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Posts posted by 2006 IR Open Discussion

  1. By: neko - honil

    ClassNotFound: ReportWizard

    2006-06-06 16:39



    i want to design my report using report-wizard and javabean.


    i set classpath and defined my javabean datasource using menu. test connection succeeded.

    but when i run report-wizard, ClassNotFound error occur in Step-1.


    is this a bug or do i have to configure something else? (iReport 1.2.2/1.2.3)



  2. By: hlcheng - hlcheng

    Get a blob column (picture )

    2006-01-03 04:22

    Hi all,

    can someone tell me how to get an column which is bloc data type and print it on PDF with ireport ?






    By: Rob Karatzas - tutor

    RE: Get a blob column (picture )

    2006-06-06 07:41

    see my post for today 6/6/2006.


    this work fine under v1.2.0, but they've changed something in v1.2.1 - v1.2.3 which breaks it.



  3. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    iReport 1.2.3 released!

    2006-06-03 03:03

    iReport Release 1.2.3

    June 2, 2006


    The following changes have been made to software since release 1.2.2


    * Full support for JasperReports 1.2.3

    * New rules with magnetic guide lines

    * New report group wizard

    * New OLAP Mondrian datasource and MDX support

    * New EJB datasource and EJBQL support

    * Support for Swap/File and GZIP in-memory virtualizers


    Contributors this time:


    * Giulio Toffoli


    Thanks for your suggestions and your on going support using iReport!




    Complete Changelog.txt related to this version


    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1164913] Ruler changes unit of measure

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1076045] Ruler now scales

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1008731] Measures in report properties

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1207087] Synchronize lineal when using zoom

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1480543] duplicate lines of code

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1481129] "Floating column footer" is now set correctly

    02/06/2006 15:00 gt Fixed bug [1482739] Open Subreport in context menu lokks for .xml sources too

    01/06/2006 18:00 gt Fixed bug [1495355] Chart dialog close button now works properly

    01/06/2006 18:00 gt Support for Swap/File and GZIP in-momoty virtualizers

    30/05/2006 18:00 gt New OLAP Mondrian datasource and MDX support

    28/05/2006 18:00 gt New EJB datasource and EJBQL support

    28/05/2006 12:11 gt Upgraded to JasperReports 1.2.3 (upgraded and added several jars)

    18/05/2006 18:00 gt New box button on the toolbar

    15/05/2006 18:00 gt Handling of a list of custom expressions for expression editor

    11/05/2006 18:00 gt New rules with magnetic guide lines

    05/05/2006 18:00 gt New report group wizard

    04/05/2006 18:00 gt Option to ask or not to save a report

    04/05/2006 18:00 gt Import/export of connection/datasource definitions

    03/05/2006 18:00 gt New grid and snap to grid implementation included support for variable grid size

    02/05/2006 11:56 gt Fixed bug [1480267] JDT compiler version

    02/05/2006 11:56 gt Fixed bug [1480265] JDT compilation error

    01/05/2006 19:17 gt Fixed bug [1479194] Can't remember the PDF Encoding in Report style

    01/05/2006 18:57 gt Fixed bug [1477748] custom properties label wrong

    27/04/2006 01:07 gt Fixed bug [1476833] Wrong subreport expression using the subreport wizard

    27/04/2006 12:32 gt Fixed bug [1477076] Classpath not being saved

  4. By: hayden_melton - hayden_melton

    Structure of iReport (OO Design)

    2006-06-03 00:07

    I am a PhD student at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. As part of my research I am doing empirical studies on the structure (or design) of software systems. In order to do this I have conglomerated a large corpus of open-source Java software. IReports features in this corpus. I have made available the results of this study on my webpage:




    The results show that iReports has ~160 source files all involved in one big dependency cycle. I have explained why large dependency cycles are bad on my research page, you can get to it by following the link above.


    Anyway, if you’re a developer of iReports, or are interested in OO Design or metrics you might like to check this stuff out.




    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Structure of iReport (OO Design)

    2006-06-03 03:03

    Thanks Hayden, I'll check yout study for sure.



  5. By: bpatel@exitrealty.com - bpatel96

    data type conversion(please help )

    2006-05-24 06:07

    Whats the best way to resolve this problem:

    i have quantity (with BigDeciml data type) and

    price (BigDecimal) and i want to multiply them and show in the detail section as totalprice

    ....how to setup the variable

  6. By: man - msr

    Please help me to calculate % in iReport

    2006-04-16 23:57

    Hi, i am new to jasper reports, pls help me to calculate % in the report.





    desc amount %


    one 500 50

    two 500 50



    pls help me





    By: bpatel@exitrealty.com - bpatel96

    RE: Please help me to calculate % in iReport

    2006-05-23 13:36

    if you are familiar with java code ,you can do this with scriplets ..it works

  7. By: pea - misterpea

    HowTo: Create param with sql to retrieve valu

    2006-05-21 23:37

    Hi All,


    I have a parent report, which contains a few subreports.

    The parent report and subreports all contain parameters fromDate and toDate. All data is retrieved based on the fromDate and toDate criteria.


    I want to use the parent report to run on a weekly schedule, so instead of allowing the user to input the fromDate and toDate values, I want to use SQL to use as values for these parameters.


    That is ...


    fromDate = select to_char(TRUNC(SYSDATE -2) + 00/24, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi') from dual;


    toDate = select to_char(TRUNC(SYSDATE)+ 00/24, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi') from dual;


    How do I do this?

    I've read these posts:






    But they don't say how.

    I've also read the iReport manual (the big one!) but haven't found a solution yet :(


    Anyone tried this before?





    By: pea - misterpea

    RE: HowTo: Create param with sql to retrieve

    2006-05-22 18:04



    i'm using OpenReports in conjuction with iReports.

    OpenReports allows me to create parameters, which values are retrieved from a database.


    sorry! :$



  8. By: iamlkh - iamlkh

    iReport with Sun Application Server(urgent!!)

    2006-05-21 02:53

    Here i am using iReport 1.0 and 1.2 to generate a pdf file in Sun Application Server, but it throws the following exception. no matter i had already add


    { premission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader"


    in server.policy file


    Would someone can help me to solve this problem, this is urgent for me.. thanks~~


    The exception are:


    HTTP Status 500 -


    type Exception report


    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


    javax.servlet.ServletException: tried to access field org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.log from class org.apache.commons.digester.SetNestedPropertiesRule$AnyChildRule






    HTTP Status 500 -


    type Exception report


    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


    javax.servlet.ServletException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file:

    1. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved or is not a type

    value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(6,((java.lang.String)field_barcode.getValue()),true,false,null,0,0));


    2. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved or is not a type

    value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(6,((java.lang.String)field_barcode.getOldValue()),true,false,null,0,0));


    3. it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage cannot be resolved or is not a type

    value = (java.awt.Image)(it.businesslogic.ireport.barcode.BcImage.getBarcodeImage(6,((java.lang.String)field_barcode.getValue()),true,false,null,0,0));

  9. By: subesingh - subesingh1

    Sub Report Data Alignment in Master Report

    2005-12-03 05:49

    Hi all,


    I have a problem related to alignment of subreport data or records in main or master report.I have added a subreport in detail band of

    master report but its data alignment is not same main report. It have lot of space in left and top side.


    It is urgent.I hope that will get reply.


    With Best Regards,










    By: ODIM - odim

    RE: Sub Report Data Alignment in Master Report

    2005-12-06 09:48



    it´s better to use Textfields, because you can work there with fields ($F{..}) or Variables or Parameters ($P{..}).

    In StaticTextFields you can´t do that.







    By: Doron Barak - doronbarak

    RE: Sub Report Data Alignment in Master Report

    2006-03-06 08:27

    Hello Sube,


    What I usually do with my sub-reports,

    is make their margins 0 on the left

    (and sometimes right) side(s).


    I also make sure that unrequired bands get

    their height set to 0 pixels. This lets me

    paginate sub-reports in their master.


    Good luck,

    Doron Barak



    By: snipex - snipex

    RE: Sub Report Data Alignment in Master Re

    2006-05-17 06:03


    i used datasource/connections to design a master report and a subreport. if i load a single report(.jrxml file) from openxava making the (JRDatasource() & getParameter()) methods return null, it works fine but with a master report that has subreports, it throws this error:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : DetailSubReport.jasper


    how can i load my subreport from openxava application using an action?



    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:33

  10. By: LuisClaudio - luisclaudio


    2006-05-08 11:10

    I am new to use ireport and would like an explanation (step by step).

    I already created one report with the name report.jrxml that he is in C:reporte

    I obtain to open in .pdf this I have reported inside of the IReport without problems.


    I want to create one class or method that open this report (report.jrxml)in jasperview or .pdf. somebody can give code example to me to make this (Step by Step )?


    Still I did not bind the necessary database to only know as I open this has reported for class






    By: Kraemer - felipe_kraemer

    RE: ireport

    2006-05-08 13:55

    Hi! Do you speak portuguese? If so, I think I can help you. Try to describe your problem in portuguese, because I couldn't understand it in English. As I am brazilian, if you could explain better in portuguese language I think I can help you.






    By: LuisClaudio - luisclaudio

    RE: ireport

    2006-05-08 15:49

    Sim, falo portugues ! graças a deus encontrei alguem que fale portugues.


    é o seguinte, estou a usar a ferramenta ireport agora e ja consegui criar um reporte com nome report.jrxml na directoria c:reportes


    preciso agora de criar uma class que abre este report no jasperview ou no acrobat. deu para entender ?

    por enquanto nao quero configurar ainda nenhuma ligação a base de dados. soo quero saber como vou abrir este reporte que eu criei.


    dentro do ireport eu abro o report em .pdf bem legal e agora gostaria de abri-lo atraves de uma metodo ou class.


    Voce pode me ajudar com isso ? estarei muito grato pois ando com o meu projecto parado so por causa desta parte do reporte.


    Muito obrigado.



    By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy

    RE: ireport

    2006-05-16 15:58

    as far as i could understand, you use a translator portuguese -> english :) thats not a good idea... ;)


    But, lets solve your problem.

    Once you've got an JRXML file (that means you create a source-file report), you have 2 options: one is compile this file before use it (you can do it on iReport) and you'll have an JASPER file.


    If you dont want to compile it before use it, you can also compile at runtime.

    JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("c:\report.jrxml"«»);


    If you do have an JASPER file, you may change the code above to:


    JasperReport report_compiled = (JasperReport)JRLoader.loadObject("c:\report.jasper"«»);


    Now, with JasperReport object, you just have to fill it with data (if you do have data to fill it up). If dont, just use a JREmptyDataSource.


    JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, param, new JREmptyDataSource());


    then, just use the print object to export (JasperExportManager) or to view at JRViewer.



  11. By: jmarandall - jmarandall

    Problem with Report Wizard

    2005-10-26 10:08

    New to iReport. I was able to successfully create two different connections/datasources: one to the Northwind.mdb via the org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver and one to one of my company's databases using com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver. I clicked on the Test button and successfully connected to each. However, after setting one of these as the active connection (via Build menu option) and clicking on File, REport Wizard to create a query (e.g., select * from customers order by country for the Northwind.md db), I got following message:

    java.sql.SQL.Exception: Table not found: CUSTOMERS in statement [select * from customers order by country]

    at org.hsqldb.Trace.getError(Trace.java:180)

    at org.hsqldb.jdbcResultSet.<init>(jdbcResultSet.java:2645)

    at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.executeStandalone(jdbcConnection.java:994)

    at org.hsqldb.jdbcConnection.execute(jdbcConnection.java:721)

    at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.fetchResult(jdbcStatement.java:686)

    at org.hsqldb.jdbcStatement.executeQuery(jdbcStatement.java:68)

    at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.WizardDialog.run(WizardDialog.java:1200)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


    I also noticed that the 'Ok' button was not working in the SQL Error dialog box. I had to exit the window using the 'x' button in the upper right corner.


    I am using Windows 2000 Server.

    iReport 0.5.1


    Java J2SE 1.4.2 (j2sdk-1_4_2_04-nb-3_6-bin-windows.exe)


    I am able to compile a simple text-only report (no connection to a db).


    Any ideas?




    By: Kevin - eventronix

    RE: Problem with Report Wizard

    2005-10-26 12:44

    This error most likely means that your SQL query is not valid try opening the database in a db tool to verify the talbles exist and your query is valid. a good one is db visualizer



    By: jmarandall - jmarandall

    RE: Problem with Report Wizard

    2005-10-26 12:55

    I've already done that. The query works fine. The table is there and the fields are there. I've run the query in Access 97 and another tool.


    I recall another posting in which the author asks if iReport works with Jasperreports ver 1.0.2? Do you know if that may be a problem? Thanks in advance.



    By: pwarda - pwarda

    RE: Problem with Report Wizard

    2006-01-09 10:42

    Is there more information concerning this post. I just installed ireports and am following the tutorial in the user manual. I'm getting this error situation and don't know what to do next.


    Thanks for any information




    By: snipex - snipex

    RE: Problem with Report Wizard

    2006-05-15 03:11

    hsqldb is a memory database and does not run on its own(standalone).once the application is down, it goes down too and nothing can been seen in it.


    try change the DB, maybe to mysql.


    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/09/02 10:32

  12. By: Kraemer - felipe_kraemer

    Problems in iReport 1.2.1 software

    2006-04-19 06:31


    I think I found a bug in the iReport 1.2.1:

    My report has static texts and variable fields on its layout.

    When I click on "View" menu, then in "Report Bands...". Then it opens, obviously, a window with my report bands. On the left side of the window, I click on the "Detail" band, opening in the right side the band properties. In the field "Band Height", I put 13 pixels. In the field "Print When Expression", I have a validation. I close the window, clicking on "[X]" in the top right side. Until here it's OK, nothing wrong.

    The problem is: when I enter the "Report Bands" window again, something crazy happens! All band heights are resetted, (value = 0), and the validation I had in the "Print When Expression" field is cleared too. When this happens, my report layout changes completely. To resolve the problem, I have to close my report, don't saving the changes, and opening it again.


    The same doesn't occur when, in the second time I enter the "Band Properties" window, I click on other bands (pageHeader, for example).


    It appears that when I click on the "[X]" in the top right side of the window, the software doesn't save the settings I've done. When I click on other bands before closing the window, my settings are saved. Then, on the third time I enter the "Band Properties" window, my settings are there.


    Probably it's a bug, 'cause I've never seen such thing like that.

    I don't know if I could express myself correctly, 'cause I'm not so good in English language, I'm brazilian and speak Portuguese.

    If you have any doubt, ask me and I'll give additional information.


    Can anyone help me?

    Thanks a lot!


    Below i wrote in Portuguese language:



    Eu acho que encontrei um problema no iReport 1.2.1:

    Meu relatório tem campos de texto estáticos e campos variáveis no seu layout.

    QUando eu clico no menu "Visualizar", e então em "Bandas do Relatório...". Então abre, obviamente, uma janela com as bandas do meu relatório. No lado esquerdo da janela, eu clico na banda "Detail", abrindo no lado direito as propriedades da banda. No campo "Band Height", eu coloco 13 pixels. No campo "Print When Expression", eu tenho uma validação. Eu fecho a janela, clicando no "[X]", no lado direito superior. Até aqui está tudo OK, nada de errado.

    O problema é: quando eu entro na janela "Report Bands" novamente, uma coisa estranha acontece! Todas as alturas das bandas são zeradas, e a validação que eu tinha no campo "Print When Expression" é apagada também. Quando isso acontece, o layout do meu relatório altera completamente. Para resolver o problema, eu tenho que fechar o relatório sem salvar as alterações e abrir novamente.


    O mesmo não ocorre quando, na segunda vez que entro na janela "Band Properties", eu clico em outras bandas (pageHeader, por exemplo).

    Parece que quando eu clico no "[X]" no lado direito superior da janela "Band Properties", o programa não salva as alterações que fiz. Quando eu clico em outras bandas antes de fechar essa janela, parece que as alterações são feitas. Então, na terceira vez que eu entro na janela "Band Properties", os valores e validações que coloquei anteriormente estão lá.


    Provavelmente é um problema no software, pois eu nunca vi coisa parecida.

    Não sei se consegui me expressar corretamente.

    Qualquer dúvida, me pergunte que terei o maior prazer em dar mais informações.


    Alguém consegue me ajudar?

    Muito obrigado.



    By: N Olding - oldingn

    RE: Problems in iReport 1.2.1 software

    2006-04-19 11:11

    I see this problem with report bands, too, which I added to the report here:





    By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy

    RE: Problems in iReport 1.2.1 software

    2006-04-28 08:01

    é, eu vi isso tb... deve ser um bug. vou testar na versão 1.2.2 pra ver se isso acontece tb.


    yeah, i found that too. Might be a bug or something. I´m gonna test on 1.2.2 version and see if thats happen too.



    By: Kraemer - felipe_kraemer

    RE: Problems in iReport 1.2.1 software

    2006-05-12 20:51

    Bruno, verifiquei a lista de alterações da versão 1.2.2 em comparação com a versão anterior. Pelo que li, este problema foi corrigido na versão 1.2.2, mas não testei. A lista de alterações da nova versão pode ser encontrada neste link: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=33


    Bruno, I checked the "What's New" list of the new version 1.2.2. I read that this problem is now fixed on the new version, but I didn't test it yet. The "What's New" list of the new version can be found in this link: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/index.php?p_module=page&pageid=33

  13. By: jean-yves bourles - jybourles

    port to OpenVMS

    2006-02-27 06:02



    I have ported iReport 1.1.0 on OpenVMS. This port consist of :

    Add some lines in IReportCompiler.java. Begin at line 952.

    Add the startup script ireport.com in bin directory.


    The file README_OPENVMS.TXT is in french but a translation is in progress.


    I have tested on OpenVMS 7.3-2


    This port is downloadable at : http://www.bourles.fr/Portage.html





    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: port to OpenVMS

    2006-02-27 17:26

    Can you send me diff or the class source and the ireport.com script? Or can you add a little zip as patch with the readme and this two files on the patch tracker (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=64348&atid=507165) ?


    I could merge your modifications in the main ireport distro.








    By: jean-yves bourles - jybourles

    RE: port to OpenVMS

    2006-05-12 05:10

    I deposit a patch (for the 1.2.2 version) on my web site http://www.bourles.fr/kits_openvms/iReport_1.2.2_OpenVMS.patch



  14. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    [ANN] iReport 1.2.1 released!

    2006-04-07 10:57

    The iReport Team is pleased to announce the new iReport release: 1.2.1.


    iReport Release 1.2.1

    April 7, 2006

    The following changes have been made to software since release 1.2.0


    * Full support for JasperReports 1.2.1

    * New handling of conditional style

    * New dockable interface

    * New subreport wizard

    * New styles library

    * New translation status plugin

    * New date and percentage tools

    * New load/save query buttons

    * Serveral bug fixes and improvements


    See details on iReport 1.2.1 What's new? page!



    iReport home page:



    Download it now:




    By: rp4 - rp4

    RE: [ANN] iReport 1.2.1 released!

    2006-04-17 15:18

    does cvs contain the 1.2.1 code base?



    By: Neil Lamka - neil_lamka

    RE: [ANN] iReport 1.2.1 released!

    2006-05-08 12:07

    Did you ever get a response to this question? I've been trying to get versions since 1.2.1 out of cvs without any luck. Does not appear as though the code is available or being updated there any longer.

  15. By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy


    2006-04-28 08:03

    Hey, does anyone knows if i can "donate" what i translate on iReport? I improved the pt_br translation and i want to give it to ireport. how can i do it?



    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Translation

    2006-05-02 03:54

    Submit the translated properties file as patch.





  16. By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy

    Subdataset - Why not?

    2006-04-28 11:23

    I found very good the meaning of dataset for crosstab.

    But, wouldnt it be much more usefull if we could use the subdataset on a frame? And in that frame we could add some textfield associated with the field of the subdataset, and not the to the report field?


    Sometimes we have to create several subreports just to add some simple extra query ( ex: specific total value, a description ), and too much subreport makes it confuse to understang some time afeter the report creation.

  17. By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    Sub report Table formatting Problem

    2006-04-18 20:39



    I need to display data read from a XML file. The data needs to displayed in a table format. For example let's say

    1. I have to display 2 columns. Column A and Column B

    2. Column A is a sub report

    3. When I palce fields sub report and column B side by side and give borders it does not result in a proper table structure for me. Why is that?

    How to construct a table if one of the columns is a sub report?


    Any pointers will be very helpful.


    Thanks & Regards




    By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy

    RE: Sub report Table formatting Problem

    2006-04-28 08:10

    if a single cell can return multiple values ( more than one row ) then you might have to do some layout excercise :) trying to fit it.

    if not, then just draw a table in the main report ( borders ) and place the subreport inside the "cell" that you draw. I have several reports that have a table format and i do the second option. works perfectaly! ;)

  18. By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    How to draw page border in ireport1.2.0?

    2006-04-23 21:51



    I would like to draw a page border for all my report pages. How should I do it in ireport1.2.0?

    I have all the bands in the report and would like to know how to draw a page border encompassing all the bands?


    Thanks & Regards




    By: Bruno R. Lima - iceboyy

    RE: How to draw page border in ireport1.2.0?

    2006-04-28 08:05

    what i did was just use the background band.

    i maximize the bg band to the page size, then added the retangle in the size of the page.

    doing this, my report got a nice and beatiful page border :)

  19. By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    Pie Chart from XML Datasource

    2006-04-25 04:19



    I need help with a pie chart developmennt from a XML

    datasource. For example if my xml is:







    I need help in drawing a pie chart between A and B.

    Please help. Any pointers in this regard will be very



    Thanks & Regards


  20. By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    Table Problem

    2006-04-25 03:37



    I am trying to display a table with 3 columns. I am using text fields and borders to create the table. The problem I am facing is this:

    The 2nd column value is large and is printed in

    2-3 lines. This happens becoz I have made the 2nd column text field to Stretch with overflow. The issue is, when the 2nd column stretches, the 1st and the 3rd column remain the same there by distorting the table structure. Has anyone come across such an issue? Please help/throw some pointers.

    Thanks & Regards


  21. By: Suganthy - suganthy

    Need Clarifications For a Charts

    2006-04-17 07:41



    I have JasperReports version 1.2.1, iReport Designer 1.2.1 and JFreechart 1.01. I am trying to evaluate this tool to use for my production reports. I am exploring pie charts, bar chars, meter charts, line charts and cross-tab or matrix reports. During the evaluation I got struck in using the iReport Designer for generating the pie chart. What are the values that need to be populated to generate the pie chart report?


    Could you please provide a detailed example / samples for all the charts? I would appreciate if you could send me a web link where I can learn and implement.



    By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    RE: Need Clarifications For a Charts

    2006-04-23 20:06



    Try out the pie chart sample that comes with JasperReports. It takes you through step by step.

    Hope this helps.


    Thanks & RegardsS


  22. By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    How to hide rows with no data?

    2006-04-20 21:36



    I am using iReport 1.2.0. My doubt is when I retrive rows from the datasource(XML datasource) and print it in the detail band as a table, I would like to know how to hide the rows with no data in it. Currently, empty cells are getting displayed but I want to remove the rows with no data.

    Please help.


    Thanks & Regards




    By: Kraemer - felipe_kraemer

    RE: How to hide rows with no data?

    2006-04-21 10:54



    I'm not sure I can help you, but I'll try.


    If the current row has no data, probably the fields have null values. If this is your case, you can put the following code in the "Print When Expression" field on the "Detail" band properties:


    $F{field_name} == null ? new Boolean(false) : new Boolean(true)


    It means that if the "field_name" field of your detail band is null, iReport will hide the row.


    I hope that will help you, friend!


    Felipe Kraemer



    By: ka4sri_1999 - ka4sri_1999

    RE: How to hide rows with no data?

    2006-04-23 20:04

    That worked!Thank you so much Felipe. I needed that functionality urgently. Once again thanks.




  23. By: Neil Lamka - neil_lamka

    UI in iReports 1.2.0 is mostly disfunctional

    2006-04-18 16:06

    I've found several problems with the UI in iReports 1.2.0. The version of code I'm running is the current form CVS and that does not appear to be the same as 1.2.1.


    The issues include

    1) Making changes using the element properties panel do not seem to stick. I've made the same text change multiple times. The item seems to take but if you save the file (without exiting iReports) the change is lost. I've finally had to resort to exiting iReports and hand editing some fields with a text editor


    2) For some reason, selecting an item and trying to move it using the cursor keys works for a time and then just stops


    3) Changing the heigh/width or position properties using the fields in the Element properties panel just stops working. If you bring up the old Element properties screen you can make the changes and they work


    4) Going to the View bands panel causes all kinds of problems. It seems to randomly set the band height to zero for some bands and deletes the band Print When expression


    I have other problems but these are the major ones.


    I'm running on Win/XP SP2 using the Sun jdk 1.5.0_06 if that helps.


    Anyone know of any fixes for these items? At the moment I've had to drop back to iReports 0.2.2/Jasperreports 0.5.0 as the last stable version that I have.


    Any pointers or help would be helpful.



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