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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. Do you mean the Times-Roman Standard Type 1 font? I suppose for this case and other Standard Type 1 PDF fonts it is workable. But what if it is fonts like Calibri or Comics Sans? We have no other way to utilize these system fonts than to include in font jars and link to the project classpath that generates my jasper reports?
  2. I have coded a report that utilizes the system font Times New Roman. I did not include any font jars but is relying on the idea that Jasper Reports should be able to utilize system fonts. I used the viewer to view the preview in Jasper Studio, the fonts correctly renders. When I tried exporting it to PDF, the Font Properties of the generated output shows that it utilized the following font: This is very far from the Times New Roman that I was expecting. I also tried generating the report via a simple java program and set the logging to trace for the jasperreports class files. A portion of the log file is pasted in https://pastebin.com/SnTptaHS. It seems to show that it used java.awtFont using family = Times New Roman (lines 2-7 and lot of other lines). My test font set which is called Test Font seems to be replaced by font with family = Dialog (lines 18-24 and lines 13-36), which honestly, I expect parts of the reports set to the non-existing font set to go bonkers since I did not put the font extension jar in the class file. So I'm wondering why it still used Helvetica which is the default PDF font. O.S. Windows 10 Jasper Reports version: 6.4.3
  3. I have read about setting the XLS Print Titles in https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-set-print-titles-when-exporting-excel. I am trying now to do the same for XLSX. However from the source code, I found that Jasper is manually writing the XML codes for the XLSX instead of using some API. I tried to trace what will change in an XLSX file if I set Print Titles (the repeating rows every page). Found that definedName entry is needed per sheet. However, this does not seem to be enough (it just sets a defined name) and seems like we need a binary file for the printersettings. Is there any chance that Jasper will support this setting natively in the near future? Are there any workarounds to allow this other than opening the produced document again using an API that supports setting of repeating rows per page?
  4. been looking for this feature too. Specially useful for pre-population procedures on reports generation.
  5. I'm working on a report that will display textual input from users. As the report is for Chinese users, we are not sure on whether the input will have commonly used Chinese characters or from the Ideographs Ext B. Most Chinese fonts have two different fonts to address this (e.g. MingLiu will have a MingLiu-Ext-B counterpart) and it seems that we can usually set ONE font per field. How can we make a field behave as if it's using CSS wherein it will prefer Font A first, then switch to Font B if it can't display a certain character (related: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/844026/multi-language-fonts-report)? Is this even possible? Another related question is: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/823048/chinese-font-ireport I've tested a single report with different Chinese fonts (MingLiu, MingLiu_HKSCS, Ming for ISO, Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei, etc) and behavior when output to different document types. Excel seems to fare the best, with each of our 7 test cases displaying save for Ming for ISO font. For PDF, even with Font Embedding, none of the font seems to display all of our test cases. Max number of test cases displayed by a single font is 3 out of 7. For DOCx, it still does not show all, but have more success with 5 out of 7 test cases successful for a single font (2 ext B test cases failed). But when I try to edit the output document and set the font of the ext-2b characters to that particular font, it suddenly shows correctly.
  6. We implemented something before using Conditional Styles. The condition was ReportUtils.hasChineseCharacters(<field>), where ReportUtils.hasChineseCharacters is a custom made Java function that is imported to the template. If it has, it uses the Chinese font, if it doesn't it uses the English font. Down side is, we have to make a conditional style for each field that needs this.
  7. I'm currently using the library, not Jasper Reports Server and for some reason, the users wants to be able to output a DOCX that is protected. For what use, I am not sure :) So, I guess not possible, unless I do a post processing via POI
  8. Is there a setting in the export to DOCX to have the exported document be protected or marked as final. Basically, I need to strip the edit functionality for the exported document. Thanks!
  9. I am using JasperSoft Studio 6.0.3 and I seem to be locked to use 1.7 JRE. I need to use 1.6 instead. Both 1.7 and 1.6 JRE are installed in my machine (different projects needing different JRE's). Please note that my JAVA_HOME and executing java -version from command line shows 1.6 JRE. I am familiar with Eclipse and can't seem to find the Installed JRE's in the Preference (currently, only possible JRE to use is the 1.7 one). [Edit] I am looking for a solution other than manually editing these 3 files: .install.xml, libraryInfos.xml and org.eclipse.jdt.launching.prefs
  10. The links on the right side of my question lead me to the solution. I did not use anymore the xls.break.after.row property. Instead, I used the page break element (as I was doing to PDF output) and set the "net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination" to apply in the actual report template. The setting does not seem to be honored when set programmatically.
  11. I have a report with the following layout: [section 1 - Summary that can span more than 1 A4 size paper on print] [break] [section 2 - Details that can span more than 1 A4 size paper on print] The report can be exported to PDF and Excel. PDF export was a breeze. For Excel export, I utilized ignore pagination, one page per sheet and page break properties. The resulting Excel document had two sheets but the column widths were identical. Ideally, since they are different sheets, I was expecting their column widths to be independent of each other. I tried removing the ignore pagination setting and the resulting Excel document had, as expected, more than two sheets but with different column widths (a surprise!). I would like to know if there is a way to implement to restrict the Excel output to the two sheets/sections as designed but have independent columns widths from each other? Is this a bug in the implementation of the library? Or am I missing some setting here?
  12. Solved this by setting: Stretch relative to Band height instead of Stretch relative to tallest object Float instead of Fix relative to bottom Vertical Alignment to Bottom
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