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Friendly User

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Everything posted by Friendly User

  1. Hello, newer JasperReports are using font extensions to correctly embed the fonts inside the PDF. However, since you use Jasper 1.3, you'll need to make sure that the pdfFontName and pdfEncoding are correct. In your case it looks like pdfFontName but for PDF encoding you may want to try Identity-H instead of UTF-8. If that doesn't still work, right click anywhere in generated PDF, go to Document Properties -> Fonts. Do you see your font embedded there? If not, there may be also an issue with font not available to JasperReports during the report compilation.
  2. Hello, unfortunately that isn't really possible. If you create a parameter and an input control for a parameter then it will be usable during both regular report execution and scheduled execution. Making it exclusive to one of the flows is not possible.
  3. Problem:I am installing Jaspersoft Studio, it seems to finish but doesn't actually get installed and there is no error message. Solution:One of the important things to check in this situation is that you are installing the application under Administrator account or another account that has enough permissions and that you don't install studio in a folder path that is too long. Try installing the application to a folder with a shorter path like C:JaspersoftJSS
  4. Problem:I've created a Dual and Multi-Axis Column Line Chart in an Ad Hoc View with these properties set: plotOptions.series.dataLabels.enabled = True plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format = {point.y:.0f} I would like to have different data label formats for the line and the bars on the chart. {point.y:.0f} for line ${point.y:,.2f} for bars Solution:You can set advanced properties for the ad hoc chart. In the advanced properties use the following to define different format for different series: plotOptions.column.dataLabels.format - for column series plotOptions.line.dataLabels.format - for line series
  5. Problem:I have a dashboard that needs to be displayed for hours without user timing out. Solution:You can set the dashlets on dasbhoard to refresh. Press the symbol with cogs on the toolbar to open Dashboard properties and enable Auto-refresh dasbhoard content. As long as it is successfully refreshing it's sending requests to the server and keeping the session alive. That means no timeout should be triggered.
  6. Problem:I have a chart but it displays only every other category label on an axis. This is, for example, a column chart and it needs to display every value. Solution:This can happen because the label step for the axis is set to 2 and/or the font size of the labels is too big. To avoid this do the following in the advanced properties of the chart: -. Set xAxis.labels.step to 1 - Set xAxis.labels.style.fontSize to a lower value like 11px or 10px.
  7. Problem:I created a report with table element. In that table one of the headers is split into two rows. When compiling the report the error occurs: Height of colum header does not match row height Solution:Select the Cell that is split into two rows, select the cell for the upper row cell, go to cell properties and set Row Span to 2.
  8. Problem:I am trying to pass the MDX into a view through HTTP in URL but nothing happens and the MDX I'm passing gets rejected: olap/viewOlap.html?name=/Renewals/some_view?mdx=select%20NON%20EMPTY%20{[Measures].[Max%20Effort],%20[Measures].[Contacts],%20[Measures].[Resp],%20[Measures].[$%20Resp],%20[Measures].[Pct%20Resp],%20[Measures].[Avg%20$],%20[Measures].[Premiums],%20[Measures].[Cost%20w%20Prem],%20[Measures].[Net%20w%20Prem],%20[Measures].[Net%20w%20Prem%20-%20Per%20Resp]}%20ON%20COLUMNS,%20%20NON%20EMPTY%20{([Expire%20Group].[Aug%202017],%20[Renewal%20Effort].[All%20Renewal%20Efforts],%20[Membership%20Tenure.Tenure].[All%20Tenures])}%20ON%20ROWS%20from%20[RenewalResponseCube] Solution:Characters [ ] { and } are illegal in a URL and need to be escaped. Try to escape { with %7B, } with %7D, [ with %5B and ] with %5D
  9. Problem:I need to get the maximum and minimum value of a date or some other field in a report and print it out in the report or use it in the calculations. Solution:This can be easily done using the report variables. Create two variables with variable expression of the field you want to get min and max value. Set the calculation type Lowest and Highest. You can use these variables in text fields in the report. Please note that these fields will require delayed evaluation though so that they display the calculated values and not immediate values (set evaluation time to Report, for example)
  10. If you press Test Connection even though the line is red - do you still get the ClassNotFound exception for the jtds driver?
  11. XML_URL is kind of deprecated by now. Try using net.sf.jasperreports.xml.source report parameter instead.
  12. Hello Karin, there is a way to produce 508-compliant PDF's. Take a look at this sample if you haven't yet: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/tabular/index.html#taggedpdf To answer your question better it would be nice if you could clarify what report design you have and what do you expect on the output.
  13. Hello, sorry, I messed up the post by accident removing my previous answer and making your followup question a comment. Apologies for that. What happened here was that the scheduler was trying to re-use the connection which wasn't closed properly. It wasn't marked as a closed connection and the scheduler kept assuming it is open. When you use JDBC, a connection is also created and added to DBCP pool. JRS tries to re-use connections when possible. To avoid such a problem it is recommended to use JNDI data sources and specify the connection pool settings. Specifically, you need validationQuery="select 1 from dual" testOnBorrow="true" When you will use JNDI data source with these settings, the JRS will re-use the connections from that pool specifically and when trying to use the connection, it will first issue a validation query to the server to see if the connection is alive or it should be abandoned and returned back to the pool. More about properties here: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbcp/configuration.html And yes, you are completely right in your follow-up post. Using JNDI is more fail-safe. Hope this helps and sorry again for messing up the post.
  14. Hello, In JasperStudio you can create and use parameters in report query. You can create a parameter in parameter section of the report and then use it in the query like this: select * from myTable where someValue = $P{myParameter} If you mark parameter to be For prompt - True then you will be prompted to specify the value when compiling report. The concept of input control exists only on JasperServer. You can create input controls for the parameters that exist in the report and add them to report unit resource on the server. The input control needs to have the same name as the parameter you want to wire it to. Take a look at this sample for more information about using parameters in query: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/query/ Chapter 8 of the JasperSoft Studio User Guide also provides details about parameters and parameter usage in the query. Chapter 5.3 and specifically 5.3.2 of the JasperReports Server User Guide provides information about input controls on the server side.
  15. Hello, the jasper compiler itself should not be the cause of the problem here since you are deploying the report JRXML to the server and server is doing compilation there. You are not compiling that report before deploying. What could be the issue here is that your repository connection uses the latest version of JRXML. Try to right click on the repository connection -> edit settings -> advanced and set the version there to 4.5.0. Another thing you could try is to set the whole workspace to 4.5.0 rather than just the project. Additional compilers should be installable from the URL. When you hit the URL there is a dropdown that has the links for the compilers. But again, this doesn't look to be a compiler issue since the server is doing the compilation, it looks like JRXML version problem.
  16. Adding the driver JAR through Tools->Options->iReport->Classpath menu and restarting iReport should be enough. Even restarting is not needed. If I understood correctly from your post it seems the problem is that you're adding jtds-1.3.1-dist.zip to the classpath. If that is the case then that is wrong, you need to unzip that archive and find the jtds-1.3.1.jar in the root and add that jar to the classpath.
  17. Problem:In the report for whatever reason, you need to check whether the resource exists in the TIBCO JasperReports® Server repository or not. Solution:There is an undocumented method to do that. It returns a boolean value: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.util.RepositoryUtil.getThreadRepositoryContext().getRepository().resourceExists(null, "/path/to/resource")
  18. Checkbox as an interactive element in the report is not available in JasperReports library. Empty Checkbox in JR could be done like a small field, image or rectangle with borders.
  19. It could be a baseUrl problem. Do you have any value specified for deploy.base.url in js.config.properties file in JRS WAR/WEB-INF? If no, try pointing it to the location of JRS deployment
  20. Hello Thomas, do you want to use one data source in main report and CSV files as data sources for subreports? If yes, take a look at this article if you are planning to use JasperServer as your report platform: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-deploy-reports-tibco-jasperreports-server-subreports-use-different-data-sources
  21. ClassCastException here indicates that some BigDecimal value is attempted to be used where String is expected. The query itself should run successfully, it's the resultset that is most likely causing this problem. Does your report have any BigDecimal fields? Where are they used?
  22. is the issue on report level or input control level? If it is report, check if collection parameter correctly populated? Please try to create a field somewhere in report title with expression $P{myCollectionP}.toString() to see the contents of that array. Maybe the issue is on that level. If the input control is having trouble returning you a list of available selections then most likely the problem is on the input control query level. Report parameters should not have any effect on the execution of these queries.
  23. If you have a static multi select you can compare the size of the multi select parameter array to what you are expecting to be full selection. If it is dynamic then it will be trickier. JasperReport is not aware of the existence of input control, the queries for that are executed beyond the report's context. What you could theoretically do is have a hidden input control in the server that is the same as the multi select control except it automatically has all values selected. Pass that array into another collection parameter and then compare sizes of two collections to figure out whether all values are selected or not.
  24. This looks like a bug. The "select all" checkbox should not appear for that control.
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