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Friendly User

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Everything posted by Friendly User

  1. The temp files are indeed created and saved in the location you've mentioned. When exporting to different formats, a file of that format is created for the applicaiton to launch. Jaspersoft studio should delete the temporary files associated with Java previes but it doesn't seem indeed to do that for files of other formats. I'd suggest posting a defect or enhancement request for this feature.
  2. when showing pages in detail band you need to delay field evaluation by using a different evaluation time. For fields that display page number the evaluation time needs to be set to Page
  3. As previous poster already mentioned, there indeed is the CSRF guard enabled in the community version and there is JavaScriptServlet module that is actively working against XSS attacks. I wanted to mentons there is also SQL validaiton and input validation and it is configured separately. I'd recommend going through the Security Guide for more information about these modules
  4. The text itself won't truncate, the engine will try to put whole text into the field. If you've allowed field to stretch with overflow or not will mean it will stretch the field to try to display it all. If not it'll just display as much as field dimensions allow. So if you want to truly truncate the large string using an expression is a good way to go.
  5. Try to use the deprecated property called pdfFontName in advanced section and select Times Roman there. It defaults to Helvetica. It is highly recommended though not to rely on system fonts and use font extension JAR's instead for a guaranteed result
  6. Hello, you may be interested in chart samples I've created: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/chart-tips-and-tricks-project-importing-workspace-and-using-samples Some of these charts show how to use format function and how to use formatter callback functions for formatting and how to apply them individually to each measure.
  7. Hello, you may be interested in the chart samples I've created: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/chart-tips-and-tricks-project-importing-workspace-and-using-samples Some samples show how to obtain a value from a series property like color and other samples show how to change type of measure from the one you defined in the chart to the one you want using measure advanced properties. You can mix these two approaches if type of visualization depends on series or you can set types right into the measures
  8. Hey, I would suggest following this video tutorial for scriptlets in JasperServer: In your case I'd try to upload scriptlet as a report resource instead of adding it to lib.
  9. Crosstabs sort the values alphabetically when the value is alphanumerical. You will either need to assign these buckets some numeric values instead and then If-Then them back to text values or create a custom comparator. Here is a similar problem with Month sorting: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/521463/how-sort-month-within-crosstab
  10. This could be caused by the JVM. Does your local environment have exact same JVM as production? If not, I'd suggest to upgrade the production JVM to latest version.
  11. This is most likely caused by Split Type = "Prevent" for the summary band. I'd suggest to put Split Type = "Stretch" and try with that.
  12. Where do the images come from? URL's? Database BLOBs? Regardless, you'll need to use the Image element that can accept values of these types in the expression: java.lang.String java.io.File java.net.URL java.io.InputStream java.awt.Image net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable When the value is String, it's looking for a URL, location on the hard drive or location in the workspace. So you'll need to place that image in a list element or in detail band or somewhere else where you want it and as expression specify what source of the image should be.
  13. The error complains about 8081 but the specified port is 8080 in the fiddle? Are you sure you're specifying the path correctly? Check if the GET request for http://localhost:8081/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js returns you the visualize.js script in your browser.
  14. Can you clarify what a beacon of a report is? Is it a web beacon? Or something different?
  15. Good to hear it was resolved. Just for others who are interested - place crosstab in Summary band and not Detail band.
  16. This doesn't tell much. How is the image stored? Is it a BLOB? Is it a URL to the image? The image element supports the following classes: java.lang.Stringjava.io.Filejava.net.URLjava.io.InputStreamjava.awt.Imagenet.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderableYou'll need to find a way to convert whatever you have in the database to one of these types and then pass it to image expression
  17. Master report Ignore Pagination overrides the report pagination properties in subreports. I would recommend using Book Report instead in this situation.
  18. This sounds like a valid approach. Another way it could be implemented is using rest_v2/reports or reportExecutions services to produce PDF and Excel versions. You can use the Data Snapshots on the server side to "freeze" the data and avoid re-execution of the queries. You can then use report job scheduler to re-generate the data snapshots periodically to refresh the data.
  19. Here you try to pass a connection as the data source parameter. Try to pass it as reports connection expression.
  20. Sounds like you pass that value in data source expression and it's returning you an SQL Connection. Maybe try passing it in the connection expression for the subreport instead.
  21. Running a report is not only running the query, it's also compiling, filling and the report and exporting it to HTML.You can set the loggers for query executions in the Manage -> Server Settings -> Log settings and checking in the logs what goes on with the queries. Chances are nothing much so it's probably something else that's stumbling the performance. I agree with the other poster - try running and exporting same report to HTML in studio. Do you see same issues there? 20-30 minutes is abnormal for a small report, maybe there is something in the expressions used by report that is causing this. Also check if you get any errors in the browser console.
  22. Make sure you specify the correct encoding in the font extension when creating in. In the generated PDF you can also check in document properties -> fonts the list of fonts that PDF contains. Does your PDF contain the required fonts with the expected encoding?
  23. It's hard to say why without screenshots. But one of the common problems may be using the generic fonts such as Sans Serif. In JasperSoft Studio Sans Serif font gets replaced with one actual font and in the server it might be a different one which is larger and causes fields to stretch. I would suggest to use actual fonts such as DejaVu Sans and then test your preview in HTML format since default JasperReports format for export is HTML
  24. iReport is indeed no longer supported and the last available version for download in 5.6.0.Instead we suggest to use JasperSoft Studio. JasperSoft Studio Professional last release is 6.4.2 and JasperSoft Studio Community Edition is 6.5.1
  25. Create a variable with calculation type count and increment type None. Then in the group footer create a text field with expression of that variable and set the evaluation type of Group [MyGroup].
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