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Everything posted by jvway

  1. Well, the errors aren't really groovy, they're more frustrating. Using the Eclipse plugin and I get the following error when previewing a report. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: I see where this error occurred in another thread but it was not answered. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=400&forumid=254&topicid=83725 Any ideas? I am using Eclipse 3.7.1 and the Jaspersoft plugin version 1.0.8 that running the plugin commands gets me. I'm using Fedora 16 and installed Eclipse using the yum group install eclipse command. I have another thread going wondering how you start up the full download so I wonder if this issue happens there. Thanks in advance for any help on this. Jerry.
  2. Hi, So I may have just lost touch with reality I don't know but I can't figure out how to start up the JasperSoft Studio. I clicked the download and install link on the Studio Home page and extracted the file. I've tried most of the likely files in all the Linuxy ways I know to run it. The two questions I have is why isn't this documented anywhere, at least not anywhere that Google can find, and how the heck do you run the thing? This is the full download. I've run eclipse before and I've run the netbeans iReport many times. Something is eluding me here. Thanks for the help Jerry
  3. Hi all, I'm using the latest jasperserver community edition (or whatever it's called) and though I can create datasources and controls in the web interface, I cannot see them there to edit or delete. When I try to access the Data Sources folder in iReport 3.7.6 it errors out telling me essentially that it cannot instantiate this folder. I can access the Controls folder from iReport. Any ideas? It all seems to be functioning correctly and I can select data sources that are created in the web interface when adding a report. I'm guessing there's some kind of corruption in the db but not sure what to look for. Thanks, Jerry
  4. Oh, of course. I wasn't thinking that the integer value had to do with the number of the day in the week. so 5 - Saturday... My thought patterns lately lean so much to the PHP/MySQL world. Excellent. Thanks
  5. Hi all, So I've got a crosstab working that has the days of the week in the header rows. Ideally I'd like to shade the columns when the header is a weekend day. Not sure how to affect other cells with a conditional in one cell so that's a question. But also what's the Groovy expression to determine the day of the week? I've tried a number of ways to formulate the expression but none have worked. I get very obtuse errors that I can post but if anyone's got some direction on this I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Jerry
  6. Not sure completely in this circumstance but what I found worked was putting the fields in a frame and coloring the frame. I think that when there was no data it didn't print the frame either. But this made the coloring work in html views also.
  7. Also, if it's a new computer it might be 64-bit and the error is just misleading.
  8. The quick answer given your vague question is to untar the file you downloaded and run the ireport file in your /bin directory. I use iReport pro and that file resides in /iReport-Professional-3.7.0/bin/ireportpro. For ce version leave out the Professional references. I'd suggest running the file from the command line first to see if you have any errors about java or something. But really more information would help resolve the problem.
  9. Hi all, Before I try this I wanted to see if anyone has advice. I have iReport 3.7.0. Given some of the improvements in 3.7.4 I would like to update my install. I wanted to know if anyone has thoughts on going about this. I had to get a download key from support to get from 3.6 to 3.7. I asked about this issue of going up to 3.7.4 and was told I would need to purchase support or ask in the forum. Supposedly they passed this on to sales but I've not heard. Anyway, if anyone's done this and can just tell me whether to download what's on JasperForge and upgrade and all will be fine, or if there's something else I need to do. Thanks, Jerry Way
  10. Yeah, looks like you're in the Wizard rather than choosing a template. Try File ... Open again and you should get a screen with a bunch of templates (They may take a moment to populate) Then you can choose from them. Believe me this kicks Access butt.
  11. Hi all, I’m trying to implement a Radio button selection between two lists using iReport Pro 3.7.0 and JasperServer CE (Not really sure which version. In the 3’s, how do you tell?) So, I’ve created the query below (In code windows). It works if I run in from MySQL QueryEditor with literals. It also works with the date parameters in JasperServer and iReport without the $X function. What I’ve done is create the parameter in iReport and tried it in multiple combinations but the documentation and forum posts focus on what I’ve done below. I created the control in JasperServer as a Single-select List of Values (Radio). Then I entered the two lists in the interface. When run from JasperServer I get the errors below. Question is am I using an improper control in JasperServer? It’s the one I want as there are only two choices at this point. Is there something wrong with the way I’m creating the function? I can run the In statement if it’s literal like: `opportunities`.`sales_stage` IN('Prospecting','M.A.N.','Proposal/Price Quote','Negotiation/Review','Solution ID/Won','Closed/Won') Instance One: iReport parameter = java.util.List Jasper Server control = Type – Single-select List of Values (Radio) List of values locally defined as a Label/Value pair in JasperServer. Label Value Not Closed Lost 'Prospecting','M.A.N.','Proposal/Price Quote','Negotiation/Review','Solution ID/Won','Closed/Won' Closed Lost 'Closed Lost' net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Invalid type + java.lang.String for parameter SelectType used in an IN clause; the value must be an array or a collection. Instance Two: iReport parameter = java.util.Collection (Should this list be formatted differently for a java collection?) com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Incompatible java.lang.String value assigned to parameter SelectType in the Client Revenue dataset.Thanks for any help Jerry Code:<![CDATA[sELECT `accounts`.`name` AS `Account Name`, `opportunities`.`name` AS `Last Oppt Name`, CONCAT( '$', FORMAT( SUM( `amount_usdollar` ), 2 ) ) AS `Total Revenue`, date_format( `date_closed`, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS `Date Closed last Oppt`, COUNT( `opportunities`.`name` ) AS `Number of Oppts`, concat_ws( ' ', `contacts`.`first_name`, `contacts`.`last_name` ) AS `Contact Name` FROM `accounts_opportunities` AS `accounts_opportunities`, `accounts` AS `accounts`,`opportunities_contacts` AS `opportunities_contacts`, `opportunities` AS `opportunities`, `contacts` AS `contacts`WHERE `accounts_opportunities`.`account_id` = `accounts`.`id` AND `opportunities`.`id` = `accounts_opportunities`.`opportunity_id`AND `opportunities_contacts`.`opportunity_id` = `opportunities`.`id` AND `contacts`.`id` = `opportunities_contacts`.`contact_id`AND opportunities.`date_closed` >= date_format($P{StartDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND opportunities.`date_closed` <= date_format($P{EndDate}, '%Y-%m-%d')AND opportunities.deleted = 0 AND accounts_opportunities.`deleted` = 0 AND $X{IN, `opportunities`.`sales_stage`, SelectType} GROUP BY `accounts`.`name`ORDER BY SUM( `amount_usdollar` ) DESC]]>
  12. Set the position property for the items below the top one to floating. Then they will move as the others expand.
  13. I'm doing something like this using mysql 5.0. I do it using subqueries where the result is set to _<temp_tablename>. Then I can reference any of the fields in the temp table as well. This has been useful creating complex queries from multiple join tables. Don't know about Postgres but it is possible in iReport to use temp tables. Code:select distinct date_format(l.date_entered, '%Y-%m-%d') AS "Date Entered", DATE_FORMAT(l.date_entered, '%y/%m') as OrderByMonth, l.id AS LeadID,concat(l.first_name, ' ', ifnull(l.last_name, '')) AS Name, l.Title, l.Department, if(l.Converted = 0,"No", "Yes") AS Converted, l.lead_source AS "Lead Source", l.Status, _sysusers.user_name AS "Assigned User", l.contact_id AS ContactID, l.account_name AS Account, date_format($P{AfterDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') as ActDateFROM leads l, (select la.parent_id, la.after_value_string, la.date_created from leads_audit la where la.field_name = 'status') as _ldaud, (select u.user_name, u.id from users u where u.status = 'Active') as _sysusers,(select lead_id, date_modified from calls_leads where date_modified >= date_format($P{AfterDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND deleted = 0) as _calldates, (select lead_id, date_modified from meetings_leads where date_modified >= date_format($P{AfterDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND deleted = 0) as _meetdates, (select bean_id, date_modified from emails_beans where date_modified >= date_format($P{AfterDate}, '%Y-%m-%d') AND bean_module = 'Leads' AND deleted = 0) AS _emaildates WHERE (l.id = _meetdates.lead_id OR l.id = _calldates.lead_id OR l.id = _emaildates.bean_id) AND l.deleted = 0 AND _ldaud.parent_id = l.id AND _sysusers.id = l.assigned_user_id AND Not IsNull(l.account_name) Order By Name
  14. Bump - Ideas on this? I see this all over the place but can't figure how to start. Thanks, JW
  15. Hi all, I'm a bit stumped here. I need to achieve a horizontal bar chart the has a set of three bars per grouping. So it looks something like below. I've got a query (shown below) that creates the counts but I now want to separate by months for the quarter. Are these separate data set items or somehow done in the category or value segments. Thanks for whatever help. _________________ Oct ___________________ ________________ _____________ Nov ___________________ ________________ Code:SELECT X.TradeShow_Converted, X.TradeShow_New, X.Campaign_Converted, X.Campaign_New, X.ColdCall_Converted, X.ColdCall_New, X.Seminar_Converted, X.Seminar_NewFROM ( SELECT (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Trade Show' AND status = 'Converted' Group by month(DATE_FORMAT(leads.`date_modified`,"%Y-%m-%d")) as TradeShow_Converted, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Trade Show' AND status = 'New') as TradeShow_New, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Campaign' AND status = 'Converted') as Campaign_Converted, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Campaign' AND status = 'New') as Campaign_New, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Cold Call' AND status = 'Converted') as ColdCall_Converted, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Cold Call' AND status = 'New') as ColdCall_New, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Seminar' AND status = 'Converted') as Seminar_Converted, (select count(*) from leads where lead_source = 'Seminar' AND status = 'New') as Seminar_New) AS X
  16. Look in the subreport example from jasper reports download. In the .java file you'll see an entry like this: JasperReport subreport = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObjectFromLocation("ProductReport.jasper"); //Preparing parameters Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("ProductsSubreport", subreport); Then in you .jrxml file there will be a section like this. iReport will create this. In iReport the parameter class is net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport. The subReportParameter Name is the parameter where the data link is passed. This part is from my report since it include the parameter name for the data link between the two. (that and I happened to have it opened :). <band height="27"> <subreport> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="572" height="25"/> <subreportParameter name="OPPTSOL_LINK"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{oppt_id}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["SolutionOverview_Solution1.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport> </band> Post Edited by jvway at 11/02/2009 23:32
  17. Thanks, Giulio I tried doing that. As far as I could tell I need to put that in the SUBREPORT_DIR parameter in its Default Value Expression field. Is this correct? I did this but it still was looking at my local drive. Another problem I encountered is the on my main report I have two subreports. Since it is not valid to have two SUBREPORT_DIR parameters pointing at different files what is the option? Is there maybe something I need to configure on the JasperServer side. We recently upgraded from 3.1 to the latest. I'm using iReport 3.6 and have matched the library files on the JasperServer. My sysadmin pointed out to me this morning that we had an issue when upgrading. He had initially just expanded the .war file into his virtual host called jasper.domain.com. When upgrading he had to run the buildomatic stuff and ended up with jasper.domain.com/jasperserver. I have since redone my repository connection with iReport. I've also tried all of this by importing from Jasperserver itself. Thanks, Jerry Post Edited by jvway at 10/30/2009 17:11
  18. mdahlman Wrote: Jerry, Can you clarify these two pieces: "it is looking at my local drive for them" and "If I look at their properties their paths show the JasperServer path."? If your report definition includes the JasperServer "repo:" notation, then it ought to work well. The ability for the plug-in to recursively parse reports and find sub-sub-reports is a reasonable enhancement. But your solution of manually uploading the subreports ought to work well. If JasperServer is looking at your local hard drive, it implies that your reports in fact include these paths. No? Regards, Matt I changed my subreport parameter default to "repo:" then redeployed to jasperserver. I get this error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Error loading object from URL : repo:SolutionOverview_ProposalMaster1.jasperEven if this worked does this mean that whenever I want to edit this report in iReport I will have to change it back to my file path? Or is there some way to utilize both. Thanks, Jerry
  19. Matt, Thanks for the reply. I'm not familiar with where the JasperServer repo: notation would go. I see that it's a proposed expression when I go to upload the report through ireport but I don't see where I'm to add the notation later as seems to be suggested. This has all worked seamlessly before so I don't know if I'm missong something. And right now my computer is messing up so if you can give me an idea what I can check I'm shutting down for the night :)
  20. Hi all, I've got a report that has subreports that each have subreports. So, on the main, I have fields and two subreports call them ProposalMaster and Project. ProposalMaster also has a subreport in it called Proposal (Proposal items in it). Project is a sub report that has a subreport called InvoiceMaster, InvoiceMaster has a subreport called Invoice (Invoice items in it). When I go to publish this main report in JasperServer it only offers to add the two top level subreports and leaves out the others. I add them manually but still get the error that JasperServer can't find these reports and it is looking at my local drive for them. How do I tell the reports to look for these sub subreports on the jasper server? If I look at their properties their paths show the JasperServer path. Thanks, Jerry
  21. Thanks Matt, Finally got the chance to do this with the iReport files up to JasperServer. This fixed some of my issues with compatibility but I still have this DIME issue of file size. I was able to pull the report into JasperServer from the web interface but I cannot push it from iReport. So, I would deduce that it is an iReport problem. I wiped my configuration files and restarted iReport and had the same result. I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and Sun Java 6 if that make a difference. Any other ideas on what I can try? Thanks, Jerry
  22. Don't have time for all the steps but look into 'datasets'. In the report inspector right click on the report name and choose Add Dataset. Then you'll use that dataset as your datasource. (Actually, I don't think this is necessary with a subreport but since is useful for things like crosstabs and charts.) For a subreport just choose another datasource and as long as there are matching fields in the other database to use to pass the parameter you should be OK.
  23. Matt, After finding another thread about this problem and rereading the message you left me I see where I was needing to replace the .jar files on jasperserver 3.5 with what comes with iReport 3.6. If this is true can you please let me know more specifically which files I need from iReport? Thanks, Jerry
  24. Matt, Thanks for the reply, I hadn't thought of that. When I try it though I get the following errors. First is that splitType is not allowed. You had told me to replace a library to get this to work with iReport 3.6 http://jasperforge.com/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=64649 We upgraded to the 3.5 jasperserver and I still get the error so I don't know what's up with that. But I did a search and replace to get rid of the splitType entries. Then I tried to upload from the jasperserver again and I got this error where it references the itemLabel. I'm going to upload the jrxml.: 19:15:04,658 ERROR Digester,ajp-8009-4:1538 - Parse Error at line 337 column 59: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'itemLabel'. One of '{"http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":categoryAxisLabelExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":categoryAxisFormat, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":valueAxisLabelExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":valueAxisFormat, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":domainAxisMinValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":domainAxisMaxValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":rangeAxisMinValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":rangeAxisMaxValueExpression}' is expected. org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'itemLabel'. One of '{"http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":categoryAxisLabelExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":categoryAxisFormat, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":valueAxisLabelExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":valueAxisFormat, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":domainAxisMinValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":domainAxisMaxValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":rangeAxisMinValueExpression, "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports":rangeAxisMaxValueExpression}' is expected. Thanks for your help. Jerry
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