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Posts posted by 2006 IR Open Discussion

  1. By: Windiantoro - toro199

    Few Bugs in iReport 1.1.0

    2006-03-07 02:01

    I've been using iReport 1.1.0 and notice some bugs. I wonder if those bugs are already fixed in 1.2.0


    1. Undo capability. Not every action is undoable, for example, when you drag some object together you won't be able to undo them to their original place.

    2. Compatibility. Since I assumed that 1.1.0 is much better than 0.5.0, I'm doing my work in that version while using jasper 0.6.7. Although I set the compatibility to 0.6.7, the compiled version of jasper is still, like, 1001. Finally I resolved the problem by using iReport 0.5.0.

    3. Object group. Although I'm able to group some object together, they just don't stick together. So what's the point in having them grouped ?

    4. Saving files. Why bother asking to save the files if those files is unchanged ?

    5. Object Casting. It's funny to look at compile message :

    (java.lang.Integer)(new Integer(4))


    I mean, can we assume that number is of Integer type, boolean is of Boolean type, and we dont cast java.lang.String... instead, using toString() ?

  2. By: Mats Moeller - tenshi2k6

    INSERT & UPDATE used from iReport?

    2006-03-05 14:02


    I have setup iReport with HSQLDB. I'm a newbie, so I'm still learning.

    In the iReport wizard I noticed if I use UPDATE or INSERT I'm able to change the data of my database. I do get an error stating "SQL Problems: General errorresult set is closed" from iReport, but if I access the database afterwards the data I entered to be updated or inserted, is now in the database.

    Are you supposed to be able to do this or is it a bug/flaw?


    I'm using iReport 1.2.0 and HSQLDB


    I'm intending to be using iReports in my work envirinment and so far it is a very nice tool. Thank you for releasing this software.



    By: Doron Barak - doronbarak

    RE: INSERT & UPDATE used from iReport?

    2006-03-06 08:22

    Hello Tenshi2k6,


    Since iReports is a reporting tool (design and run-time environment), I'd refrain from using it as a data-entry tool simply because it was not designed for that goal.


    Having said that, I believe the reason you can execute UPDATE/INSERT (and probably DELETE) SQL statement is simply because no one filters those out!


    It may be possible (however unlikely) to create a set of reports that provide a data-entry front-end using interactive PDF's, but I'd be too skeptical to even try going that road myself.


    Just the fact that when editing your Report's SQL query, its statement is being executed implies that iReports was never meant to have UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statements as the base Query to drive a report.


    Good luck in your usage of the tool, it is the best I've used so far in the Java scene.


    Doron Barak



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: INSERT & UPDATE used from iReport?

    2006-03-06 09:46

    I think that the best way to prevent insert and update queries (i.e. for security reasons) in a production enviroment is using ireport with a database user granted to execute only SELECT on your data. The user will still be able to execute any kind of SQL but without affecting your data.







    By: Mats Moeller - tenshi2k6

    RE: INSERT & UPDATE used from iReport?

    2006-03-06 22:33

    Thanks for the clarification guys!

  3. By: anthonye - aengla01

    suggested feature

    2006-03-02 10:55

    Thanks so much for this fantastic report designer. I'm in love.


    Anyway, a suggestion that would make setting consistent element formats in the designer would be a 'format painter'. Often I design a report, and then later need to add a new field or label with various format options. At the moment I need to go and set each of those options one by one.


    However, with a format painter, I could click on the tool, the select the field/label I want to copy the format from and then click on the field(s) I want to apply this format too. There are a number of applications that implement this - eg, word has control-shift-C and control-shift-V, filemakerPro does it.


    Hope this makes sense



    By: anthonye - aengla01

    RE: suggested feature -ooops

    2006-03-02 10:56

    just noticed 'copy style' on the right-click menu - silly me.





    By: anthonye - aengla01

    RE: suggested feature again...

    2006-03-02 11:00

    but it still does not copy the field's transparency or boarder options (I can understand the horizontal size options not being copied)


    Anyway, it's a great start.


    thanks again...



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: suggested feature

    2006-03-03 13:05


    View -> report styles

    Define your own styles.

    Element properties windows -> tab common -> Style

    to set the style of your element.


    In my TODO list there is a style palette to drag'n'drop styles over the selected elements.



  4. By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

    Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-25 07:14

    I am using a default report template ("Classic").


    When I compile, I get a JRVerifier warning message: "Element Bottom Reaches Outside of

    Band Area: y=0 height=1 band-height=0"


    Ignoring this warning does not seem to cause

    problems, but I am still bothered by it. Can I fix

    the problem, and if so, how?


    -- Ed



    By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-26 06:09



    All the following comments relate to iReport 0.5.0.


    1. In the "Document Structure" window, none of

    the "line elements" are red.


    All of the staticText elements are blue.


    All of the textField elements are red.


    All of the "line elements" are black.


    2. In the "report template" window for the

    same report:


    The handles (the little solid color squares) on

    some elements are blue.


    The handles on some elements are green.


    I can make the handles on some elements

    go red, but none of them are red at present.


    3. There does not seem to be a connection

    between the colors of the elements in the

    "Document Structure" window and the

    colors of the handles in the report template


    4. If an element in the report template has red

    handles, it seems that I can make it

    not red.


    However, in almost all other situations, it

    appears virtually impossible to cause the

    color of the handles to change, e.g., once

    the handles are green, they stay green

    regardless of re-sizing and/or re-positioning.


    Thank you for any time and consideration.


    -- Ed




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-26 07:31

    Be sure that all lines have:




    Top <= band_height-1






    By: Edward V. Berard - edberard

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-26 09:37

    All references are to iReport 0.5.0. I also used the

    "Classic" template that comes with iReport.


    One of the "line elements" is at the top of the "Title Band." The height of the Title Band, according to

    iReport, is 50 pixels. (I used the "Bands" tool to

    get the height of the Title Band.)


    I then double clicked on the line element, and set

    its values to those you suggested, i.e.,




    Top<=(Band_Height-1), i.e., Top can take on

    any integer value <49



    (I would guess that 0<=Top<=49, given a band

    height of 50.)


    When the Width went above 552, with the Left

    equal to 0, the line turned red.


    I played with several different values for Top, ranging from zero to 100. Any value above 50

    made the line element red, but a value of 50

    apparently was acceptable.


    Looking at the rest of the characteristics displayed under the "Common" tab:


    -> Only the "Print Repeated Values" checkbox

    was checked.


    -> The "Position Type" was "FixRelativeToTop"


    -> "Print When Group Changes" was unselected


    -> "Key" had a value of "line"


    -> "Stretch Type" was set to "NoStretch"


    -> The "Print When Expression" field was



    Under the "Graphics Element" tab:


    -> "Pen" was set to "2Point"


    -> "Fill" was set to "Solid"


    Under the "Line" tab, "Line Direction" was set to



    Under the "All" tab:


    -> "Band" was not selected


    -> "Top" had a value of 40


    -> "Left" had a value of 30


    -> "Height" had a value of 0


    -> "Width" had a value of 0


    -> "Print When Group Change" was not



    Going back to the "Common" tab, I set Left=0,

    Width=552, Top=0, and Height=0, and then

    recompiled. I still got the compiler warning.


    I should also note that all line elements in the

    report template turned red whenever




    Likewise, it appears that whenever Top+Height is

    greater than the height of the band, the line object

    will turn red.


    I have a question. Could this problem be arising from report elements that are not lines?


    Thank you for all your time, effort, and consideration.


    -- Ed



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-26 16:31

    Yes, wrong positioned element can be different from a line





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2005-05-25 16:26


    this error is produced by a line located in a wrong position. Find it using the document structure panel, you should see the Line element in red.






    By: israelrojas - israelrojas

    RE: Element Bottom Reaches Outside of Band Area

    2006-03-01 19:57

    Copy the tools.jar file from your JDK_HOME/lib directory into the lib directory of the JasperReports project.

    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:29

  5. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    [ANN] iReport 1.2.0 released!

    2006-02-28 18:03

    The iReport Team is pleased to announce the new iReport release: 1.2.0.


    - Full support for JasperReports 1.2.0 (conditional styles, new evaluation time auto, crosstab header cell,...)

    - Improved report wizard to use non-JDBC datasources (like Hibernate datasource)

    - Full support for HQL (Hibernate query language)

    - Support for the new CSV datasource provided by JasperReports

    - New one-click subreport access

    - Expression editor populated according with the context

    - New popup menu for the crosstab object list

    - New formatting tools for cell elements

    - Serveral bug fixes and improvements



    And much more...


    See details on iReport 1.2.0 What's new? page!



    iReport home page:



    Download it now:


  6. By: -JE- - julegner

    Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-17 02:22

    I would like to buy the new Documentaion for iReport 1.1, but I bought the Documentation for iReport 5.2 only a few weeks ago and I do not want to pay the whole Price because I payed already for the last Version. So, can I buy an upgrade for a cheaper price, and how can I do this if it is possible?



    By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-17 04:22

    you can download the newest manual for free if you bought a previous manual.






    By: -JE- - julegner

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-17 04:52

    thats nice to hear, but how can i download the newest manual without paying another time?



    By: -JE- - julegner

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-17 05:00

    ok,I found the mail with the link. Thank you



    By: -JE- - julegner

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-17 08:20

    Hmm.. Unfortunately it is not possible to download and open the file, because it is broken after downloading.



    By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-20 07:26

    yes, I had the same problem. then I downloaded it with wget to a linux machine, and it rocked.


    I think I can give you the link (it's on a server of my company), you need the key in every case.


    but I don't want to make the manual public until somebody (giulio...?) gave me the permission.





    By: -JE- - julegner

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-20 08:10

    Thanks, guilio already mailed me a link an now i have a readable Documentation.



    By: Wim DBA - wimreport

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-22 05:04

    I am in exactly the same situation, I bought it one week ago. I tried to download the manual ...eng_1.2.pdf several times (I changed ...eng_1.1.pdf - as stated in the purchase e-mail - to ...eng_1.2.pdf) but it is corrupt.

    Can you pass me a working URL ?






    By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-22 06:45

    how I said, I uploaded the working file but I'm not sure if I can give you the url > make the url public. well, it is password protected but pleas ask giulio before.



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Documentation upgrade?

    2006-02-22 09:47

    If you have problem with the manual please mail me.





  7. By: stan letarte - sletarte

    iReport bug

    2006-02-09 09:38

    I have been using the xml syntax for inclusion of xml files in order to include large common blocks of XML into multiple reports (especially useful for the <param ... > elements in my case)


    When using this technique, I find two isues with iReport:


    1) I must have an absolute path in the <!ENTITY ... > definition, but would like this to work as in a normal XML include where I can use a relative path.

    2) When I save the file back to disk, iReport strips all include (via &entityName) references to the included XML snippet and rewrites my DOCTYPE to no longer have the ENTITY defined in the doctype.


    Thanks for your otherwise wonderful product!





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport bug

    2006-02-09 15:41

    I'm sorry, currently iReport doesn't support external ENTITIES files.





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport bug

    2006-02-13 17:00

    I fixed the problem, now iReport can LOAD a jrxml that uses entities (with relative reference too).


    Anyway, when you save your report, all will be inserted into the jrxml, losing the entity reference.



  8. By: brunerm - brunerm

    Vertical Columns in ireport

    2006-02-10 18:21

    O.k. I am trying to create vertical colums using headers.


    I have a 2 group headers,

    1. student_id

    2. class_section


    In the detail section, I have a list of all of the days a student missed a class.


    This works fine until it gets to the end of a column and then the date and attendance code for the last student in the column rolls back to the top. What I would like to do is keep Student Name (In Student Group), class_name in class_group, and details for the student togeter in each column. another words, instead of the detail overflowing to column 2, I would just like to start that student's data on column 2.


    Can this be done? Surely it can, but I've tried a dozen possibilities. Thanks in advance for your help.


    Best Regards

  9. By: hunterbit - hunterbit

    Problem with the sottoreports

    2006-02-10 04:01

    I am trying to use the sottoreports and all it works well. In fact the report produces ago me with all of its sottoreports and me both the preview and the press. The only problem and that when I insert the sottoreport in the principal report and I make the press a second page it also produces me without data (white page). My report is a kind of invoice with the various data of the client sottoreport for information on the alrticolis. I have made the test to remove the sottoreport and an only page stamps me. If I try to add again the sottoreport it creates me two pages. I hope to be explains me. How can I do for resolving the problem?

  10. By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    Bug or Feature?

    2006-02-06 08:42

    Hi there



    Is this a bug or a feature?;)


    Thanks a lot




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Bug or Feature?

    2006-02-06 18:25

    A big bug. Are you able to reproduce it? How?







    By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    RE: Bug or Feature?

    2006-02-06 23:56

    Hi Giulio


    Yes, i can reproduce it. I've two reports. Each contains one crosstab (I work with iReport 1.1.0).


    When I switch a bit between the two Files and the "Main Report" and the "Crosstab-1" and select some Fields in the Fieldsbrowser...the error comes. And with the time the number of the empty and disturbing "elements" will increase.

    I hope I could help you. If not, let me know it.


    Thank's a lot for your fantastic work (!),





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Bug or Feature?

    2006-02-07 13:32

    ok, problem fixed in CVS.


    thanks a lot





    By: Remo Fritzsche - remofritzsche

    RE: Bug or Feature?

    2006-02-07 13:53

    Hey Giulio


    thank's a lot to YOU! You fixed this problem in a very short time! Absolutely fantastic.


    Best regards


  11. By: reheu - reheullah

    iReport and OpenReport

    2006-02-05 23:51



    Anyone knows well on the version of iReport and OpenReport that compatible to each other. Try to install iReport 0.4.1 (as it is work fine with openreport 0.7.1) and got error when running ireport.bat. Any idea??/



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport and OpenReport

    2006-02-06 18:26

    Simply keep the same jasperreports.jar in both programs.





    By: reheu - reheullah

    RE: iReport and OpenReport

    2006-02-06 19:41

    Hi Giulio,


    I did copy the same jasperrepot.jar in openreport and ireport in lib directory (can be found in ireport and openreport forum). But it still give me the error. By the way, when I try to delete the old jar file(as suggested in forum), my openreport cannot be launch. Really appreciate ur expertise on this.


    thnks in advance.

  12. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    iReport 1.1.0 released!

    2006-02-02 17:55

    The iReport Team is pleased to announce the new iReport release: 1.1.0.


    - Full support for JasperReports 1.1.1

    - New crosstab wizard

    - New crosstab editor

    - New draggable panes

    - Barcode improvments

    - Serveral bug fixes and improvements


    And much more...


    See details on iReport 1.1.0 What's new? page!



    iReport home page:



    Download it now:


  13. By: Douglas Kvidera - dkvidera

    Color dialog requests

    2006-01-25 11:38

    Two changes please:

    1) When colors are defined on the HSB and RGB tab pages, add them to the Recent palate on the Swatches tab page.


    2) When tabbing to the numeric text elements of the HSB and RGB tabs, select the value, instead of putting the cursor to the left of the value, so it can be changed more easily.


    All-in-all iReport is a great GUI to JasperReports. I particularly like the ability to select a number of elements and change one property in all of them without affecting the other properties.


    Keep up the good work.

  14. By: feryshirano - feryshirano

    Problem with ireport

    2006-01-13 04:48

    I trying to compile a file, but it's returning this error:



    What's the problem?And when I execute it, it returns me only, null values in the textfields!!

  15. By: JessiTRON - jessitron

    Tricky little bug in text field creation

    2006-01-12 09:12

    Try this:

    1) Select the Textfield tool.

    2) Click and hold somewhere in the upper right area of a band.

    3) Drag the mouse down and to the left to create a text area. Normally you do this from left to right, but this time go right to left.

    4) See the box disappear as soon as you release the mouse button. Oops, looks like it didn't create a Textfield after all.

    5) Try to run the report. See the error "Field not found : Field"

    6) Save the report and go look at the .jrxml


    The backwards textfield-creation attempt has created a field, but it does not appear on the screen. It is in the .jrxml with the default textFieldExpression of $F{Field}. Closing and reopening the file in iReport causes the invisible fields to display.


    This is iReport 0.5.3

  16. By: grotero - grotero

    Export report to editable format

    2006-01-12 06:23

    Is it possible to export the .jasper archive to a .doc format or to a format in which I can edit the report?....What I need is to write a few comments in the report after it is shown.

  17. By: new_tech - new_tech

    Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-07-22 14:31

    Hi Giulio,

    I am new to iReports and have a question about printing sub-reports on a new page.

    I have a main report which is a combination of three sub-reports. My objective is to have the 1st 2 sub-reports print on one page in PDF Viewer and have the 3rd sub-report on a new page. Is there a way I can do this?

    I am using v 0.3.2 for report design.

    Thanks in advance.




    By: C-Box - c-box

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-07-23 01:41

    This is more a JasperReport Question than an IReport-Question, but anyway.


    You have to put each of your SubReports in a own group (that's necessary for not overlapping each other if they flow)... within a group, you can switch on an option "startonnewpage"... that would be for your first two subreports FALSE and for your third group it would be TRUE.


    That's all.






    By: new_tech - new_tech

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-07-23 09:35

    Thanks for your help, C-Box.

    I tried using groups for printing sub-reports on different pages, but it did not work.

    Here's what I did:

    1. On my main report page, I defined new groups, for example, a new group called app_person_group and checked 'Start on a new page'.

    2. I included a sub-report (app_person_subreport.xml) in the app_person_groupHeader and set this sub-report's property, 'Print when group changes' to app_person_group.

    3.Compiled and ran the report. All sub-reports still show up on the same page.

    What am I doing wrong? Should I set 'Group Expression' to something?

    Please help!





    By: C-Box - c-box

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-07-23 14:42

    No you needn't a "group expression" just let it empty,


    but be sure to place EACH SubReport into a own groupheader... you neither need to edit the "print when group changes" property, just move your subreports from current detailband to its correspondig groupheaderband. The detailband can be empty (if you haven't any other fields on it)


    it MUST WORK!






    By: new_tech - new_tech

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-07-27 12:54

    Sorry for popping up the same problem again!

    I did as was suggested, i.e., put each of the sub-reports in their respective group header, did NOT set "Group Expression" to anything, left the "Start on New Page" option on the 1st 2 groups UNCHECKED and CHECKED this option on the last group. However, all 3 sub-reports still turn up on the same page.

    I wonder if there is a runtime environment setting in iReport 0.3.2 that I should change.


    Anyway, to reiterate my problem, I have 3 sub-reports on a MasterReport, each of which is results from a database table. The 1st 2 sub-reports must be displayed in PDF viewer on the main (cover page), followed by some static text and the last sub-report (also a set of records in a db table) must be displayed on the following (separate) page.

    Thanks very much for the help!




    By: jorge - jorge_msf

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2004-08-25 01:44

    I have exactly the same problem, i want one subreport in the main page and one in a separate page. I do the same way as describe above but it did not work for me also.



    By: grotero - grotero

    RE: Printing sub-reports on a new page

    2006-01-12 05:04

    One possible solution is to place the last subreport in the summary band and check the option "Summary on a new page" in the report options.

    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:29

  18. By: Ilyas Bakirov (aka eRIC) - just_ilyas

    Custom fonts in classpath

    2006-01-12 01:16

    I think startup.bat file needs this modification to show iReport to use custom fonts which were placed in fonts directory.

    Because I use custom fonts so after I add them and restart iReport but it can't find them. So I modified script and it works. I think it should correct such problems:


    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.classes;.fonts

  19. By: JessiTRON - jessitron

    Styles can't be deleted

    2006-01-10 09:38

    The "Delete" button in the Style selection screen does not work.


    Not a big deal; I could remove it from the xml if I really cared. Ask for bug reports, get bug reports!

  20. By: JessiTRON - jessitron

    parent style drop-down not working

    2006-01-10 09:36

    When creating a new style, the "Parent style" dropdown in the style menu does not list any styles. I have a few styles defined already, but the dropdown list is still empty.


    When modifying an existing style, the "Parent style" dropdown functions correctly, listing the other styles already defined. This provides an easy work-around.


    The new style functionality is exactly what I hoped for in the new version. Hurray!

  21. By: Anton Fend - antonfend

    Start iReport using an .exe - File

    2006-01-07 10:09



    iReport and JasperReports are just great. Since I only develope unter M$ I like it more to start iReport using an Exe-File.


    Attached you can find such a Exe-File. Just put it in the same directory as the iReport.bat - File. The exe-Wrapper is created by using JSmooth (http://jsmooth.sourceforge.net)



    By: Anton Fend - antonfend

    RE: Start iReport using an .exe - File

    2006-01-07 10:10

    How can I attach the file?

  22. By: Wal Millard - walmillard

    Windows Fonts V's The rest of the world.

    2006-01-04 16:17


    For some time now i have been doing all my iReport design work on XP, and then deploying my .jasper files to a Solaris (2.x) server. i have found that there is a problem with the way the font line spacing appear on both platforms. On Solaris the line spacing is much less. Which is mucking up my Win dev templates.


    Here is some background i found on the web...



    from the Web... http://typophile.com/wiki/verticalmetrics_howto


    True Type was invented by Apple for the Apple Mac during the 1980's. It is an excepted "standard" across all platforms.


    When Microsoft licensed TrueType, and began the extensions of TTF, they decided to spec their own vertical metrics values. One of the reasons for this was the need to be able to create fonts that had backwards compatible metrics with existing Windows bitmap fonts. This led to the MS Fonts containing two different sets of vertical metrics data:


    - sTypoAscender

    - sTypoDescender

    - sTypoLineGap




    - usWinAscent

    - usWinDescent


    As originally intended by Microsoft, the ‘Typo’ values were intended to be used by apps to calculate default linespacing, in exactly the same way as the corresponding values on the Mac and other platforms. The ‘usWin’ values were intended to define clipping zones for the font, and as such were expected to correspond to the actual vertical extremes of the tallest and deepest glyphs in a font, to ensure that these would not be clipped (i.e. have pixels chopped off on screen).


    If this intent were followed, one could obtain reliable cross-platform default linespacing by making the hhea vertical metrics values equal to the corresponding ‘Typo’ values.


    However, almost every Windows app developer — including Microsoft’s own app teams — have incorrectly calculated default linespacing based on the ‘usWin’ values instead of the correct, ‘Typo’ values. It seems likely that this is the result of some application developers noting that using the ‘usWin’ values ensured that all glyphs in most fonts avoid contact with any glyphs on lines above or below, while this was not always the case with the ‘Typo’ values.




    So doz anyone know how i can fool the Solaris box to render the fonts using the microsoft vertical matrix? Even adding external TTF fonts doz not solve this problem, as they are rendered using the 'Typo' matrix, instead of the microsoft 'Win' versions.




  23. By: Aitor Garc a Rey - osirys

    Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-16 09:16


    Is there some problem with xml entities?. I'm trying to get working a jasper report that load xml entities a getting this error:


    Start of root element expected instead of TEXT '1.0' (and a Stack Trace from com.ms.xml.parser.Parser).


    When I transform de DOS version of this file to a Unicode version the error is like that :


    Invalid Element 'PCDATA' in content of 'JasperReport' Expected[ ... and a list of available DTD elements]. NOTE: In the entity file the elements are correct (reportFont).


    It look like a problem with ms parser because the sample compile and run succesfully with the ant script that provide Jasperreports (that use xerces as parser).


    A sample of this error can be found in the last version of Jasper Reports (0.4.4) at JasperReportsdemosamplesqueryQueryReport.xml


    Somebody can tell me what I am doing wrong?




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-17 00:26

    Ciao Aitor,

    could you post the first 10 rows of xml file?







    By: Aitor Garc a Rey - osirys

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-17 00:32



    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "-//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd" [

    <!ENTITY reportFonts SYSTEM "./ReportFonts.ent">

















    <parameter name="ReportTitle" class="java.lang.String"/>


    and continues with the definition of parameters and the reports itself...






    By: Aitor Garc a Rey - osirys

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-18 01:18

    I understand. There is some other workaround for use entities with ireport? As long as I know there is no way to put the <!ENTITY element in other place that <!DOCTYPE directive ...








    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-18 04:21

    There is no way that I know.

    But you can create a void report that already contains your fonts definitions and use this report as template for new reports (you can set a file as "new report template" in the options panel of iReport)





    By: Aitor Garc a Rey - osirys

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-18 05:08

    Thanks Giulio for your interest but generate a template is only a choice for productivity and I am more worried for the maintenability of the reports. You can see about this in my post "Insert "include" like tags" to the JasperReports:






    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-17 08:03

    Ciao Aitor.


    The xml code confirms my suspiciones...

    iReport (really micorsoft xml parser) has a problem loading XML code with a directive like this:


    <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "-//JasperReports//DTD Report

    Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"; ...


    The problem is not really a problem, but if you don't be connected to the internet, the ms parser fail to download http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd. JasperReport is not affected by this problem beacouse it load the dtd directly from your package. For this reason, iReport use this workaround: read the xml file, cut the directive <!DOCTYPE ....> and finally pass the xml to the parser. Width a entity declaration this trik don't run correctly and you got an error.







    By: Infogest - infogest

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-18 05:50

    Is it possible to use xerces instead of m$ xml parser ?




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Problems with XML ENTITY

    2002-12-18 11:03

    Sorry, but xerces require java 2 (please don't send comment about the choice of using for iReport Visual J++ (that is jdk1.1.4 compliant), the reasons of this choise are ONLY the avability of the more efficent, simple to program, easy to use User Interfce; for the rest my opinion is the same of many others: to use a not java 2 compliant virtual machine is a *shit*!







    By: oneway - oneway

    Choise of JDK

    2003-02-04 11:19

    Giulio: "Sorry, but xerces require java 2 (please don't send comment about the choice of using for iReport Visual J++ (that is jdk1.1.4 compliant), the reasons of this choise are ONLY the avability of the more efficent, simple to program, easy to use User Interfce; for the rest my opinion is the same of many others: to use a not java 2 compliant virtual machine is a *shit*!"


    It's my impression that it's been a while since the last time you used Swing. I work with Swing every day (<a href="www.netbeans.org">NetBeans</a>) and do not have any performance issues.


    This choise of JDK presents several problems: (a) you cannot take advantage of the latest APIs and performance improvements; (b) iReport is completely (and regretfully) useless for people who develop on Linux; © not many developers want to work with old 1.1.4 API, hence you limitting the amount of help you can get from the community.

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