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  1. Hi All, I have an issue in creating chart with dynamic height.. Let me ellaborate the issue.. I have a bar chart (horizontally aligned) which can have many number of bars depending on the data fetched by the query. Now my issue is that, if more number of data comes throuh the query then the bars gets congested and the axis label values becomes illegible... Please tell me if I can increase the height of the bar chart dynamically when I get more data?? I have another issue in stacked bar chart... My requirement is to show the stacked bar's series values with different colors. For instance, if I have n number of series values in a stacked bar which can come in any order(i.e 'error', 'success', 'suspend', 'pending' etc as series values, for stacked bar category 'Result'). Now I want to show error in RED and success in GREEN. Giving color in Bar chart properties Color Series didnt work as the series values can come in any order.. please help!!!! FYI, I am using iReport 2.0.5... I tried searching the forum to find a solution for my problems but all i vain... Please help me.... Thanks in advance, Sreejith :) Post Edited by rsreejithnair at 08/03/2009 07:55
  2. HI Javix, have you solved your problem of inserting new pages in a report??? b'coz am in a same kind of situation, where I need to generate a report with 3 or more pages.. Please post back, if u got the solution.. thanks, sreejith
  3. Hi Amit, Without adding Customizer class in tools properties, how did u get the error message you have mentioned at the start? I am getting the same error message while generating the report. Please update the thread if you get any solution for the said error message. thanks, Sreejith
  4. Hi madhus, Did u find solution for your problem? If yes please reply back.. I am facing a similar kind of issue with my report. I want to generate one single report in pdf format with the 3 charts in 3 pages (i.e. one chart per page). Currently am able to get the charts in multiple pages by using page/column break option, but am not able to control the height of the pages. I am getting full length of the page as i used for designing the reports, its not breaking where i have provided the page breaks. Please suggest a way to generate the report with page height of A4 paper or is ther any way to design the report in multiple pages?? I want to provide a static text as header and page number (page x of y) as footer..
  5. Hi kchaudhry, thanks for the reply. But it was not wat i was looking for. let me ellaborate on my issue. Suppose i have 3 different charts with diferent datasets and values. Now i want to generate one single report in pdf format with the 3 charts in 3 pages (i.e. one chart per page). Currently am able to get the charts in multiple pages by using page/column break option, but am not able to control the height of the pages. I am getting full length of the page as i used for designing the reports, its not breaking where i have provided the page breaks. Please suggest a way to generate the report with page height of A4 paper or is ther any way to design the report in multiple pages?? as I mentioned earlier, am using iReport 2.0.5 Thanks in advance, Sreejith.
  6. HI All, Could anyone tell me how to generate a report in pdf format with multiple pages?? I want to generate multi page pdf report with one chart in one page and another chart in next page and so on. The header and footer should repeat in all the pages. Please help me out.. I am using iReport 2.0.5. thanks in advance, Sreejith
  7. Hi.. am using iReport version 2.0.5 can u help me how to do it in iReport???
  8. Hi... I am using iReport 2.0.5, as the web application where i have to deploy the reports uses jasperReporting engine version 2.0. I am not quite sure how to use the samples in 2.0.5 iReport.... Please help me out.. thanks.....
  9. thanks for the reply rameshinpower... Could you tell me where can i find the Samples... I am new to iReport and am just learning its ways....
  10. thanks for the reply... Could you tell me how to define a custom class and how to use it to control the bar width??? I am new to iReport..
  11. Hi All, How to control the width of a bar in a Bar/Stacked/3D Bar chart? If there is only one bar present in the chart, then its taking the whole width of the chart.
  12. Hi All, How to get Y axis scale of a bar chart in whole number? Currently am getting the scale in decimal values (i.e. 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 etc), how can i change it to get only whole numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc ). Thanks...
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