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Everything posted by dnvsrikanth

  1. Hi If I am not wrong this type of feature is available in JasperServer. DNV Srikanth
  2. Hi, Make sure that the data is being correctly passed to the chart, otherwise you will get this type of error. DNV Srikanth.
  3. Hi Teodard, When I run the report in a web application these problems occur. I am trying to display the report in a JSF page So when I try to export the page to pdf stream it is displaying blank pdf stream and the excel stream displays all junk data. DNV Srikanth.
  4. hi jmolina, First of all, JasperReports doesn't support SPs(Stored Procedures). But there are some alternatives that we can call stored procedures and generate reports. And the error you are mentioning - "category series name is null" will occur when we doesn't get any data from the SP to fill the graph. Check the SP once. DNV Srikanth.
  5. Hi, Use printWhenExpression of the page break and set it to print after 50 records in a page. Use the following expression: I didnt try this one but this will display 50 records per page in your report. DNV Srikanth Code:new Boolean(REPORT_COUNT.intValue() == 50)
  6. Hi rohini, In a chart these values - Series Expression,Category Expression,Value Expression are mandatory fields they are the fields that are to be given compulsorily. If you want to have one Value expression for one category expression, I will describe you one example, lets see you can understand or not, If you have one superset and subset of values, specify the superset in series expression and the subset in category expression and set the reset-group of chart to the category-expression. DNV Srikanth
  7. There wont be any condition that JasperReports creates only one page.
  8. Hi, Make a jar file with scriptlet class and include the jar file in the classpath of iReport. It will work... DNV Srikanth.
  9. Oh am sorry, We also initially used File Virtualizer. As we got some problems with File Virtualizer we are now using JRSwapFileVirtualizerto solve the out of memory problem. I didnt use MAX_ROW_PER_ SHEET in Excel, but I hope using Swap File Virualizer may solve the problem. DNV Srikanth
  10. Hi, You can create the hyperlinks easily by using iReports. Do u use iReports?? DNV Srikanth
  11. hi, Any help in this regard?? Thanks, DNV Srikanth.
  12. Hi I am getting a ResultSet by calling a stored procedure by using a callable statement and thereby passing a JRResultSetDataSource to the report. Even I have set whenNoDataType to AllSectionsNoDetail also in my report. Thanks, DNV Srikanth
  13. Hi, Yes I am passing datasource to my report Thanks, DNV Srikanth.
  14. Hi, I am using JasperReports to generate reports in my project. I will generate the report using an OutputStream and display it in a JSF page. I use JR version 2.0.5 and Apache Trinidad 1.0.5 in my application. The problem here is exporting to excel and pdf formats are not working properly. When I export to an excel file i see all junk data in the file/stream. And when I export it to pdf the report is blank without any data. Its working fine when I export the report to html, rtf and xml formats Please help me out in this regard. Thanks , DNV Srikanth. Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/23/2009 10:03 Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/23/2009 10:17
  15. Hi, You can get the API of JR if you download the jasperreports distribution. It will be there in dist folder of the distribution. DNV Srikanth.
  16. Hi, You can change the default properties of charts by using Customizer class. DNV Srikanth
  17. Hi, Its working in my report... Though I need to check the way you told....Any way Thanks for providing the new way.....
  18. Hi, Go to Window->Report Inspector and in the report inspector, right click on the report name and there you will get an option to add a group there. DNV Srikanth
  19. Hi, Declare the parameter as string type and pass the value as comma seperated value and use IN in the query DNV Srikanth. Code: Post Edited by dnvsrikanth at 06/17/2009 06:38
  20. Hi, I think we can create a measure in crosstab and set its expression to the $P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET} parameter in the report and can do whatever operations we want in the report. We are accessing the scriptlet in crosstab in one of our reports. DNV Srikanth
  21. Hi, Try giving the path as follows This may solve the problem... And whats the newly configured server? DNV Srikanth Code:../home/cdvuser/Animation1.gif
  22. Hi, Set the columnCount attribute of jasperReport element to the no. of columns that you want in the report and display the groups as you wanted in the report. DNV Srikanth
  23. hi, Probably you might need to have a link pointing to this page from welcome.jsp or so.....
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