and added to DBCP pool. JRS tries to re-use connections when possible.
    To avoid such a problem it is recommended to use JNDI data sources and specify the connection pool settings. Specifically, you need
    validationQuery="select 1 from dual"
    When you will use JNDI data source with these settings, the JRS will re-use the connections from that pool specifically and when trying to use the connection, it will first issue a validation query to the server to see if the connection is alive or it should be abandoned and returned back to the pool.
    More about properties here:
    And yes, you are completely right in your follow-up post. Using JNDI is more fail-safe.
    Hope this helps and sorry again for messing up the post.
  17. Friendly User's post in Parameter Assignment and Report Lifecycle was marked as the answer   
    Hello Francesco,
    parameters like variables are evaluated in the order their expressions are encountered in the JRXML. In your example you have idNoPrompt before idPrompt. When idNoPrompt default value expression is evaluated the idPrompt value does not exist therefore it ends up with null. JasperReports first evaluates parameters and then evaluates the query. $V{} Variables can get re-evaluated during the the report runtime based on their reset type and incrementer.
  18. Friendly User's post in How to populate series in HTML5 charts was marked as the answer   
    java.lang.Comparable is not a type but an Interface. You can have any expression in series that would return you a data type that implements java.lang.Comparable. Numbers, dates and string types all implement comparable interface.
  19. Friendly User's post in Jasper Report Server Pro: Can't find Import/Export was marked as the answer   
    Only superuser has access to Manage-Server Settings menu where Import-Export UI is located.
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