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  1. Thanks Jerry. Yes, I was in the wizard. I thought that was the simplest way to get a report without analyzing the input data that much. I guess I'll have to read up on the templates to see which one is more appropriate for each case. Apparently there is no shortcut for RTFM ;)
  2. I've been testing iReport-3.7.3 since last week. While searching for help on the 'net, I noticed some options in my Windows installation are missing, compared to the examples online. One of the main issues is in the Report Wizard, missing the "Layout" step. Following the instructions in http://www.packtpub.com/article/graphical-report-design-with-ireport-part1 I realized I could NOT arbitrarily choose a 'tabular' or 'columnar' report. /uploads/projects/ireport/jasperscreen.jpg I really want to stop using access, but so far it seems to be the simplest program to provide an ad-hoc, pretty looking, database dump. Help! Diego Post Edited by diegom at 06/08/2010 17:03
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