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Everything posted by mmflynn

  1. kmansfield wrote: I would like to store objects in the jasper server HTTP User session and then be able to retrieve them for use by IReport parameters. Are there any mechanisms in jasperserver and iReports to accomplish this? Another idea is just write my own cache implementation to retrieve at report generation, although I didn't see a way to get specific user id via iReport Parameters? In JasperServer, check out this sample file: /Reports/Samples/Sales by Month Report It includes a parameter named LoggedInUser. Its Parameter Class Type is: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User Are there any other recommendations? If the above does not work for you, I suppose you could define a parameter using iReport (string) and map it to an Input Control in JasperServer (text). You would then programmatically pass it from your app to the report. But I think the above should work for you... Background: I have some customized acegi authentication mechanisms that authenticates and loads user info from another server once upon login and this info will be used in report generation for displaying and filtering of data. We are a reseller so company id and name are used to filter data appropriately and for displaying reports with company specific data. Also, these parameters should not be set or seen by the user to ensure user doesn't have access to another companies' data. Thanks, Keith If you use the parameter with class type com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User, there is no server-side Input Control, and as far as I can tell, the user does not see it. If you create an Input Control in JasperServer, then you'll want to de-select the "Visible" checkbox. Hope this helps. BTW, I'll join Matt Dahlman for a webinar on Wednesday morning (10 am PDT) to go through parameters. We'll cover both basic and advanced topics, and may touch on your question. Here's the abstract for the session: http://www.jaspersoft.com/nw_events.html
  2. I haven't quite followed everything you want to do, but I may be able to help with your current problem. Can you please post the definition (or a screen shot) for the parameter, the SQL for your query (the where clause should suffice), and a bit more info on the error? Re: the error, did you run the report from iReport or JasperServer? Mary
  3. Hi Amine, The subreports in the storeheader are not necessary as far as I can tell, and that is what is creating the blank space. I downloaded your files, increased the height of one of the subreports, ran it as a blank report so it would compile, then ran your primary report. Big old space resulted! The easiest way to find invisible objects is through the Document Structure panel on the left side. Navigate to "storeHeader" and you can then select the subreport(s) and either delete them or change their properties. I couldn't help but notice the conditional fields in the genderHeader group. You can get rid of this entire band and instead deselect the "Print repeated values" property for "store name" and "gender" in the storeHeader band. Also, I supress bands I don't want (e.g., genderFooter) by setting its band height to 0. Good luck, Mary
  4. Hi Rashed, When you say you can't use it, what does that mean? Could you give a bit more background? Mary
  5. Hi Rashed, When you say you can't use it, what does that mean? Could you give a bit more background? Mary
  6. Getting external authentication to work with Open LDAP was remarkably easy. Getting Acegi to pick up the LDAP roles took a bit of research. I'm attaching my working applicationContext-security.xml file in hopes that its examples and comments will save others some time. Note: this is for a demo configuration with a very simple directory structure. [file name=applicationContext_security-da25a544c617052f845e5c4613767cf9.xml size=38483]
  7. That seems strange--can you provide more information? I'm not sure what you mean by the hyperlink disappears. Mary
  8. You may be able to do this in version 2.1. Go to http://yourserver:8080/jasperserver/services. On my version (Pro 2.1), I get this: And now... Some Services * AdminService (wsdl) o AdminService * Version (wsdl) o getVersion * repository (wsdl) o put o get o list o delete o runReport * ReportScheduler (wsdl) o scheduleJob o getReportJobs o deleteJob o deleteJobs o getJob o updateJob o getAllJobs The screen shot shows that the sample web services app that ships in the jasperserver-v.x/samples directory allows you to schedule and email a job using web services. Hope this gets you in the right direction. Mary Post edited by: mmflynn, at: 2007/12/17 18:12 [file name=schedule_mail.png size=4810]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/schedule_mail.png[/file] Post edited by: mmflynn, at: 2007/12/17 18:15
  9. I think the answer to your question is pretty easy. Accessing an object from the repository does not require web services--all you need is a URL to its location in the repository. The web services API is used to manage and run JasperReports stored in the repository (e.g., listing authorized reports, running them, exporting them, uploading, deleting, etc). When you schedule a job and export to PDF, you save that file in some location in the repository. Find the file in that location, get its properties (e.g., http://myserver:8080/jasperserver/ContentFiles/pdf/my.pdf), and you should be all set. (You should be able to use this technique to access anything from the repository--e.g., images and so on.) Make sure you check the permissions for the file in the repository; users will be prompted to log in before they can view secured files. Ann, you're taking good advantage of JasperServer! It was designed to do exactly what you're doing--run as a stand-alone server plus embeddable in existing business applications. Cool... Mary
  10. For out-of-the-box functionality, stick with Matt's suggestions. For adventurous techies, you can also try out a proof of concept app that ships with JS Pro 2.1. It's in samples/customAdHoc, and it's a bare-bones, web-based ad hoc query builder. Mary
  11. The sample dashboard that ships with JasperServer Pro 2.1 was created with iReport. The WEB-INF/jsp/home/homeForDemo.jsp file references the "supermart/Dashboard" file stored in the JasperServer repository. The individual reports that display in the dashboard are subreports, also stored in the repository. The dashboard has lots of links--some of which drill down into the same report, others that open different reports, and others that open an OLAP view in JasperAnalysis. You don't have to be a developer to create a dashboard (I'm not, and I have). It does help to learn a little Java if you want to get fancy with parameter passing. Hope this helps. Mary
  12. I'm going to take a wild stab at this. My best guess is that you're best off changing the database/queries (JasperETL might be useful). Barring that, you could try bumping up the Java environment variables. On my machines, they look like this: Linux: /opt/jasperserver/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh Code:JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS "-XX:MaxPermSize-512m" "-Xmx256m Windows: c:program filesjasperserverapache-tomcatbinsetenv.bat Code:[code]set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx256m Good luck, but please don't hold me to anything. Mary
  13. Joerg--this may help. 2nd - the question: Isn't there another way to call just the PDF-variant?I don't want to see the Jasper-Header (HTML-output) and the icons for allthe Fileformats (Word, Excel,...) If you want to fill the report and export to PDF every time the link is clicked, your best bet is to use the JasperReports (not JasperServer) documentation. Since I'm not a developer, I can't help you with specifics. I just know it's been done. You could also set up a scheduled job that fills the report and exports it to the JasperServer repository. You then reference the address of the PDF file in the repository, e.g., http://myserver:8080/jasperver/ContentFiles/pdf/my.pdf. When you create the job, click "Overwrite files" (or whatever it says--I forget). To figure out what the URL should be, just pick up its properties once the PDF is output to the repository. This is a decent option if the report is run a lot and the data does not change rapidly. You have lots of scheduling options, even every [x] minutes. Good luck! Mary
  14. I can set you in the right direction, but unfortunately I do not have a specific solution for you. JFreeChart is the chart engine used by JasperReports. iReport does not expose all the capabilities of JFreeChart yet, so you need to write a chart customizer class to get the functionality you need, specifically rendering the value labels differently. These should get you started: Search this forum for JRChartCustomizer--this is what you need to implement in iReportI'm not positive, but I think this link will get you the methods you need: http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/api/javadoc/org/jfree/chart/renderer/category/CategoryItemRenderer.html setSeriesItemLabelFont(int, Font) and setBaseItemLabelFont(Font).And just as an example, this is what I did to make the pie chart labels smaller (credits--I used this forum to get started--thanks to jmaher plus JasperSoft support). Code:Getting it to compile was my big problem--I'm not a Java programmer, and it took me a while to figure out my classpath (yours will be different, but the point is that you need to include the paths to the jars that are included in the class, in my example, jasperreports, jfreechart including jcommon. ): [root@mycentos root]# CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/jfreechart-1.0.1.jar:/opt/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/jasperreports-ver:/opt/tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib/jcommon-1.0.0.jar;.;export CLASSPATH I've pretty much exhausted what I can tell you. Good luck!!! Mary
  15. I just did this for a chart that uses a BigDecimal: Code: Got set in the right direction from [url=http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html#ROUND_HALF_UP]http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/math/BigDecimal.html#ROUND_HALF_UP You may need to use something different based on your data type. Good luck! Mary size=210]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/BigDecimalRound.gif
  16. Thanks Jamie--this is the best info I've found so far re: this topic. Non-programmer questions for you: will iReport use a .java file or do I have to compile it to a .class file? Also, where should I put the customizer?
  17. I needed to figure this out for a report, and found this post on my first search. Thanks for the help!
  18. I'm trying to solve a similar problem if anyone has any suggestions! Mary
  19. I'm trying to solve a similar problem if anyone has any suggestions! Mary
  20. I found your post while doing a little work on styles myself. Better late than never? You should be able to solve your problem by creating a default style with a conditional expression. E.g.: 1. Create a style named "normal" (or whatever) 2. Click Default style 3. Add a Style Condition 4. Write a boolean expression that would result "true" for all the fields you want to apply the style to. (I'm not very good at this part...) 5. Apply the new style to the fields you want to evaluate. I'm not an expert, but this might help! Mary
  21. Some more background info--I duplicated the problem with the stand-alone SQLeonardo download from Sourceforge. It's easiest to reproduce using the SugarCRM sample data. Fields do not appear for the "Orders" table in the Query Designer, but fields for "accounts" do appear. [file name=sqleonardo_nocolumns.gif size=1805]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sqleonardo_nocolumns.gif[/file] More info--command line output. Are the table names case-sensitive? <pre> Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Program Files>cd SQLeonardo C:Program FilesSQLeonardo>ls sqleonardo-2007.03.zip sqleonardo.jar C:Program FilesSQLeonardo>java -jar sqleonardo.jar com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel loading resources... loading session... loading window... Can't find the translation for key = application.menu.content: using default (sh ow content...) Can't find the translation for key = application.menu.definition: using default (show definition...) [ DiagramLoader::getPrimaryKeys ] java.sql.SQLException: Table 'sugarcrm.orders' doesn't exist [ DiagramLoader::run ] java.sql.SQLException: Table 'sugarcrm.orders' doesn't exist [ DiagramLoader::getPrimaryKeys ] java.sql.SQLException: Table 'sugarcrm.orders' doesn't exist [ DiagramLoader::run ] java.sql.SQLException: Table 'sugarcrm.orders' doesn't exist C:Program FilesSQLeonardo> </pre> Post edited by: mmflynn, at: 2007/05/04 20:14
  22. I'm having the same problem with the Query Designer if anyone can suggest a solution. I updated iReport 1.3.3 and Java to 1.6 to make sure that's not the issue. Mary
  23. Better late than never, I suppose, but this should help: Product name in header (JasperServer Pro), edit: ../WEB-INF/bundles/pro_nav_messages Change the default values (to the right of the equals sign): NAV_020_TITLE=JasperServer NAV_020_FULL_TITLE=JasperServer Professional NAV_021_TITLE_MODIFIER=professional[/ul] Product name in header (JasperServer open source), edit: ../WEB-INF/bundles/jasperserver_messages.properties Change the default values (to the right of the equals sign): jsp.main.title=JasperServer decorators.main.title=JasperIntelligence[/ul] Logo in header (JasperServer Pro and open source) Edit: ../WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp Search for /images/jaspersoft and replace with your logo. You'll probably want to change the hyperlink as well.[/ul] Mary
  24. Hello--I'm having a heck of a time getting iReport to run on Ubuntu 6.0.6. I upgraded Java SDK from 1.4.2_13 to 1.5.0_10. Here are my env variables: sugar@ubuntu:~/iReport-1.3.0/bin$ printenv SSH_AGENT_PID=5221 TERM=xterm DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID= SHELL=/bin/bash GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/sugar/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 IREPORT_HOME=/home/sugar/iReport-1.3.0 WINDOWID=29360221 USER=sugar LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.flac=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.mpc=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.wav=01;35: GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-fu8qfx/socket SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-FYukYo5179/agent.5179 SESSION_MANAGER=local/ubuntu:/tmp/.ICE-unix/5179 USERNAME=sugar DESKTOP_SESSION=default PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games GDM_XSERVER_LOCATION=flexi PWD=/home/sugar/iReport-1.3.0/bin JAVA_HOME=/home/sugar/jdk1.5.0_10 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 GDMSESSION=default HISTCONTROL=ignoredups HOME=/home/sugar SHLVL=1 LANGUAGE=en GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=Default LOGNAME=sugar DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-bQdK9KlmdN,guid=92f4a345b3a5d4343010d65cb3208400 LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s DISPLAY=:20.0 LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s COLORTERM=gnome-terminal XAUTHORITY=/home/sugar/.Xauthority _=/usr/bin/printenv OLDPWD=/home/sugar/iReport-1.3.0 And here is the error: sugar@ubuntu:~/iReport-1.3.0$ ./iReport.sh Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Window.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Frame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Frame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$OwnerFrame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.getOwnerFrame(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.JDialog.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.JDialog.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.SplashDialog.<init>(SplashDialog.java:45) at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.main(MainFrame.java:7741) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit at java.lang.Class.forName(libgcj.so.7) at java.lang.Class.forName(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(libgcj.so.7) ...10 more sugar@ubuntu:~/iReport-1.3.0$ I've tried to figure this out by reading other forum questions, but remain confused/stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Mary
  25. Hi there--any ideas on this one? I installed iReports on Ubuntu 6.06 and get the same error message. I am a Linux novice... Mary Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Window.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Frame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Frame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$OwnerFrame.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.getOwnerFrame(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.JDialog.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at javax.swing.JDialog.<init>(libgcj.so.7) at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.SplashDialog.<init>(SplashDialog.java:44) at it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame.main(MainFrame.java:7443) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit at java.lang.Class.forName(libgcj.so.7) at java.lang.Class.forName(libgcj.so.7) at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(libgcj.so.7) ...10 more
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