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Everything posted by nnvc

  1. Hi! I am creating reports with a xml file datasource. But in some cases I have a huge datasource, for example bigger than 5000 records. I want to know if there is a difference in creating a report with xml datasource or csv datasource. If anyone can help me, i would apreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello!! I am create a TimeSerieChart with JFreeChart, and then exporting it in a PDF file. My concern is about the values for the DomainAxis. It´s a DateAxis type. I have a big range os values it can be day, months, or years. As I can´t show all the labels in the chart so used the axis.setTickUnit(). for example: DateAxis axis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(DateTickUnit.MINUTE,30)); If I have the values for one day, it will show me the labels in every 30 minutes. I also set the range : axis.setRange(minDt,maxDt); when the chart is created the domain labels don´t have the values that I added in the creation of the dataset. And also the value of the first date isn´t the one that is in range. Anyone have a clue to solve this. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi!!! I have almost the same error. I am using a XML file as a datasource file, and sometimes the file contains a lot of data. I obtained the next error. org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Java heap space. How to solve this? Any idea? Thank you.
  4. Hi!!! What is this fix "Fixed the font extensions exporter" about? With the ireport3.6.1 I had a problem with fonts, in wich I had to create jar font containning the fonts that I am using in my reports. Thank you very much
  5. Hi Teodor!. I want to know how can I manage multiple - bands with JRDesignGroup. In java how can I do that. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi!! I did manage it, i hope it can help you. I had two reports, one with data(reportA) and another with a chart(reportB), and each one has its own pages. I obtained the jasperPrint of the report A. with the jasper print i already know the number of pages of the reportA. I already know that the reportB has only one Page, so I send a parameterMap.put("totalPage",String.valueOf((jasperPrint.getPages().size()+1))); In the jrxml of the reportB I created a parameter totalPage, and used it to display the pages. I show the pages like 1 / 3 for example, and the text field expression is (($P{totalPage}.length() == 0)?(" " + $V{PAGE_NUMBER}+ " "):(" " +$P{totalPage})+ " ") In my case i use the reportB with other reports also, wich means that if send 0 in totalPage then its also ok. the evaluation time is different, for the 1 is "now", and for the 3 the evaluation time is Report. My reportA is in portrait and the reportB in Landscape and it works fine. I hope it helped you. Post Edited by nnvc at 11/20/2009 11:20
  7. Hi to all!! I have the same problem! I am using JASPER_PRINT_LIST and the page number of the report is not continuous. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Thank you !!!
  8. Hi! I want to know if it´s possible to have one page in portrait and other in landscape orientation Thank you
  9. Hi, I have a chart in the summary band, how can i solve the same problem of page footer? i have tried it with the last page footes, but it didnt work. i hope someone can help me thanks
  10. HI!!! I am doing a line chart, and I have a lot of values, so the legend is being superimposed, i really don´t know how to solve this. I hope someone can help me, thank you
  11. Hi to all!! I want to know how can I open a jrtx file in java. I want to obtain the styles from the template.jrtx. I someone knows anything about this, i would apreciate it. Thank you.
  12. Hi! I have the same problem but with chart. I am creating a dynamic chart with jrDesignChart. When I execute it´s ok i can see the chart, but when i print it, I get a black square. Thanks in advance
  13. HI! I coulda make it, I create a group, and placed there the crosstab, i thought it was not possible. Thanks anyway
  14. Hi! My report has only a crosstab. A crosstab can only be placed in the summary band(correct me if i am wrong). The problem is that i need to show the page footer but i can´t do it. I appreciate if anyone can help me. I dont think that the fake group would help me. Thanks in advance.
  15. Hi!! yes it´s possible to create dynamic jrxml. you can start with: JasperDesign jdes = (JasperDesign)JRXmlLoader.load(reportName); and then you can add, elements on your jasperdesign such as. at the end you have to: JasperPrint jasperPrint = new JasperPrint(); and then export your jasperPrint. I hope it had helped you. JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jdes); ---- compile your jdes jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameterMap, new JRXmlDataSource());
  16. Hi to all!!! I want to know if it is possible to have only columns with color. Thanks in advance. :)
  17. Hi again! I could make it, but the problem is that now only shows the line color, and the values are behind the color!!!!
  18. Hi!! Thank you for the reply. I have created 2 conditional styles, but it does not work. I think i am doing something wrong. the conditional style expression´s are: new java.lang.Boolean($V{genderV}=="F") and new java.lang.Boolean($V{genderV}=="M") genderV is a variable with this expression $F{gender}. All the data comes from a xml Data source like this <Persons> <Person> <name></name> <surname></surname> <gender>F</gender> </Person> <Person> <name></name> <surname></surname> <gender>M</gender> </Person> </Persons> I just want to show the name and the surname, but the line must have the color according to the values of gender.I would appreciate if anyone could help me. Thank you. Post Edited by nnvc at 08/03/2009 12:26
  19. Hi! I have to alternate the row color, but depending on a value. For example if the value is ´A´ it should be red. if the value is 'N' it´s green. Thanks in advance. Natacha.
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