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  1. Hi, I am working with this Version: Juno Service Release 2 Build id: 20130225-0426 Is Jasper Studio plugin has IDE version sensitive or any Eclipse version can use Jasper Studio plugin? Thx for your advise.
  2. Hi, Please undertsand me. While my project is in transition still I need work with this iReports. I was tasked update iReport-2.0.4 to iReport-2.0.5, I follow the instruactions but I am having the issue below, please could give a help? Thx
  3. Hi, Could please give a link where I can go over to identify which version of iReport support JasperRunManager class or method? Thanks,
  4. Hi, I would like switch from iReport to JasperSoftStudio, what specifics steps I need to follow? Thx much,
  5. Hi, Please forgive me for the question before. so I am trying to find the jasperreport library that supports JasperRunManager. Thanks for your understanding,
  6. Hi, What version of iReport supports JasperRunManager, I am using Eclipse IDE and java 7 implementations. Your input will highly appreciated. Pilar
  7. Hi, I am using Ant projects, Eclipse IDE and java. What is the best practices to update the jasperreports jars versions? Thanks so much on advance, Pilar
  8. Hi, Guys, Thanks so much for your advises. I am working on a old jars framework, so when I run a report I am recieving "warning messages about deprecated tags I need change to pen tags. How i can modify the jrxml file.
  9. Hi, I need update my jasperreports jars, so I am on jasperreport-2.0.4 jar, so I downloaded jasperreports -3.5.3 jar from 2009, and other jasperreports-5.01 jar, which one is the most appropiate to update? and what others jars I need in conjuction these jars to update. Thanks so much in advance, pilar
  10. Hozawa I apprecaite your answers. On what GUI or IDE the disable Options is found? I am working Eclipse IDE. Pilar
  11. Hi, I know that iReports update the versions by default, so I need set the compatible mode to an older version of JasperReports. Your answer are greatly appreciated, Thanks Pilar
  12. Thanks, for your answer, so could you provide a link for modify the "Warning messages" when run a report. I appreciate your help. Pilar
  13. Hi, I have iReport 2.0.4 version the .jrxml can be modified? Thx, Pilar
  14. What is the latest version on iReports? is iReports still is supported?
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