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Everything posted by Friendly User

  1. Scenario:You want to create a new HTML5 chart or set existing chart to have 3D effect. How to achieve this? There are no options for 3D charts in the TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio, palette. Solution:In Jaspersoft® Studio, you can go to the chart you wish to make 3D, right-click, and go to "Edit chart properties". Go to the "Chart Formatting" tab. At the bottom right, select "Show Advanced Properties". Now under the properties expand "chart" -> "options3d". These are the options to enable and configure a 3D chart. Please note that this *only* works with a pie, column, and bar types. Addtional formatting commands are required to set the axis angle and chart depth such as "alpha" and "depth". Here are two example configurations: A 3d pie chart:chart.options3d.enabled = truechart.options3d.alpha = 45plotOptions.pie.depth = 45[/code]A 3d column chart:chart.options3d.enabled = truechart.options3d.alpha = 20[/code]
  2. For ad hoc, unfortunately, there is no way to create a running total right now. You can create group totals, row totals, column totals or total totals but not running totals. This is something planned to be added in future.
  3. The audit report is only available if your license includes audit module. Do you see Audit or AUD in the list of features if you click on the About JasperReports Server link in the lower left corner of the screen? If yes, you need to enable audit information harvesting: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v71/configuring-auditing-and-monitoring#kanchor195 Then this report will be useable.
  4. If you want to use IN operator without a problem then use $X{IN, column, parameter} operator: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/query/index.html You would need to change the $P{id_list} to java.util.Collection in that case though.
  5. Yeah the font here might be the problem. Make sure you're using an actually available font like DjvuSans or DjvuSerif that has bold and italic versions as well. You currently use SansSerif which is a wildcard font and it's rendering in runtime can be unreliable.
  6. Currently JasperIO and Jaspersoft Studio are using the same license file and they are interchangeable. You can apply your JRIO license file to JSS and you'll unlock the usage of highcharts.
  7. Hello, are you using the same license file in both JRIO and JSS? Are you running the report against the separate instance of JRIO or internal JSS version of JRIO? Are you able to run some random reports outside of JRIO type project? JSS has an internal JRIO module that helps you test the reports that are to be deployed later to JRIO instance. That one should pick up the license from the studio. But if you are deploying a separate instance of JRIO then the license needs to be applied there separately. You say you deployed JRIO on port 8079 but the error is thrown from port 8081 so it seems it's using two different instances.
  8. I have never seen this error before, could you post more exception text? Have you tried to add -Djava.awt.headless=true to your JAVA_OPTS?
  9. You can use Oracle RAC for failover with JasperServer: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v71/working-jdbc-drivers-0
  10. As I mentioned in different post you mdae: It would be nice to know the error. One of the possibilities here is that your SQL query is not passing the validator. Try to turn off the SQL validator. Depending on the server version the property to disable validator can be in different places, for JRS 7.1 the location is: {JRS WAR}/WEB-INF/classes/esapi/security-config.properties Set this to false: security.validation.sql.on=true and then restart the application server. If the report runs afterwards, your query then does not conform to the ValidSQL regex defined in validation.properties file in the same folder: Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|call)\b((?!\binto\b)[^;])*;?\s*$ You may want to modify this regex or keep the SQL validation disabled. Please do not post the same question twice in such a short time span.
  11. It would be nice to know the error. One of the possibilities here is that your SQL query is not passing the validator. Try to turn off the SQL validator. Depending on the server version the property to disable validator can be in different places, for JRS 7.1 the location is: {JRS WAR}/WEB-INF/classes/esapi/security-config.properties Set this to false: security.validation.sql.on=true and then restart the application server. If the report runs afterwards, your query then does not conform to the ValidSQL regex defined in validation.properties file in the same folder: Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|call)\b((?!\binto\b)[^;])*;?\s*$ You may want to modify this regex or keep the SQL validation disabled.
  12. SansSerif is a logical font and will be replaced with some other font that is available to the JVM and is marked as go-to Sans Serif type font. This is a "logical" font. Try using an actual font in your case like Times New Roman or Djvu Sans. You also need to package the font as a font extension (JSS Preferences -> Jaspersoft Studio -> Fonts -> Add font and export it as a JAR) and add it to your classpath. In your font extension you specify the normal, bold, italic and bolditalic variants of the font. Most likely your application does not have any bold fonts and cannot add them to the PDF.
  13. Make sure you're not using "logical fonts" like Serif, SansSerif or Monospace. They are wildcard fonts and are replaced at runtime with something else that is available to JVM. Studio's JVM might interpret the font differently than Java app due to different classpath or different JVM entirely. Make sure you're using the actual font and have that font packaged in a font extension.
  14. Don't download individual jars, download the full distribution and use the jars provided with it: https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/jasperreports https://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperreports/ Is there any reason why you keep downloading the very old versions?
  15. That unfortunately is not possible unless you dynamically build the JRXML itself
  16. The log file might tell more information. Maybe you're bounced off because JRS thinks you're cross-site scripting and the CSRF guard gets into action. Maybe there is something else. The clusterization should not be the case here, you're accessing a single node through localhost.
  17. as previous poster said, your question is confusing because in the title you ask one thing and in the question text itself the opposite. Regardless, you can use both Pattern and Pattern expression for this. For example pattern ¤#### will put the currency symbol in front, ####¤ will put it in the end.
  18. Hello, I'd suggest to send feedback directly to the developers through Help -> Feedback menu or log a bug for this.
  19. The problem can be anything, you need to go to jasperserver deployment and check the log files (default location tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs folder) for exceptions
  20. Sort Field uses default Java comparator to sort the fields. I don't think it's possible to implement a custom comparator for the Sort Field feature. This sounds like an enhancement reuqest territory
  21. This could very well be a bug as well, if you keep experiencing font disappearance after adding it in the fonts section of configuration, then I'd suggest to file a bug report using Help->Send Feedback menu. I've tested this on Studio Professional 7.1.0 and it works fine for me so far.
  22. You shouldn't need to export a font extension JAR and add it to the project. The JAR is required if you want to add the font to some other app classpath. Once you've added the font in Window->Preferences->Jaspersoft Studio->Fonts then it should become available in the font dropdown and you should be able to use the font at any time when developing in studio.
  23. All these $X{} functions are built as SQL functions and require a column, they cannot be used with a constant. The way it works is it will use the constant to search for the column of that name and then determine whether column values match items in the list, it won't recognize the column if you pass the constant. You can make a separate parameter and in it's default value expression determine whether constant is in the list and then with that knowledge modify your query through maybe a $P! syntax.
  24. Hello Arthy, try to set the following properties for your report: net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.cell.border=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.columns=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.rows=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphics=true net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.collapse.row.span=true Additionally you can also give your elements ID tokens and then exclude these elements from certain export formats using this property: net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.key.{suffix} Also make sure you're following the guidelines when designing the XLS oriented reports: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/making-html-xls-or-csv-friendly-reports
  25. Seems that there is no Helvetica font available to your JVM. I would suggest you to package the Courier font into a font extension JAR and add it to the application's classpath. If you don't have Courier font available to JVM then it'll try to use something else to embed into the PDF and that is Helvetica and it can't do it. I would also suggest to not deploy JR Lib of different versions to same tomcat as it might cause weird classloading issues unless you are pretty sure that you can isolate the classloading. I'd suggest to host two tomcats and have one run the JRLib 4 app, the other run JRLib 6 app.
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