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  1. Hmm, The thing strange is that in the sample webapp provided with jasperserver4.7.0 samples\java-webapp-sample\jasperserver-ws-sample-war\ There is still the use of this ReportSchedulerFacade... Regards, Denis.
  2. After looking at the documentation of jasper server 4.7.0 it appears that the class has been renamed to : << com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.service.ReportSchedulingService >> However I don't find any jar to put in my classpath in order to support this class :-( Regards, Denis.
  3. Hi, Using webservice I used to call ReportSchedulerFacade in my java webapp in order to get a scheduler to schedule jasper report in a custom web interface with JasperServer 3.5.0 as provided in the samples. Now with JasperServer 4.7.0 this class seems to have disappeared. Do you know if it is already to make this kind of coding with jasper server 4.7.0 ? : << String username = request.getParameter("username"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.sample.WSClient client = new com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.sample.WSClient( this.getServletContext().getInitParameter("webServiceUrl"), username, password); String reportSchedulingWebServiceUrl = getServletContext().getInitParameter("reportSchedulingWebServiceUrl"); ReportSchedulerFacade reportScheduler = new ReportSchedulerFacade(new URL(reportSchedulingWebServiceUrl), username, password); <--- The facade which cannot be found >> Regards, Denis.
  4. Hello, I currently have a web application using webservices of jasperserver to run & display report. However the libs are for the version 3.5 of jasper and I like to make it available for the version 4.7 of jasper. Do you know the mandatory libs of jasperserver to put in classpath of webapplication which run jasper webservice ? In the documentation I see only jasperserver-ws-server-4.0.jar and jasperserver-common-ws-4.0.jar. So I don't need the files like jfreechart poi and other to run the report through the webservice ? Regards, Denis.
  5. The best could be that the width to be dependant of column value...
  6. Hi, When using table component with iReport 4.5.0, the cells have a too small width for the data I wish to display. Is it possible to change the default width for all the column ? Regards, Denis.
  7. Hi, Based on a request that works well in postgres that returns me columns from 4 to 80 caracters, I try to use a jasper table, however the cell value content is truncated. Is there a way to avoid that ? For example instead of having : demande_type_z , I've got demande_type and so on. Regards, Denis.
  8. Thanks it works. Finally, it works also with ... parametersForJasper.put("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION", true); ... JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(reportFileName, parametersForJasper, conn)
  9. Hi, When using a report with table component inside ireport with XLS output, the result is that the header of table is repeated all the 22 lignes. It seems to be related with the fact the page height of report. Is there a way to have the header only once in the report output ? Regards, Denis.
  10. Hi, Do you know how to path -Xmx & other options to ireport.exe program in order to increase the heap ? Regards, Denis.
  11. Hi, Is it possible to have report rendered in pdf to be with pagination (page 1 on 155 for example) and the same report when rendered in XLS to be without page separation (without pagination) ? Regards, Denis.
  12. Hi, When exporting a report to doc (word) all the cells of report are exported as textbox element inside word. So the modification of Word document is really hard to do when recieving the document (impossibility to select all the text etc....) Is there a way to make a word report more user-friendly ? Regards, Denis.
  13. Hi, When making a report with iReport and exporting it to excel, there is a lot of columns & lines which are hidden. For example only the column B C D G H I will be shown and the line 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 16 18 21. If I excplicitely display (in excel) the missing columns and lines there is empty data inside them. Is there a way in iReport / Jasper to have a XLS with standard columns & lines ? (i'd like to have all the columns and lines displayed) Regards, Denis
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