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  1. More of an example is I am trying to group and total on days found in my report. For example if I select data from 10/1/2013 - 10/5/2013 I need to get 5 groups - one for each day the report encounters.
  2. Hi, I am hoping someone can help with this Group Expression. Essentiall I need to group on: $F{DATE1}.after $P{Start Date} || $F{DATE1} ISNULL Can anyone please throw me a clue? Thanks!
  3. Greetings! I previewed a report and saved the occurance with the default .jrprint extension. How can I open/view this occurance of the report? I'm sure it's something ridiculously simple but I'm not having any luck today.
  4. Thank you so much for your reply! I just got the following to work as the Print When expression: $F{fieldname} == "value1" || $F{fielname} == "value2" || $F{fielname} == "value3" Just posting this here in case someone else might find this of value.
  5. Greetings! I want to supress the detail band when a character field in the band contains any of 6 or so possible entries. I have been unnsuccessful in doing this, can someone please give me an example? Thank you!
  6. Thank you, at least now I can stop trying.
  7. Greetings! In my search to print text fields in RTF Markup I find the only way to get all the data returned is to enclose the data in "double quotes". I am hoping that someone knows how to pad the data this way in ireport to return the data this way? Like: $F" + fieldname + "
  8. The only way I've found to work around this is to enclose the data I am printing in "double quotes". I think this may lead to the start of another topic because I'm having no luck doing that.
  9. Regarding the PDF view, click on the element in your report, display it's properties, and check the "PDF Font Name". Perhaps it is set to something screwy. Regarding the second part of your question, the only way I have been able to do that is to use seperate elements in the report, but I'm kinda a newbie too. Good luck!
  10. Doh! Never mind, found it. Used $X{IN, table.column, parameter} and parameter class java.util.list.
  11. I need to supply multiple "in the list" parameters at runtime for a report so my where statement is: Where columnname in ($P!{parameter}) The parameter class is java.lang.String. Is there a way I can set the Default Value Expression, Property, or anything else so the user does not have to remember to enter each value in 'quotes'? Currently the user has to supply something like 'A01','B99','XYZ' when responding to the parameter. They always remember the commas but they have trouble with the quotes (leave them out, use a double and a single, etc.) and then the report produces an error. Is there someway to automatically supply them or make them unnecessary? Thanks!
  12. I have some notes that I need to print using rtf as the Markup type. When iReport encounters records in these fields that begin with a date (01/10/2011, 01/, or 1/) it does not print the entry in the field. I have to assume it's being seen as somekind of RTF code and choking on it. Anyone have any ideas for a work around on this?
  13. Greetings! Due to a comedy/tragedy of errors I got a new computer and need to reinstall iReport Professional 3.7. I saved the installation file, iReport-Professional-3.7.0-windows-installer.exe, but when running it get a message " not a valid win32 application". I cannot download the original from the purchase again, it was only good for a few days and that was several months ago. Anybody throw me a clue?
  14. Using iReport Professional I made a Dashboard which outputs to Flash. I want it to update every n minutes. I cannot figure out where that happens. Any help? Thanks!
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