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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. Hi, Declare a parameter in report say p_countryId and give the following query in QueryString: Set the default value of the parameter as the value that you to set by using ternary operator.(? :) Code: Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/16/2009 10:53
  2. Any idea about this issue...i am unable to figure out this issue.../tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/sad_smile.gif
  3. Hi, Yeah i've added. the problem persists when I am viewing the report in JasperServer. Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  4. Hi, Am new to JasperServer and I have created a report by using the JasperServer User Guide. This report uses a Stored Procedure to fetch the data. The wierd problem I face here is when I see preview in iReport I am able to get data in Report. But when I see the report in JasperServer the report is blank. But it is displaying the total pages that were there in JasperPrint object. One more problem is when I see a simple report that has a simple select query the report is fine. Can anyone help me in this regard? Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  5. Hi Hasini, Even I had this problem previously in reports. I overcomed this issue by using Customizer class to customize the graph. You need to know about the JFreeChart API to do this. There is a sample delivered with the JasperReports distribution to demonstrate the customization. check the demo/samples folder in the JasperReports distribution. DNV Srikanth
  6. any idea about this issue..... Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/03/2009 12:25
  7. Hi I am also facing the same problem. When I use the newer version of iReport(3.5.1) to generate the report i am getting this exception. But when I use the older version of iReport(2.0.5) to generate the report I am not getting this exception. Is this a bug in iReport or JasperReport? The following is the exception I am getting when I use iReport 3.5.1 I am in the urgent need of the fix for this issue. Any help in this regard will be appreciated. DNV Srikanth Code: Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/02/2009 11:11 Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/02/2009 11:29
  8. Hi I am using iReport 3.5.1 for generating reports. But I was unable to find compile option in iReport to compile a report. And when we view the preview of the report where will be the jasperfile creared? DNV Srikanth
  9. Hi, If you have downloaded the JasperReports distribution you can find a folder virtualizer in <jasperReports-XXX>/demo/samples folder. If you haven't downloaded the jasperreports distribution download the latest version once and check the samples to know how to implement the virtualizer. In that folder you can find the samples related to all the three types of Virtualizers . DNV Srikanth.
  10. Hi, Sorry I doesn't have any idea abt JasperServer. Posting this question in JasperServer Forum may be helpful for you. DNV Srikanth
  11. Hi, Use Virtualization concept to avoid this. There is one sample for virtualizer shipped with JasperReports distribution. DNV Srikanth. Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/01/2009 12:13
  12. Hi, Do you want to run the report from Eclipse or do u want to start iReport from eclipse?? To run the report from eclipse place jasper file in the corresponding folder location in the eclipse project. To start iReport from Eclipse there will be plugin for iReport in Eclipse. DNV Srikanth.
  13. Hi, You have kept the columns ACCOUNT_TYPE, COUNT in the COLUMN HEADER band. Keep those columns in detail section and try running the report. DNV Srikanth
  14. Hi, You can display a report in an iFrame. Set the src of the iFrame to the url of the Java generator class which generates the report. DNV Srikanth.
  15. Hi, Can you post the jrxml, so that it can be easy to look into the problem. DNV Srikanth.
  16. Hi, I think this option is available in previous version of iReport. Now that there is a major revamp of look and feel and installation folders of iReport we need to figure it out. DNV Srikanth.
  17. Hi morshed1471, This may be of some help to you: http://issues.liferay.com/secure/attachment/12893/jasperLiferay2.pdf DNV Srikanth
  18. Hi, You can also use substring() funtion DNV Srikanth.
  19. Hi Sugitha, Check the sample given in the folder <jasperreports-x.x.x>/demo/samples/styledtext This folder is available in all the versions of jasperreports distribution. DNV Srikanth.
  20. Hi Sugitha You can use conditional styles for that. Check the samples shipped with the JasperReports distibution. DNV Srikanth.
  21. Hi, We can exporta report to all the MS Office formats except the ppt format by using JasperReports. I dont think that there would be a necessity to convert a report to ppt format. DNV Srikanth
  22. Hi, You can use JFreeChart Library for this purpose. The JasperReports distribution has a sample shipped that demonstrates how to develop a custom class to customize the graphs. DNV Srikanth.
  23. Hi, In the newer version of JasperReports a new component called list is added . I think this may of some help to you. Thanks, DNV Srikanth.
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