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  1. JasperReports Server looks for the license file in three places: the WEB-INF folder, the user's home directory, and any arbitrary location specified by the -Djs.license.directory JAVA_OPTS setting. You can set this directory to whatever you want, and I presume you could also use a variable instead of an explicit directory. You can learn more about license file management on Linux here: http://www.jaspersoft.com/scorm_data/InstallingJasperReportsServer5forLinux_9565/data/tpc/1e585ce4-243e-46ae-8cc5-8f862afbd82f/topic.html?directlaunch&Mode=T Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  2. This issue has been resolved. Customers with active support subscriptions can contact Technical Support and request the hotfix for issue #33210. Note that this issue only occurs if you download JasperReports Server version 5.2.0 and install it on EC2. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  3. Hello - can you provide a bit more info on what you did (if anything) after accepting the terms? The recommended path is documented here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch Did you click one of the Cloud Formation scripts? If so, which one? Sorry you're running into this trouble. Hopefully we'll get you on track quickly. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  4. Glad to see that you solved the problem. Thanks for the follow up post with the solution! Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  5. Jaspersoft BI for Amazon Web Services requires very little systems management. Despite its greatly reduced need for administrative intervention, on occasion you may need to connect to the server's file system to retrieve log files, upload licenses, edit configuration files, or run commands from a console interface. There are a variety of utilities you can use to accomplish these tasks. This article demonstrates file transfer using a third-party utility for Microsoft Windows called WinSCP. Command line interactions are shown using the AWS console "Connect from your browser" feature. These two utilities were chosen because they are the easy to explain and use for their use cases. You may be familiar with and prefer other methods, such as PuTTY, ssh command line utilities, and so on. File TransferThis section demonstrates an easy way to move files back and forth between the Linux server running JasperReports Server on AWS and your local computer. (Note: The client computer for this example runs Microsoft Windows.) File transfer use cases include: Uploading a Jaspersoft license file from your local computer to JasperReports ServerDownloading log files for troubleshootingUploading database drivers, custom data source files, and so onRequirementsThe public IP address or hostname of the AWS server instance running JasperReports ServerThe Public key name associated with the server instanceThe path to the Private key file that works with the Public key mentioned aboveA file transfer utility such as WinSCPImportant: If using WinSCP, the Private key file must be converted to the .ppk file format. Use the Puttygen "import key" utility to convert from .pem to .ppk file formats. See Dealing with Private Keys in Other Formats for more information.Login username: ec2-userSteps to Transfer FilesRun the WinSCP application from the Windows Start menu.Click New. Use the following values:Host Name (or IP address)Port number: 22User name: ec2-userPassword: leave blankPrivate key file: navigate to the Private key fileProtocol: SFTPClick Save. The default session name will follow the standard user@host, e.g., ec2-user@bdsandbox7. You can change it if you want. Click OK.Click Login to connect. Your local file system appears in the left panel and the remote AWS computer appears in the right. You can now easily copy files back and forth between systems. WinSCP ExtrasEditing Files with WinSCPYou can double-click and edit text files directly from the WinSCP interface. A copy of the file will be downloaded and opened in a text editor. When you save the file, it will be copied back to the server. Command Line Interactions with WinSCPWinSCP includes a Commands menu. From it you can click Open Terminal, which allows you to run a single command at a time, or Open in PuTTY, which opens a full command line console if you have PuTTY installed. Command Line InteractionsThe AWS console provides a command line utility that runs in a Java-enabled Web browser window. It is documented on the AWS web site. Command line interactions use cases include: Starting, stopping, restarting or checking the status of JasperReports ServerRunning any Linux commandRequirementsAccess to the AWS ConsoleThe path to the Private key file that works with the Public key used by your server instanceSteps to Open a Command Line Window from the AWS ConsoleLogin to the AWS console, e.g.: https://<yourOrganization>.signin.aws.amazon.com/console From the AWS Console Home page, click EC2Click Instances from the side bar or Running Instances from the top level summaryLocate your instance and right-click itFrom the Instance Management pop-up menu, click ConnectThe Public DNS and Private Key name will be entered for you. Complete the following:User name: ec2-userPrivate key path: enter the path to the Private key file that works with the Public Key named on-screen.Click Launch SSH ClientWhen prompted to run the application named com.mindbright.application.MindTerm, click RunIf prompted to add the server's fingerprint to the cache, click YesYou can now run any Linux commandFor More InformationAWS Documentation: Getting a Key Pair AWS Documentation: Getting Started with Amazon EC2 Linux Instances, Step 3: Connect to Your InstanceJaspersoft Community Article: How to Produce Clean Log Files for TroubleshootingJaspersoft Community Article: Applying Your Jaspersoft Product License(s)
  6. Hi Pete - I don't have quite enough information to help you troubleshoot, so I'll start with a few helpful links in case you haven't found them already. If the problem persists, please write back with the details of your data source type. Omit things like your password, of course. Connect to AWS Data Sources wiki article and connection best practices video: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/connect FAQ: Can I connect to on-premise databases?: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-bi-aws-frequently-asked-questions#Can_I_connect_to_on-premise_databases Good luck, Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  7. Hi - I haven't seen this problem before. The error message would help. Forgive me if this suggestion is much too elementary, but check the field width. The field may not be wide enough to show the desired formatting. Make the field wider. You didn't mention if you tried running the report. Do you get a different result in design mode and preview mode? Good luck, Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  8. Notice from Jaspersoft: Version 5.2 of JasperReports Server is currently not certified to run on Amazon EC2. A software defect has been identified that generates an error when creating a new data source. The defect is in the processing of being fixed. The error message is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Exception occurred rendering view org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView: name 'modules/addResource/dataSource/addDataSourceAws'; URL [/WEB-INF/jsp/modules/addResource/dataSource/addDataSourceAws.jsp] Workaround options: Downgrade to version 5.1.Watch this thread for notification of the defect fix.Use the Jaspersoft BI for AWS service as instructed at http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch. This includes the certified version of Jaspersoft for AWS. Note that Jaspersoft BI for AWS is a pay-as-you-go service offered by Amazon Web Services.
  9. Since you pose the question as to what's easiest, I'd say that the easiest is to restart AWS. Otherwise you can use something like PuTTY to connect to the server (you will need your private key and when prompted, log in as ec2-user). Then run "service tomcat7 stop". Make sure everything shuts down ok. Then run "service tomcat7 start". Again, it's easier to just restart the AWS instance. Be sure you don't terminate it! Mary
  10. Hi John, You can customize this, but it does require you to edit an xml file and restart the server. So be prepared with SSH or WinSCP to access the files on your AWS box and make sure that users expect a restart. The file you want to backup and then edit is: ../webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-adhoc.xml Search for "defaultTopicDir" and you will find the following lines: <property name="defaultTopicDir" value="/adhoc/topics/"/> <!--<property name="defaultTopic" value="sample1"/>--> <property name="defaultTopic" value="AdhocDemo"/> Hopefully it's clear that you change the default Topic directory by entering the folder name - in your case you would change "/adhoc/topics/" to your preferred folder. I added the "defaultTopic" line as well - the default is a sample that ships with Jaspersoft. One thing that I want to bring to your attention is that you usually want to have a folder dedicated to Topics. So in your case you have a folder called /OurCompany. In that, you probably want a folder named /OurCompany/topics. This is because all JasperReports units found in the "defaultTopicDir" folder appear in the Ad Hoc Topics chooser. You probably don't want all JasperReports units to show up. (Then again - you might - I just want you to do it purposefully if that's the case.) Save the changes (plain text file format, of course). Restart JasperReports Server / Tomcat. You should then be all set. Mary FlynnJaspersoft
  11. Timy2 - I'm not a SQL or PostgreSQL expert, but I can offer you an idea that may be able to help you. Jaspersoft runs database queries, which are naturally read-only transactions. Your complex SQL statement includes sub-queries. A quick web search yielded this, from http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-select.html: "Just as in a table, every output column of a SELECT has a name. In a simple SELECT this name is just used to label the column for display, but when the SELECT is a sub-query of a larger query, the name is seen by the larger query as the column name of the virtual table produced by the sub-query". It appears that the SQL is invoking a "write" transaction. The cleanest way to handle this is to use an ETL process to transform and load the data into a table so it can be easily queried. It's possible you could make a stored procedure that sets the transaction type, but that may not be allowable and I wouldn't recommend it strictly from a security point of view. I hope this helps. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  12. Hi Reyner - You are starting and stopping JasperReports Server correctly. If you want JasperReports Server to start as a service (rather than using ctlscript.sh), you can find an example of how to do that in the jasperreprots-server-5.1/scripts/linux directory. It's hard to say what is causing the 404 error. If Tomcat loads, then JasperReports Server should be running. My best suggestion right now is to check the log files. This article provides more detail than what you need, but it gives you a good understanding of where the files are located: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-produce-clean-log-files-troubleshooting. I hope this helps. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  13. Hi John - Based on your reference to the Freight report, I assumed you're using iReport and not the Ad Hoc report designer. If you're using Ad Hoc, then I need a bit more info on exactly what you're doing. Otherwise, continue on. Mastering the input control is very liberating. What you ran into is the flip side of a feature that is flexible and powerful. Unfortunately it was not obvious. I'll use your suggestion of the Freight report as an example. When you edit the Freight report unit and click the Controls and Resources tab, you see three input controls: Country, RequestDate and OrderId. These input controls were created to be part of the report unit. You can think of them as tightly bound. I recommend that you NOT set them up this way, but as reusable controls, but you'll learn that when you get to the reference material at the end.. To see how this input control is defined, click on it. The Locate Input Control opens, and as you note, there are two choices. The first is what you want, and it really should read "Define or Edit an Input Control in the next step." Click Next. On the Create Input Control page, you can type anything you want for the prompt. It could be as simple as "Country" or more elaborate, such as "Select a country from the list", etc. The really really important part to making the input control work with your report is to exactly match the Parameter Name. This value needs to be the same spelling and case as the parameter in your report. References on how to do this at the end of this post. Back to the example. The Type selected for this input control is "Single-select Query". Click Next. The Locate Query page appears. Again, the first option should read "Define or Edit a Query in the next step." With that selected, click Next. The next three steps walk you through naming the query as a resource, selecting its data source (what are you going to query) and then the query itself. After you click Save, you'll see the Set Parameter Values page. It's not important for our example, and it can be confusing or seem redundant. For our example, just click Submit. Now, I'll tell you the reason for this page. Assume for a moment that your database includes two columns - one for the Country name (e.g., type = varchar) and another for the Country code (e.g., type = smallint). For the sake of efficiency, maybe you want to use the Country code (e.g., smallint) in the database WHERE clause instead of the varchar. But to minimize human error, you want to present the list of country names (e.g., varchar) to the user. This page allows you to do that with the "value" and "visible" columns. In this hypothetical example, the visible column could be country name and the value could be country code. To make this work, the SQL statement on the previous page needs to include both columns, e.g., something like this: select country, countryCode from ORDERS group by countryCode order by country I added the order by so the country names would be in alphabetical order for the humans. If your data is pre-sorted in the database it may not be necessary. Hopefully this gives you enough to accomplish your near-term goal. Here's more information to help you out: Online help: http://help.jaspersoft.com/js-help-v5-en//Default.htm#search-input control http://help.jaspersoft.com/js-help-v5-en//Default.htm#js-help/Query_based_Input_Contro.htmhttp://help.jaspersoft.com/js-help-v5-en//Default.htm#js-help/Input_Controls.htmJasperReports Server Administration Guide, sections 4.3 and 4.4: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-administration-guide iReport Ultimate Guide, section 6.2.1 Using Parameters in a Query: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/ireport-ultimate-guide I hope this helps. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  14. If the data type is numeric, then unfortunately you do not have the list-of-values filter operators. You could consider changing the source data type from numeric to varchar/text. Sorry I cannot think of a better alternative. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
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