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Everything posted by svenn

  1. Does your sub report have any parameters? Are you passing the parameters from the main report?
  2. One of the properties on a text field is "Blank when null". If you check it off your field will be blank and not contain "null". It might be a better option than replacement logic. If you're set on a dash you could use a conditional expression in the field. ( <condition> ? exp1 : exp2 ) ($F{yourValue} != null ? $F{yourValue}, "-")
  3. You could also create a RTF version of the report. It would look like the HTML/PDF version and be somewhat editable.
  4. What is your Subreport Expression Class? Did you try D:/reptproducts.jasper in you Subreport expression?
  5. svenn


    Of course it can. The reporting engine for iReport is Jasper Reports. Jasper Reports - Reporting engine iReports - Development tool for creating Jasper Reports which uses the Jasper Reporting engine.
  6. Yes it's supported but why would you not want use the latest version? The open source version require you to provide some information to download the software but does not require an activation code. I don't know about the supported version. You have to have Java installed and a pdf reader if you plan to generate pdf versions of the reports on your desktop.
  7. I cannot understand the explanation of your problem. Could you post an image to show what's happening?
  8. I would love to know who this Byapti dude is. If you do a search on the forum all they seem to post is a link to that article. As you have noticed it usually does not provide any information related to the actual question. I use the customizer class but we place the class file in our Tomcat install and not in a separate JAR.
  9. akhanh, In your Master Report what values do you have for "Subreport Expression Class" and "Subreport Expression"?
  10. Do a search on the forums using "band" and "color". You'll find several different ways to do it.
  11. Why do you want to display strings instead of numbers? In the end are they not going to be the same value just a different format?
  12. You could create a seporate subreport that runs your query and calculates the total for your group. You could then place the subreport before the details in your group. I have not found a way to evaluate a total of any sort before the details are created in the same report.
  13. Based on the limit information in your post I would say yes you could use Jasper to generate all of that. So items to consider 1. Is the plan text static or from a data source? 2. Is the table information from a data source? 3. If both are from data sources will you require different queries to get the data?
  14. Probaly because $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} is also not correct I assume the directory that your report is in is called FullMVCMagnusMVCMagnus(Academics)BuildwebReportsMarketing So $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} should be D:/FullMVCMagnusMVCMagnus(Academics)buildwebReportsMarketing
  15. Like most things you get what you pay for :). JasperReports is a great tool but it does have a big learning curve. Especially if you do a far bit of data processing in the report or use data sources other than SQL. The JasperReport Guild is a big help. The iReport Guide not so much, at least the last one I bought was not that great. Maybe they have improved it. It helps if you've have some exposure to Java programming. I read the forums pretty much every day but I am selective about the questions that I answer. This is due to 1. Some questions get asked over and over. If the poster spent some time with the search function they would find the answer to their query. 2. Some questions do not have an answer. My String values being converted to numbers in Excel would be a good example of this. 3. Some people want you to write their report. To that I say drop me a line, my rates are pretty reasonable. ;)
  16. Pass the date as a String and convert it in your SQL using to_date.
  17. Grouping allows you to reset the page number back to 1 when you start a new group. You could try placing your subreport within a group section and use this property to get the page number to reset.
  18. I think the problem is with the path to your subreport. The value that your report is picking up is D:FullMVCMagnusMVCMagnus(Academics)buildwebReportsMarketingStudentDropoutSubReport.jasper Either your missing the / in the path or they are somehow getting removed.
  19. You can try this but I don't think it will work and no there is no way to set the bounds on your graph.
  20. Jasper Reports uses a subset of the JFreeCharts package. Their implementation of bar charts does not support this. However what you can do is create your own class that implements JRChartCustomizer or extends JRAbstractChartCustomizer. This will give you access to additional items in the JFreeCharts API. You'll need to check the JFreeCharts API to see if it supports what you want to do.
  21. You could create mutiple Subdatasets. This would allow you to split up your data. You could then create more then on chart object in your summary section and attach your different Subdatasets to each of them.
  22. How are you referencing your subreport in the subreport component of your main report?
  23. You say that you are passing the complete path in $P{subReport_path}. In that case the Subreport Expession Class should be "java.lang.String" not "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport". Your subreport is blank because the main report can not find it.
  24. You say that you cannot get any data from your subreports. Have you set the connection expression in your main report so that your connection will be passed to your subreport? I not sure what you're trying to do. Maybe you could post a mockup.
  25. The only way to do this would be to create a report with four sub reports. Each sub report would execute a different query.
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