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Everything posted by svenn

  1. I'm on 1.3.1 so I don't know if this exist in your version. Under the group properties you can play around with Start on a New Page Min height to Start New Page
  2. The Hyperlink Referance Expression is a string. To pass a parameter you simple build the string. "http://localhost:8080/reportMgmt?repid=1?param1=" + $P{myParameterValue}
  3. 1. In the Chart Properties tick off "Show Labels". 2. I don’t think that you can modify this property. It would be great if they added this functionality. Their implementation is a subset of the charts package. You might be able to implement the full package to get this. 3. I would do it in your SQL. If the SQL drives other processes in your report you could put the Chart in a subreport and run it off of a separate SQL. 4. Create 12 dummy buckets in your SQL. One for each month. Default them to zero. Then populate them with your data. The syntax would depend on your data base.
  4. Do you have a copy of "The JasperReports Ultimate Guide"? The iReport guide is good for someone new to the tool. Once you've gotten your feet wet I find the guide is a better reference tool. Post edited by: svenn, at: 2007/05/30 16:01
  5. You could do this in your SQL. Create 12 buckets then place your data in the appropriate bucket. the syntax would depend on what data base you are using.
  6. No because I use the document structure view to edit items when I run into this issue. To bring up the document structure do the following in iReport. View -> Docking Panes -> Document Structure You can then click on any item in the view and bring up its properties panel.
  7. I've been using iReports/Jasper Reports for over a year. It has a learning curve like any software development tool. Once you get to know it I think it's great. Beside if you're using the Open Source version what's to complain about. The software cost the price of the manual if you decide to buy it. Go and look at the cost of any professional reporting package. Note that iReport is a tool for developers with programming experience. It's not an end user development tool. If you’re looking for that your better off with a professional reporting package.
  8. I would use groups and subreports. Creating more then one group will open up slots for your subreports. Using separate subreports will allow you to create a subreport for each query. Sometimes when in this situation the query in my Main report will be what I call a driver query. It will contain only a few key elements. I will then use it to drive the rest of my report.
  9. Is the error "Cannot cast from boolean to boolean" or is it "Cannot cast from boolean to Boolean" I'm thinking that your logic is generating a boolean when you want it to be generating a Boolean. If so try incasing your expression with new Boolean( <your expression> ) Post edited by: svenn, at: 2007/05/25 15:48
  10. Create a main report with a subreport. The main report uses one data source and the sub report uses the other data source.
  11. I've run into the same problem. Create a new group section and put one of your subs in the new group headers.
  12. iReport is the report designer, Jasper Reports is the reporting engine. You can create Jasper Reports by manually creating the jrxml file and compiling it. iReport gives you a more user friendly environment to develop reports in.
  13. Look up Unicode. Use the Unicode value for < and >.
  14. iReport is a visual report builder/designer. Jasper Reports is the reporting engine. Why are you compiling the report before you run them? Why not run the jasper complied files?
  15. You could create a Java class to pars the information and place it in a Java object. You could then pass this object to a subreport. The subreport would the iterate through the objects data. This approach would require a far bit of coding. I cannot think of an easier way to do this.
  16. If I understand you correctly you have a data source that is spitting out each element horizontally instead of vertically. If this is the case do the following In the tool go to Edit -> Report Properties -> More tab Make sure that the property "Print Order" is set to "Vertical".
  17. If your data base is Oracle you could write your query like this (select content from c where id = 'first_name') as contenta, (select content from c where id = 'surname') as contenta ..... from dual I expect that other databases would allow you to do something similar. Then you could have a field with all your information in it "I talked to " + contenta + " " + contentb + " on the phone.".... Post edited by: svenn, at: 2007/05/15 15:50
  18. You would have to create an additional file. You could either 1. Create a class using the Scriptlet Editer 2. Create your own class by extending JRDefaultScriptlet 3. Create your own class
  19. It was being caused by a few fields that were set to "Stretch when overflow". Turning it off got rid of the gap.
  20. I had to do something like that. I created a Java class to store the information and retrieved it when I needed it.
  21. edwin this is the post for the space remover. I implemented the logic as I understand it but I cannot get it to work. http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=&func=view&catid=8&id=4454#4454 The problem is happening for the page header and the group header.
  22. I'm using rectangles to create boxes around my data. When I look at my design there are no space between the header and the detail line. When I run the report I end up with a gap between the header and the first detail record. Several of the text fields in the header are set to "Stretch when overflow". I did see one post about putting a "space remover" but I could not get it to work. Is there any way to get rid of the gap and what is causing it? size=300]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/gap.jpg
  23. Please post your code. Don't post the whole jrxml file, just post the text that you have in the variable expession.
  24. walmillard "When the file name changes with each version "? I don't understand. Can you elaborate?
  25. I still think that tomatoes should be vegtables and not fruits.;)
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