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  1. Hello, I have a report created with the $P{LoggedInUser} parameter. I am using the type for this as 'com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User' and Default Value Expression as '(Object)$P{LoggedInUser}.getUsername()'. When I do like this, I am not able to compile the report because iReport can't find the 'com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User' class. But when I upload the same report in JasperServer and run it, I am not having any problem. So my doubt is, is there any way I can make it run with iReport? Can you please suggest me which files can I change and what are the changes I need to do? Thanks a lot, Mohan.
  2. Hello, Is it possible to run two different user specific reports in a single report? If anyone had worked on it, please can you give a detailed description on how you did it? Thanks and Regards, Mohan.
  3. Hello, Is it possible to run two different user specific reports in a single report? If anyone had worked on it, please can you give a detailed description on how you did it? Thanks and Regards, Mohan.
  4. Hello, I am trying to show five different reports in a single page. I thought it could be done by using 'sub report' option. When I create five subreports and run, the reports are displayed overlapped on each other. Is there a way to get five reports displayed seperately using sub reports? Thanks, Mohan.
  5. Hello, Is there any option of setting the 'results per page' option in iReport? If yes, please let me know. I could find the resPerPage in Pagination class. But could not get where to set the number of results per page. Please help me. Thanks, Mohan.
  6. Hello, It is clear for me now, how authentication is done using ldap, in Jasper. But there is one thing I am not still satisfied with. I went through the docs and forums also, but I could not find answer for this one question. I have the users in my active directory like this: dn: cn=Mohan Rao, ou=Engineering, dc=sigmainfo, dc=net sAMAccountName: mohanrao (This is the name I use for logging into my sctive directory). When I created a user in Jasper with the name 'Mohan Rao' (as in cn), I could successfully login. But when I create a user 'mohanrao', I am not able to login. Is there a way I could create a user 'mohanrao' and login to Jasper with that name? Can any one tell me how to change the parameters in applicationContext-security.xml file in order to work like this? Thanks a lot, Mohan.
  7. Hi Sherman, I am able to successfully authenticate Jasper to Active Directory through ldap authentication. But there are still some uncleared doubts. 1. In my AD, I have the users setup like this ... dn: cn=Mohan Rao, ou=Users, dc=myCompany, dc=local cn: Mohan Rao sAMAccountName: mohan (the name with which I login to AD) objectClass=User When I create the user 'mohan' in Jasper, it is not getting identified in AD. But when I create the user as 'Mohan Rao' in Jasper, then it is being identified and getting authenticated. So what ever name is given as 'cn' is being searched in AD. Right? So, if I want the username 'mohan' to get authenticated to AD, what changes do I need to do? I have tried with sAMAccountName={0} but still the same. Please give me some suggestion ... Thanks, Mohan
  8. Hi, Please see the documentation available on <a href="http://www.acegisecurity.org">AcegiSecurity</a> This might help you. Even I am also having a problem. Mohan.
  9. Hello, I am trying to get JasperServer authenticated to AD. From my system, I am able to access my user accounts in AD using ldap browser. But when I give the parameters for the LDAP authentication part in applica..-security.xml, I am still not able to get authenticated to AD. I am getting "Bad Credentials". I am using Windows XP Pro. Is there any to do with this? I made changes in the xml file accordingly. One doubt: I have created users for JI (external) without any passwords. Is it OK? Or do I need to set the passwords for the external users in the JIUser table? What value do I need to give in the place 'uid={0}'? THanks, Mohan
  10. Hi, I am trying to integrate JasperIntelligence with JetSpeed (for SingleSignOn). Can anyone please give me sufficient information on this? Or please give me some link where I can find answer to the same type of question posted by some one else. Meanwhile I am on my way trying with this. Thanks a lot, Mohan.
  11. Hi, In Jasper, I am trying to get the users authenticated through LDAP server. I have created a user in Active Directory. I have created the same user in Jasper (externally defined). I have made the following changes in my applicationContext-security.xml file: Uncommented the <ref local="ldapAuthenticationProvider"/> Commented the <ref local="daoAuthenticationProvider"/> And I have uncommented the LDAP related part. But still when I try to login with the username on LDAP, I am not able to get the user authenticated through LDAP server. This is the error I am getting: 350 WARN [LoggerListener] Authentication event AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: user1_jasper; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@ffffc434: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: DA46214B569BE16A0FD90C3068992252; exception: Bad credentials Can anyone suggest me what are the additional things I need to do? Or if possible please send me the applicationContext-security file which was modified to work with LDAP. Waiting for a solution desperately .. thanks in advance, Mohan.
  12. Hi, Is there any reference guide on the information for using JasperServer with LDAP? Or can anyone please give me a link where I can find the information about authenticating JasperServer through LDAP? Thanks a lot, Mohan.
  13. Please ... I desperately need a solution for this
  14. Hi, I have created a user in my LDAP server. I have created the same user in JasperServer also(defined as external). I have enabled the LDAP Authentication in the security xml file. I am not able to get the Jasperserver authenticated by LDAP. This is the error I am getting. Any ideas, please? Can anyone suggest me how can I change the applicationContext-security.xml? 16:59:57,960 INFO [ExpressionEvaluationUtils] Using JSP 2.0 ExpressionEvaluator 17:00:02,937 WARN [LoggerListener] Authentication event AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: admin; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@166c8: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 347F0D86236AAA21F6D558566FAC988B; exception: Bad credentials 17:00:02,937 WARN [LoggerListener] Authentication event AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: admin; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@166c8: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 347F0D86236AAA21F6D558566FAC988B; exception: Bad credentials 17:00:02,945 WARN [JSCommonController] There was a login error 17:00:16,539 WARN [LoggerListener] Authentication event AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent: user1_jasper; details: org.acegisecurity.ui.WebAuthenticationDetails@166c8: RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId: 347F0D86236AAA21F6D558566FAC988B; exception: Bad credentials 17:00:16,543 WARN [JSCommonController] There was a login error
  15. Hi, Can anyone please let me know how do I modify the applicationContext-security.xml to get authenticated from LDAP server? Is it the only file we need to make the changes or do we need to change set of files? I am facing a problem. I am not able to make out what parts of the file I should comment. I have uncommented the LDAP part, and commented the few other parts of the same file. If anyone has worked with authentication with LDAP server, please can you give me details of how to make the changes in applicationContext-security.xml file? If possible I want to see the template of a file how you modified it. It is urgent. Please help me. Thanks a lot, Mohan.
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