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  1. Situation:You try to import the exported repository but get java.io.NotSerializableException error. Excerpt of the error: [toc]ERROR HibernateDaoImpl,pool-14-thread-4:114 - ************** HibernateDaoImpl.executeWriteCallback EXCEPTION **********org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateSystemException: could not serialize; nested exception is org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not serialize...Caused by: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not serialize...Caused by: java.io.NotSerializableException: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.common.rd.DateRangeDTO...[/code]Solution:This usually happens when there are saved report options for certain controls that do not exist anymore or don't have that value as an option available. The solution would be to unzip the repository archive, Search for com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.modules.common.rd.DateRangeDTO and find the XML's describing these report option objects. Save the list of these objects. Remove their mentions from .folder.xml files of the folders where these resources are located. Re-zip your archive and try to re-import.
  2. Situation:You have designed a report with a detail band and have added a column footer with totals for the fields in the detail band. You want these totals to be displayed right after the detail band but instead it is displayed at the bottom of the page. Solution:This is the default behavior, the column footer is printed at the bottom of the column and not straight away after detail. You can change this - in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio select the root report object and in the properties of that object check property Float Column Footer.
  3. Requirement:You created a crosstab and want to export it to CSV. The row group is not repeated in every row of CSV and only appears once in the first row. In the html or xlsx versions the field spans all rows for that group. Solution:In your crosstab your subgroups cannot have their own totals so they will need to be removed. To do that select the Row/Column group and set Totals Position -> None. In the Row/Column group there is a property called Merge Header Cells. It is displayed as unchecked but what it really means that it's actually undefined and resorting to default behavior. Default behavior is to actually merge the cells. Check the checkbox and uncheck it. This will explicitly set it to False.
  4. Requirement:Server admin wants to allow users access dashboards without need to login or authorize. For example, using this URL should lead to the dashboard: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/dashboard/viewer.html?decorate=no&j_username=anonymousUser&j_password=#/public/samples/Dashboard/someDashboard Steps:All repository folders to be accessed must have ReadOnly access for the anonymous user role. All items (dashboard/report/data sources) must have ReadOnly / ExecuteOnly access that would be used with the dashboard or other item for anonymous access. In WEB-INF modify the following files: All folders to be accessed must have ReadOnly access for the anonymous user role All items (dashboard/report/data sources) must have ReadOnly access that would be used with the dashboard or other item for anonymous access applicationContext-security-web.xml Add ROLE_ANONYMOUS to the following securityMetadataDAtaSource items /login.html/externallogin.html/logout.html/loginerror.html/error.html/exituser.html/flow.html/reportimage/**/rest_v2/reports/**/rest_v2/resources/**/rest_v2/reportexecutions/**/rest_v2/serverinfo/**/rest_v2/application.wadl/rest_v2/application.wadl/xsd0.xsd/rest_v2/bundles/**/rest_v2/settings/**/404.html/500.html/viewreportcancel.html/viewreportasynccancel.html/viewreportpageupdatecheck.html/bif/*/**/bif/*/**/getreportcomponents.html/getrequirejsconfig.html/runreportaction.html/dashboard/viewer.htmlapplicationContext-security-pro-web.xml - Add ROLE_ANONYMOUS to the following filterInvocationInterceptorPROExtention items /reportexecutioncountmessage.html/rest_v2/reportgenerators/**viewer.htmlapplicationContext-security.xml - Add the below lines to the file before the repoAdminFlow to the following flowVoter items dashboardRuntimeFlow=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_ANONYMOUS viewReportFlow=ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR,ROLE_ANONYMOUSAfter applying the changes, restart the server. Now you should be able to access the dashboards with &j_username=anonymousUser&j_password= authentication.
  5. You can also try using the $P!{} syntax which first evaluates the parameter value and then puts whatever is in the parameter value directly into the SQL text and then executes the resulting SQL. You can read more about $P!{} in the JasperReports Ultimate Guide.
  6. It looks like your JNDI data source is already registered. Have you already insatlled JasperServer to that Wildfly? Could be a left-over from previous configuration/deployment.
  7. This is not available out of the box. As poster above suggested, you can use that code. You'll need to supply it as a scriptlet or an additional JAR to the classpath.
  8. Do you pass the variable back from subreport? Do you have some initial variable value set in the main report? Is subreport executed before the group in encountered in main report?
  9. Is that parameter available as an input control in the report or it's an internal parameter? I would suggest using the net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRange parameter for your parameter. Take a look at chapter 6.3.4 of Jaspersoft Studio Ultimate Guide for more information about DateRange usage.
  10. Make sure you're using actual fonts instead of logical fonts like "Sans Serif" or "Serif". If you're using images or other elements which reference something, make sure these references are also resolvable on your production environment.
  11. What do you mean a calendar? JasperReports is used to generate reports from a template. The data comes from the database or a text file. You can design your report to look like a calendar but there is no calendar component or anything of sort.
  12. I've seen a problem like this before but was able to fix it by re-creating the barcode component. Also using Barbecue instead of Barcode4J worked for me.
  13. This sounds like a feature request. Since audit is part of professional license, I'd suggest opening a case with support and they will submit your case as an enhancement request.
  14. Yes, this problem is usually seen in community version of JasperSoft Studio. If you have an active license, download the professional version and point it to your current active license. It can be either jasperreports.license or jasperserver.license.
  15. Creating copies of the jobs unfortunately is not possible through the scheduler UI. You will need to schedule your own new job. If you're open to customizations then this technically can be achieved using the JRS rest_v2/jobs service.
  16. 502 means Bad Gateway response. Check for jasperserver.log at the time when you get this error to see if there is anything there that indicates a fault on JasperServer side. Right now, it seems either your proxy is configured to drop requests that go beyond 10 minutes or there is a network connectivity problem.
  17. 503 means service unavailable. If the problem is on JasperServer you may want to take a look at the jasperserver.log to see whether something bad has happened there. Might be an out of memory problem.
  18. It could fail finding the subreport JRXML. How is the subreport expression defined? For jasperserver it is usually repo:subreportname.jrxml where subreportname.jrxml is the local resource you've added to the report unit resource.
  19. You can do that but you'll need to register extra fonts with the iText library. iText is used when exporting to PDF and it doesn't pay attention to the fontName unless the font can be found in the font extension. Considering the amount of effort it takes to register a font with iText or to create a font extension, I'd go with a Font Extension since it's much more streamlined. You can do that right in the studio.
  20. Have you enabled the javascript functions in highchart properties? Make sure that Window->Preferences->JasperSoft Studio->Properties com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed is set to true
  21. Is this related to XLS export? Check this article for more information: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/issue-am-pm-mask-when-exporting-ad-hoc-report-xlsxlsx
  22. If your export.zip is large (>2 MB) and you're using Tomcat then it can reject the large POST. You'll need to increase the maxPostSize of the Tomcat HTTP connector. It would also be quite useful to see how exactly you're forming the import request (method, headers, attachments, etc.)
  23. Using the database dump from 6.1 in 6.4 is not an option since databases had changes. You will need to export contents of 6.1 repository using the import/export tool in either buildomatic or manage->server settings->export, install 6.4.2 server using buildomatic so that it creates all the required databases and then import the contents of 6.1 repository using the import/export tool again.
  24. 1. JasperReports server is a platform for report deployment. Creating another client like a studio seems redundant and a lot of work but if you want to do that then commercial license for JasperReports and JasperServer should allow you to do that as it has access to all the features. Any valid JRXML that you've created can be deployed to JasperServer and ran there. If you get the license to JasperReports Pro then you have access to Studio Pro too and it has a web service client that allows you to deploy reports to the server right from the UI. If you have a commercial license for JasperReports but community version of JasperServer then only community features of JasperReports Pro will work on the server. In short, that means no HTML5 charts. 2. JasperReports Server Pro has ad hoc editor for fast report creation from domains, has Dashboard feature which allows you to display multiple reports at once, gives you access to visualize.js library for integration, multiple additional connectors for big data, etc. 3. visualize.js is not a framework for report creation but for displaying reports served by JasperServer in your own application. The use case there is that you create a report in JasperReports Server or Jaspersoft Studio and then deploy it to the server, then your own application uses visualize.js to connect to JasperServer and do report executions, get result from JasperServer and use that result in your application. 4. I'd suggest contacting our sales team 5. You can create reports in community version of studio. You don't need a license to use community version of the studio. But if you want extra features like HTML5 charts then you'll need a license.
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