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  1. Hi, Still haven't heard from anyone - help appreciated.
  2. I'm afraid i've come up against a brick wall. I've tried to query a MS SQL2005 with two large tables, from iReports 3.5 on both an XP and Linux machine, and I get the Java Heap Space error. I've used two versions of the SQLJDBC 1.1.1501 and 2.0.1803, and get the same problem. Given that Jasperreports is java based, I'd assume that the developers have some idea?? Code:Query error Message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: SQL problems:The system is out of memory. Use server side cursors for large result sets:Java heap space. Result set size:811,311,558. JVM total memory size:532,742,144.Level: SEVEREStack Trace:SQL problems: The system is out of memory. Use server side cursors for large result sets:Java heap space. Result set size:811,311,558. JVM total memory size:532,742,144. com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.data.fieldsproviders.SQLFieldsProvider.getFields(SQLFieldsProvider.java:360) com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.connection.JDBCConnection.readFields(JDBCConnection.java:479) com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.wizards.ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.validate(ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.java:126) org.openide.WizardDescriptor$6.run(WizardDescriptor.java:1268) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:561) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:986
  3. Hi guys, Any thoughts ?? I'd like to get more out of Jasper as a replacement to the commercial aternatives, but still need some help. Now getting into into linked tables is probably pushing the system, but want to give it a try. From what I've read, it may be something to do with setting a min and max memory number in Java, but the answers were all vague, and required command line actions.
  4. Hello, I'm getting a: Error:Java Heap Space when I try to develop a report in iReport. This seems to happen when I use two or more tables, and join them. I'm connecting MSSQL2005 using the approriate MS SQL JDBC driver. Any thoughts?
  5. I have been having trouble evaluating Jasperserver. I'm trying to run a report for MSSQL2005 on a remote server. Im using the MS sqlijdbc driver in iReports, and the report works OK. When I try to run in Jasperserver, I notice that the resource doesn't connect. Following on from another topic, I've tried the.jar file into the apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/ directory. I've found this works, when I try Jasperserver on XP. The problem is restarting Jasperserver. I run the jasperct.sh from root. Nothing appears to happen. When I log into jasperserver, the screen appears as normal, but there is no tree menu at the side, and the top icon buttons don't work. Maybe MySQL is not running - how do I tell ?
  6. I have found that it is indeed possible to run a report on a linux PC doing a query of SQL2005 residing on a remote windows PC. These are my steps: LINUX Install JasperServer-3.5.0-Linux-Installer.bin Install sqljdbc_1.1.1501.101_enu.tar.gz run iReports from administrator (ie su) Add the jar file (iReports, tools>>options>>classpath) Compose a report the normal way. Note that it is important to run ireport as adminstrator. Hope this helps others
  7. Hello Forum, Is it possible to run a query with iReport on a Linux PC (Ubutu) on a remote MS SQL2005 database.
  8. Hello, Solved Although my user profule is as an administrator, if I run ireport "as an administrator" I no longer get the errors. Must be a permission thing peculiar to Vista.
  9. Thanks for the help, the Tools->Options->Classpath worked for me, also
  10. Hello, I'm attempting to add an MS SQL2005 driver to iReport 3.5. When I click on the "add" button I get a red alert in the lower right hand of ireport. When I click on the red button I get this error description. Basically, I'm unable to do a directory browse for the driver location. Also, the same error occurs if I start ireport, and try and brose to where a report was saved. I'm running version Java 1.6.0_17. A google search indicates this may be an issue with Microsoft Vita, and Java, but that Java 1.6 should have fixed it. I'm running Vista VM Regards.
  11. Hello Forum, I'm having a problem adding a SQL2005 driver to iReports 3.1.3 and 3.5.0. I'm on a Vista platform. When I try to add the SQL2005 driver I get a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException error. Any Ideas. Apart from this error, iReports fires up OK. Thanks.
  12. Hello Forum, I've installed iReport on Vista, and it fires up OK. I've downloaded and installed what I think is the necessary driver for ms SQL - sqljdbc_1.2.2828.100_enu.exe. When I try to add the driver I get an error A java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception has occurred, with a whole lot of other messages (this is the heading). I think I've added the correct Java, but I could be wrong - java_ee_sdk-5_07-windows.exe. Any thoughts
  13. Hi All, I'm finally getting round to customising my first report. The standard "getting started" tutorial worked fine, and I manged to get a report to run - excellent! I'm now trying to filter my report based on the date. I'm using an MS SQL 2005 database with a timestamp field as mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss. I'd like to: 1. create a variable (called Date) to convert the timestamp field to mm/dd/yy 2: create a parameter to filter on the variable, Date I can see how to create the Variable, but don't understand how to write an expression. From the expression builder I selected the field and the getdate operator as follows: $F{tblDelivery_EndTime}.getDate() This doesn't work. Help please for the correct syntax to create a variable
  14. Hi, I read a post where the installed Jasper server installed a copy of iReport, which failed to run due to an error finding JDK5.0. The post said that a script was available to fix this. I am using JasperServer-3.1-windows-installer.exe, which has exactly this problem. The server runs OK, and I can log in, but when I try to run ireport, I get an error "JDK 5.0 or newer cannot be found". Could I be provided with script to fix this problem.
  15. Hi, thanks for the tips. After a reboot, the (now familiar) error logging on to the jasper server admin web page. When I ran the scripts individually, I noticed a whole lot of errors in the Tomcat log, particularly relating to an inability to write to one of its directories (the conf directory) I checked the permissions of the directory, and noted that it was read only. When I deselected read only, and started tomcat again, the tomcat java shell showed a series of starts. I could now log into the admin web page. Thanks for the help
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