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  1. Did you solve this? I'm trying to figure it out now myself. Thanks
  2. after many years, I'm still trying to figure out how to do this. Has anyone solved this? printWhen (OnLastPage), while in the background. I still don't understand why we could not have a PAGES variable that knows how many pages in the report, or ON_LAST_PAGE or something, all these "solutions" involving stuffing things into the report parameters map are just awkward.
  3. Did you get a reply? I'm looking at the same issue.
  4. No. I'm frustrated with Jasper and the designers of the tools failing to recognize that such an ability could be so necessary. They were worried about how messy their code would get. I've pointed out that every credit card bill or multipage invoice is now not really possible with jasper. Didn't help.
  5. I have a text field that is two lines tall in my detail area, and I need to not have it break at the bottom of the page, leaving one line on one page, the other on the next page. What does "Print in first whole band" do? Does it do what I want? I have the ultimate guide, and Heffelfinger's book, not that either are very good at the details of such things. Is there somethine else that will do what I want? Thanks
  6. what section would you use for totals at the end of the detail area if not summary?
  7. How do I get the lastPage footer to actually be on the last page even if the report has a summary section that consists of nothing but a one line of totals, but that total has the potential to fall onto its own page? It would appear that if the summary is on its own page, then the lastPageFooter is on the second to the last page, and the actual last page, gets no footer. My lastPageFooter has graphic mark used by an automatic folder that stuffs the reports into evelopes. It is very important that the mark be on the actual last page. It would seem to me that lastPageFooter is false advertising.
  8. ok, so we need to print hundreds of invoices. These invoices get feed to a pitney bows folder/evelope stuffer. You print a single line on every page, except the last one so that the folder knows which is the last page. How can I reliably print something on the last page of a jasper report? and if you say, lastPageFooter, I will tell you, "not if the summary falls onto the last page by itself". and if you suggest doing this: <variable name="CURRENT_PAGE" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Page" calculation="Nothing"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$V{PAGE_NUMBER}]]></variableExpression> </variable> <background> <band height="432" isSplitAllowed="true"> <image evaluationTime="Auto" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self"> <reportElement x="564" y="400" width="30" height="15" key="image-7" /> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000" /> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" /> <imageExpression> $V{CURRENT_PAGE}.equals($V{PAGE_NUMBER}) ? <![CDATA["C:\dev\projects\reports\WebContent\WEB-INF\reports\finance\graphics\omr_end.jpg"]]> : <![CDATA["C:\dev\projects\reports\WebContent\WEB-INF\reports\finance\graphics\omr_start.jpg"]]> </imageExpression> </image> </band> </background> I will tell you, that, for whatever reason, nothing prints on the last page. No, really. Nothing. ok, I give up. I'm going to start coding directly in iText or something.
  9. damn damn damn damn on a report where the last page only gets a summary, this trick fails. If I use the lastPageFooter, that fails as well. The lastPageFooter prints on the second to the last page, while the summary prints on the last page. The mark I'm trying to put on the last page is for an automatic folder. The mark MUST be on the last page, and it must be in the same postition on the page as it is everywhere else on the report.
  10. The mere placement of <variable name="CURRENT_PAGE" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Page" calculation="Nothing"> <variableExpression>$V{PAGE_NUMBER}</variableExpression> </variable> in my template causes things in the header, footer, and intro to vanish. I take it out, and the report works again.
  11. I'm creating a report that is effectively an invoice. The larger detail area would be charges, and is likely to span multiple pages. The second detail area is payments, and I had planned on using a subreport, placed near the bottom of the title. The thought was that the payment area would likely expand to no more than about 10 rows, and would push the title area down as needed. Apparently, this is not the case. The title cannot grow in size. What is happening is that when the subreport gets longer, it just prints right over the top of stuff below it. Any idea how I get the effect I need? A short "payments" detail area to happen first, before the main "charges" detail area later... Thanks
  12. If I understand all that, I think I can get my report to work that way. So far, in one report, I have had to do four complex work arounds that I can barely understand using dummy objects, and nested subreports. If a complete collection of first/last header/footer plus a NUMBER_OF_PAGES_IN_REPORT were available in the tool in the first place, my report would have been done the morning I started it, instead of weeks later. Please don't read too much into my frustration. With wonderful open source tools available for much of what I do, I don't get funding to pay for commercial tools, so I'm often times stuck using only open source, and in many cases they are better, and I do so much appreciate your help, but with a few extra features so many things could be so much easier to do with Jasper.
  13. For that matter... What the heck does evaulationTime="Auto" mean? It's not in my book, "Jasper Reports for Java Developers". It seems to be capable of comparing now to then, but how does it know what I intend. It works, that's cool, but such black magic scares me so.
  14. That looks close to what I need, but I failed to explain that I was trying to do this with a line. How do I specify evaluationTime="Auto" on a line? <variable name="CURRENT_PAGE" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Page" calculation="Nothing"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$V{PAGE_NUMBER}]]></variableExpression> </variable> <line direction="TopDown"> <reportElement x="565" y="390" width="29" height="0" key="line-14"> <printWhenExpression> <![CDATA[new Boolean($V{CURRENT_PAGE}.equals($V{PAGE_NUMBER}))]]> </printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch" pen="2Point"/> </line>
  15. There's the trick. There does not seem to be a way to know the current page and the total page count at the same time. There is one variable, PAGE_NUMBER, which is evaluated either at "NOW" or at "REPORT", but you can't know both at the same time.
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