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  1. I had similiar problems: 1. My dbSource mapping was not in my applicationContext.xml file so I had to combine them. 2. Sometimes I was receiving classNotFoundError even though iReport classpath was configured so I had to copy the appropriate jar files into /iReports*/lib folder. GoodLuck.
  2. Hello All, Just wanted to post my experiences with subreport return values since I see so many posts. What I usually do is create the subreport and make sure the output is correct and anything that I do not want show in the report I just set the band or field's Print When Expression to Boolean.FALSE so I can always go back and verify output without having to create everything over. Also, many times I do not want anything of the subreport to show so I just set the subreport height to 1 and stick it at the top of a group. Groupings are important. Let's say the subreport is in the header of group A. Then I find the subreport return values can be used in any sub-group (i.e. group B's) or within the footer the subreport is in (i.e. group A's footer). Scenario subreport: variable name = "temp" calculation type = "sum" Scenario main report: Group A contains subreport variable name = "temp" (name them the same) calculation type = "System" (only one worked) Reset Type = "Group" Reset Group= = "Group A" Text Field (Eval. Time) = "Now" (left defaulted) Scenario main report subreport return values: Subreport Variable = "temp" (manually typed) Local Destination Variable = "temp" Calculation Type = "Nothing" **If subreport is not located in a group then set Reset Type = "Report" (i.e. when subreport located in header). The subreport's variable (variable name = "temp") can be set in any way (i.e. calculation type, reset type, or variable expression). Create a variable in the main report (variable name = "temp") with calculation type = "System" and set Reset Group to grouping where subreport is located. Create subreport return values and type in the subreport variable name that needs to be returned (i.e. name = "temp") and then set the destination to the variable just created (i.e. name = "temp"). To use the subreport return value in another variable's Variable Expression (i.e. calculating a subreport return value with a field). I set the new variable's calculation type = "Nothing", Reset Type = "None" and left the field's evaluation time = "Now". Then I find the new variable can be used in any sub-group (i.e. group B's) or within the footer the subreport is in (i.e. group A's footer). Hope this works for you. And please add any comments. Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/08/15 21:29
  3. I needed to copy tomahawk**.jar file to ireport/lib directory.
  4. Hello: I am trying to create a bar chart (x=month, y=$)that spans one year (Jan.-Dec.). But if the only dates in my table are Jan.-Mar. then the report only shows those month. If the only date in my table is Jan. then the chart only shows one huge bar. Is there a way to show show all 12 months but without bars? One person suggested creating a table with all the months and do a left join. Is there a way to use subdatasets? Any suggesstions are greatly appreciated. fw.
  5. Hello All: I created a chart that spans one year of a department's income per month.. so the x-axis is 1/01, 2/01... 12/01 and y-axis are the amounts. But if the report is run on a department who only has an income on 2/01 then one huge bar appears that spans the length of the chart. Is there a way to force the chart to show the entire 12 months so the bars/headings on the chart are all aligned and the same size? Can I call an outside method, create variables, and/or parameters? Any assistance is greatly appreciated! fw
  6. Sorry I shouldnt of replied in the first place. I had a problem similar to this before and I applied it to your situation with no luck. I keep coming across evaluation timing issues and you might be having the same problem.
  7. I think I unclear on what you are asking. If you are printing the position numbers smaller than the highest position number: that means you want to print everything except for the highest position number? And you want to do all of this in the sub-report (calculation and print when expression)?
  8. I had the same problem and I posted a question with no reply. So eventually I just had to expand the chart.
  9. The file you need is the oracle jar file i.e. "ojdbc14.jar". The classpath can be set under settings->classpath inside of iReports.
  10. I guess the feature is not available yet. Below is the response from JasperSoft: Currently Ad Hoc editor supports JDBC and JNDI data sources, and the Spring Loaded Hibernate Connection will be available in v.2.0 due in June '07.
  11. Okay I removed that error by setting classpath under settings. But now I am receiving an error: Invocation of init failed; nested exception NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/myfaces/custom/fileupload/uploadedfile. Any help is appreciated, fred. Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:34
  12. hello: can someone help me configure my iReports with Spring? I goto Connections/Datasource and try creating Spring loaded Hibernate Connection. I set Spring Configuration to C:Documents and Settings...WebRootWEB-INFapplicationContext.xml and Session Factory Bean ID to sessionFactory. I am getting a fileNotFoundException. Thanks, fred. Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:35
  13. Hello: I am new to JasperServer. Can someone tell me how to setup Ad Hoc reports to use hibernate? I created a report with a SQL query (select * from org_organization) which is working but I cannot create a report with an Hibernate query (from organization) along with the fields defined in my hibernate file. Thanks for any help, fred. Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/27 12:20
  14. I know this might sounds like a bad question but why not put the arrow in the subreport?
  15. I figured it out... the field's evaluation time needs to be set to "Report". Other settings that must be noted is setting the variable's Calculation Type to "First" and reset type = "None". Post edited by: fwhorton, at: 2007/03/22 20:33
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