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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. hi svenn, thank you very much for your reply. with regards to #3, I should have mentioned that months are sorted when printed in the report (i.e. I have a group months in report detail and they are printed fine: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May). But when the chart is printed, it's scambled :( wrt #4, I am using a Custom JRDatasource and my back-end is not SQL. thanks again!
  2. Here's a chart in my report: size=399]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/chart.jpg Several questions: How can I put actual value on top of each bar? How can I define scaling? i.e. I want to use by 50,000 insted of 100,000. How can I sort the months? Further more, how can I put months of whole year? Thank you very much! Trying my luck, a repost of my query: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=25328&catid=9
  3. Kabayan, I'm using JFreeChart (I think it's iReport's default). Any advise on how to achieve my requirements?
  4. double post... Post edited by: pinoytechie, at: 2007/05/21 03:37
  5. try: (new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy")).format(new Date($P{x}))
  6. Here's a chart in my report: size=399]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/chart.jpg Several questions: How can I put actual value on top of each bar? How can I define scaling? i.e. I want to use by 50,000 insted of 100,000. How can I sort the months? Further more, how can I put months of whole year? Thank you very much! Post edited by: pinoytechie, at: 2007/05/16 09:10 Post edited by: pinoytechie, at: 2007/05/16 09:12
  7. I downloaded version 1.3.3, and started using it. But I had to go back to 1.3.1 (I didn't use 1.3.2) because, the "Automatically Retrieve Fields" in Report Query window cannot be turned OFF. I am using a custom JRDataSourceProvider and this could delete all manually configured fields.
  8. I'm developing a custom JRDataSourceProvider for Lotus Domino. I have also a custom JRDataSource object for use with Lotus Domino. This custom JRDataSource exposes a member called getProvider(), this is to get the provider which is being created by iReport, since there is no parameter/variable in iReport to get a custom provider. The provider also exposes a Domino Session object for use in the creation of new custom JRDataSource to be used in subreport, i.e. in the Data Source Expression of subreport, I could specify: myPackage.createCustJRDSource(((myPackage.customJRDSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).getProvider().getDominoSession(), "MyNotesView"); I have to use only one Domino Session for this implementation, otherwise other Domino objects will not be synchronized. This is what Domino documentation emphasized. This works like a charm. The problem is when one or more sort fields are specified in the report, the REPORT_DATA_SOURCE parameter becomes JRSortableDataSource, which throws ClassCastException when I try to run the report. That is because, the subreport expression casts it to customJRDSource, to invoke the getProvider() member. How would I workaround this problem? It's going to be a real pain if I will implement the my own sorting :( Thank you very very much. Post edited by: pinoytechie, at: 2007/05/10 20:23
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