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Posts posted by 2006 IR Open Discussion

  1. By: lakshmi - lakshm

    how conditions are handled

    2006-07-18 03:22


    Can any one help me in understanding, how in designing the report ,like "making blank when null " conditions are checked in ireport, how this cycle is going on, is this internally performed by jasper or how during compilation where its checking for these conditions that r set by the designer,

    plz let me know,

    thank u


  2. By: Kees Kuip - keeskuip

    iReport looks not good on Linux

    2006-07-16 04:32

    Hello giulio,


    Have you started iReport lately on Linux?

    It doesn't look good!


    Something is wrong with the use of layoutmanagers. Some buttons fall of the panel. This can be seen in almost every dialog (popup).


    The closable tabpanes look horrendous.


    Text doesn't fit into the propertypanes.


    and more.


    Do you test on linux?


    Best Regards,

    Kees Kuip





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport looks not good on Linux

    2006-07-18 01:23

    Hi Kees! How are you? I'm very happy to hear you again!


    Really yes, I create distros for iReport on Linux.

    Did you tried to use a different L&F? The last time I tested the system L&F, and in effect there was some problems, like the datasources combo box on the toolbar is not usable, etc...

    Using tiny LAF or Metal, everything changes.


    Let me know!


    The iReport forum is moving on JasperForge, the new community site of JasperReports.





  3. By: egwada - egwada

    Query builder / database navigator

    2006-07-13 15:31

    Hello !


    I use iReport for more one year, now. I have to congratulate all people of the iReport / JasperReports community for their projects.


    Because people who can use iReport aren't necessarily developers they need a visual query editor. Indeed, they can be person who don't know Sql, java, or hibernate...


    I have seen on iReport roadmap a line for a "Query builder / database navigator". I would like to know if somebody work on it...


    I think we can find many implementation of this concept. But, we have to keep in our mind that we must present data with a view very near of the end user understanding.


    So we must reorganize data to help end users to explore them and select what they need in order to build their document. Moreover, when a query or a view is built, it can be shared with other users...


    Perhaps we can discuss on this functionalities here to determine how implement them on iReport.


    Thanks for all...

  4. By: David Arvidsson - banderbander

    Snap to guideline? (ruler ?)

    2006-07-11 07:46



    I wonder if it is possible to enable "snap to guidelines / ruler-line"?


    Example: I want to move both "column header" AND "detail element" in one mouse-drag-operation.



    In Crystal Reports this is called "Guidelines" and fields snap to them automaticly. I find that the guidelines greatly improve productivity in layout work. They make everything so much easier.



    ps. I've been using crystal for 4 years. Now I'm set to evaluate Jasper. Any hints/tips regarding design differances are welcome.


    Regards, David.



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Snap to guideline? (ruler ?)

    2006-07-13 07:00

    Hi David, iReport provides guide lines (click on the rule to create one). All the guide lines have a magnetic effect.


    From options you can set show/hide the grid and the snap to grid, if you need it. In the iReport preferences you can set the grid size.





    By: David Arvidsson - banderbander

    RE: Snap to guideline? (ruler ?)

    2006-07-13 07:41

    Hi, thanks for answer.

    I've tried the guidelines in iReport. They seem to act as simple guidelines with "some magnetic effect".


    When I save a report, quit, restart and open the report again - guidelines are lost.


    What I miss most is that guidelines are part of the design. When I move a guidline, I want all fields that are snapped to that guideline, to also move/resize.


    That is how crystal works and I love that feature. So easy to drag a guideline and all snapped fields follow that move.


    I'm new to Jasper. My guess is that "guidelines" are not part of the underlying jasper specification. And that iReport-guidelines merely are a "temporary magnetic design help"?


    Also, the iReport-guidelines do not work well when "zooming in" and/or scrolling. The tabs on the ruler loose their connection to the lines.



    regards, David.

    Running 1.2.4, Windows.



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Snap to guideline? (ruler ?)

    2006-07-13 13:28

    Thanks for your great suggestions David.

    I'll consider them for a future enhancement.



  5. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    [ANN] JasperIntelligence 1.0.1 released!

    2006-07-11 07:31


    We are pleased to announce this release that significantly broadens the platform into the following areas:



    Scheduled Reports with email notifications

    Content Repository for scheduled report output

    OLAP User interface

    OLAP Server

    Custom Data Sources for Reports

    Fine grained Security

    Enhanced iReport plugin for JasperIntelligence

    Expanded Documentation

    Scheduled Event Viewer

    Installers covering reporting and/or analytics

    Release notes are here:


    Downloads are here:




    JasperSoft Team

  6. By: I. Segkos - isegkos

    iReport HQLFieldsReader suggestion

    2006-06-29 09:34



    We are using iReport in the IT company I am working for. We have applied a quite custom solution, using hibernate, which is not of general interest.


    However, I have made a posting on the hibernate wiki community area related to iReport: http://www.hibernate.org/387.html


    It suggests a replacement to the HQLFieldsReader class. I have not investigated all aspects, and the bug I mention for iReport 1.2.3 does not exist in iReport 1.2.4 (as far as I've noticed).


    Maybe you can find some use of it, or tell me if such an approach is not of your preference.


    By the way, we have found iReport to be quite helpfull - thanx!





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport HQLFieldsReader suggestion

    2006-07-03 06:50

    Hi Segkos,


    I read your post a couple of days ago, and I found your suggestions very interesting.

    I'll look in depth at your code to integrate it with the mine one.


    Thanks a lot.






    By: I. Segkos - isegkos

    RE: iReport HQLFieldsReader suggestion

    2006-07-11 01:28

    Hello Giulio,


    I have made several changes to the HQLFieldsReader suggestion and added semantics documentation. I have also suggested a solution for the case of HQL queries that have no select clause, in respect with the current JasperReports support.


    I think my suggestion has reached its final form...


    Hope it helps!

  7. By: Cameron Taggart - ctaggart

    IReportCompiler refactor suggestion

    2006-07-06 14:35

    I created a custom datasource (ireport connection). It would be nice if what I am trying to do could be packaged into a plugin. It makes me wonder if OSGi could be of use.


    ... back to reality ...


    I think IReportCompiler can be refactored by encapsulating the fill report logic in IReportConnection. Just add a method IReportConnection.fillReport(String filename, Map parameters) which returns JasperPrint.


    This is around line 711 in IReportCompiler, just after hm = (HashMap)connection.getSpecialParameters( hm );.




  8. By: Dan, Ambient Software - pathworks_dan

    iReport 1.2.4 requires Java 1.5

    2006-07-05 10:33


    FYI, iReport 1.2.4 does not work with Java 1.4.2.


    Some operations will silently fail, although the console will show some messages, mainly that java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean is a missing method. Some symptoms are: 1) The entire Edit menu is always disabled, and 2) File->Close menu items do not work, and you cannot close any windows.


    It would be nice if it performed a check and presented an error if you weren't running on 1.5 or later.




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: iReport 1.2.4 requires Java 1.5

    2006-07-06 13:32

    Already fixed in CVS.


    Anyway to compile iReport you still need Java 1.5.







    By: Cameron Taggart - ctaggart

    RE: iReport 1.2.4 requires Java 1.5

    2006-07-06 14:24

    I would prefer moving to Java 5. :)

  9. By: Klas - klas_karlsson

    slow GUI on Windows XP

    2006-07-06 05:38

    Did not see this issue in other threads, although i may have missed it. In that case sorry. Anyway:


    I had a problem with iReport and GUI updates taking very long times. It was tremendously slow, and frooze my computer every time i maximized or restored the window.


    finally i found a Antialias setting which I turned off - now it is really smooth.


    It has gone from almost non usable, to one of the faster Java GUI tools i have used.


    Hope this may help someone


  10. By: tgu - tgutgu

    Configurable font in report query window

    2006-07-05 23:54

    As our report query statements are quite long and complex, I have difficulties with the font of the report query window. For my purpose and taste the font of teh sql editor is too big and not optimal. In order to comprehend and look at the sql statement, I have to scroll the window, which isn't very practical.


    Therefore, I suggest that the user can adjust font and font size of the sql editor, either within the query window or within the options dialog.


    This would make the query window much more usable and is probably only to small effort to implement.


    Thanks and kind regards


    Thomas Gülden

    Munich, Germany

  11. By: Rozario Mariadassou - rozariopm2006

    Run Jasper Report from Windows Command

    2006-07-03 22:20

    I hv created a jasper report thro iReport. I am able to run it from within eclispe. But I am not able to run it from Windows Command prompt although the report compiles with out any error under command prompt. I am getting the following error msg during runtime.

    "Excception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDifFound Error: orgapachecommonsdigesterdigester at net.sf.jasperreports.compilemanager"

    Can somebody guide me how to run a jasper report from the windows command prompt.

    thanks in advance

  12. By: zaic - zaic20

    iReport Problem

    2006-07-01 03:46

    Hi, i want to know if it is possible to make a report with a page height variable. I want to pass the page height as a parameter. Is it possible?



  13. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    iReport with SAP

    2006-06-27 09:48

    I'm looking for users that use iReport with SAP.


    If you use iReport/JasperReports with SAP please

    contact me: giulio@jaspersoft.com



    (iReport project leader)

  14. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    iReport 1.2.4 released!

    2006-06-26 00:44

    iReport Release 1.2.4

    June 23, 2006

    The following changes have been made to software since release 1.2.3


    * Full support for JasperReports 1.2.4

    * New calculation type Distinct Count

    * Advanced support for MDX (Mondrian)

    * Improved support for EJBQL and HQL

    * Support for time zones

    * Several bug fixes


    See details on iReport 1.2.3 What's new? page!



    iReport home page:



    Download it now:




  15. By: pearlbuk - pearlbuk


    2006-06-21 04:22


    Can someone help?

    I try to run my report having specified my classpath in iReport but I got "NoClassDefFound Error!!!Check your classpath"


    Please, hw can i resolve the error?

  16. By: omcosl - omcosl

    iReport can't Export to Excel

    2006-06-21 01:06

    I find that if the report has many pages (e.g.

    100 pages), then if I export it to Excel (save, then choose file type = multiple sheets *.xls), the export is failed with the exported report

    size = 0 and if open the exported file, error "unable to read file" is prompted.


    what is the reason?

    iReport version: 1.1.0

  17. By: V H - moduc

    Linux startup script does not work with 1.2.3

    2006-06-20 09:36


    I found out two problem with the script to startup the iReport under Linux:


    1) There are hidden, linefeed carriage return characters


    2) There is a missing double quote near the end:




    Change to:




    and it runs.

  18. By: nour - compiere2005

    probléme avec les graphes

    2006-05-18 05:42


    je veux faire un rapport qui comporte un graphe pie3D

    pour cela j'ai introduit 2 données comme suit:


    select name,C_BPartner_ID from C_BPartner


    et quand je compile le rapport j'ai toujours les memes problemes:

    "rrors compiling untitled_report_1.jasper!

    it.businesslogic.ireport.ReportClassLoader@6a1140 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from String to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getValue())); <------------------------------------------------------------> 2. Cannot cast from Double to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getValue())); <---------------------------------------------------------------------> 3. Cannot cast from Double to String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getValue())); <--------------------------------------------------------------------> 4. Cannot cast from String to Number value = (java.lang.Number)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getValue())); <-----------------------------------------------------------> 5. Cannot cast from String to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getOldValue())); <---------------------------------------------------------------> 6. Cannot cast from Double to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getOldValue())); <------------------------------------------------------------------------> 7. Cannot cast from Double to String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getOldValue())); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------> 8. Cannot cast from String to Number value = (java.lang.Number)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getOldValue())); <--------------------------------------------------------------> 9. Cannot cast from String to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getValue())); <------------------------------------------------------------> 10. Cannot cast from Double to Boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getValue())); <---------------------------------------------------------------------> 11. Cannot cast from Double to String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Double)field_C_BPARTNER_ID.getValue())); <--------------------------------------------------------------------> 12. Cannot cast from String to Number value = (java.lang.Number)(((java.lang.String)field_NAME.getValue())); <-----------------------------------------------------------> 12 errors at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:193) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDefaultCompiler.compileReport(JRDefaultCompiler.java:131) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:127) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:109) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:469) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) "

    je ne sais plus quoi faire, merci bien de m'aider.




    By: Speed - jftan3

    RE: probléme avec les graphes

    2006-06-06 03:06

    hi !

    i am also a compiere users... but just a beginner, now i can link the database from oracle to the ireport, but where is the location (path)that i should locate the jrxml file to let compiere generate my file or where should i set the path to point on my report location.

    for i report, i need to link several table on a report to get detail, but i dont know where should i set to read both table at the same time then i can take the field on the same report.

    thanks for helping,

    hope u can help me, pls...

    we are in a urgent.

    u can reply me on my email - jftan3@yahoo.com



    By: greatdonking - greatdonking

    RE: probléme avec les graphes

    2006-06-19 01:49

    Tu as un probleme de cast,

    tu recuperes un String de ton champ NAME.

    Alors que iReport attend un Boolean !


    Essaie de faire : new Boolean($F{NAME})


    le probleme de cast sera résolu.

  19. By: AA2 - aa2


    2006-06-15 20:20

    I am a newbie in IReport, I had made 5 report with it and there was not problem when i run 4 of them. when I want to run the last one, there was problem which said "whenResourceMissingType". Can anyone tell me why this error appear? and how to solve this problem?



  20. By: charlyjava - charlyjava

    how create a simple cross tab?

    2006-06-08 02:43

    hi, i would really apreciate some help. Looks like the cross tab wizard is not so ntuitive....... and try to make the cross table with jasper reports tags could be terrible !!!!!!!

    Someone can explain me how to make a simple cross tab please??????

    for instance, some so simple as:



    year | 2000 | 2001 |2002| 2003| TOTAL


    init money | 23 | 32 | 12 | 34 | 101


    final money| 34 | -23 | 15 | 22 | 48


    benefits | +11 | -55 | +3 | -12 | -53



    Data is stored in database, i know how retrieve it, but when i start the cross table wizard i have a very bad feeling .......

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