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Everything posted by itchytoes

  1. Hi -- I think one of the reasons I use this overlapping boxes trick has to do with the difficulty in getting the top and bottom cell borders working. I believe I can easily deal with left and right borders and just using one border from adjoining cells. On the top border, however, if I have no border, then I have trouble with the first table row on a page. I can't always use a pageHeader because the page breaks can occur in different parts of the report which display different types of stuff (including different tables). If I specify a top border for my elements but omit the bottom border, I have trouble figuring out how to force the border on the last row of a page. Page footers don't seem to do it right, and the last row of a page is not the same type of thing. This overlapping trick always gets me top and bottom borders. I've become better at JasperReports over time. Maybe I will think of something now that I never thought of before, or maybe there is some attribute that I can set that I never saw before. Does anyone have any suggestions? Betty
  2. Hi -- Okay -- thanks. I used a piece of graph paper and blackened squares and half squares and I understand your explanation. I also knew my reports do not work in HTML but that was not a requirement. I also did it that way with the overlapping elements because it seemed to simplify the reports. I did worry that something would fail at some future version. Oh well. Have you had any luck with the Adobe error (in the other example)? Betty
  3. Hi -- <textFieldExpression> contains the data that you actually what to print for your text field. This is usually a field from your query result, or perhaps a calculation based on a field. Example: <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{first_name}]]></textFieldExpression> printWhenExpression is very useful in controlling whether a text field should be printed or not, depended upon some condition. For example, maybe you don't want to print any first names that start with 'x': <reportElement x= .....> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[!($F{first_name}.startsWith("x"))]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> Betty
  4. Hi -- There might be an easier way to do this, but I myself have done it by using a <variable> to gather up all my detail stuff in a String, or List, or whatever I might need, then at the end of a <group>, I display the data from that variable all together in one display line, be it a concatenated String, or perhaps various elements of a List. Betty
  5. Hi -- I've attached a zip file with one report and one subreport that causes my Adobe PDF error if I generate the PDF using jasperreports 2.0.3. It is fine if I use jasperreports 2.0.2. The report (PDFError.jrxm) just has a pageHeader that calls the SubReport and a pageFooter that has a line. If I take out either the subreport or the line, it works fine. It dies with both elements in the report. I am using Adobe reader 7.0. I did not try with Adobe 8.0 yet. Thanks Betty [file name=PDFError.zip size=1630]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/PDFError.zip[/file]
  6. Hi -- I've attached a sample cells.jrxml report which illustrates my cell border problem. If you run it with the jasper2.0.2 jar files, the lines are nice and thin everywhere. With 2.0.3, the lines in the middle that join 2 cells are thicker. I am using itext-1.4.8.jar (for some other reason) but I don't think that matters. I think I tried the itext-1.3.1.jar that came with jasper and the same thing happens. I would really, really, really like it if my existing jrxml files don't need to be changed for this 2.0.3 because I have LOTS of them. I will work a sample on the Adobe Reader error with a subreport next. Betty [file name=cells.jrxml size=1823]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/cells.jrxml[/file]
  7. Hi -- I will post some sample jrxml files after I return to work on Jan 2. In the meantime, I do want to mention that my Adobe reader error occurs on a couple of reports that have subreports. It does not happen for all reports with subreports, just a couple. I don't think it has much to do with the cell borders because I stripped most of the report out, but there's something about the subreport that's killing it. (And yes, the subreport runs fine on its own, and it was fine before 2.0.3) Regarding my formerly thin cell borders -- they appear to be 2 points now instead of 1 in most places. I will have to provide a sample file for that. Betty
  8. Hi I downloaded 2.0.2 to see what happens, and the reports are fine. My boxed cells look as before and I have no Adobe reader errors. So, something happened between 2.0.2 and 2.0.3. Betty
  9. Hi -- I've been using JasperReports since version 1.3.0. The most recent version (before this 2.0.3) was 2.0.1. I've never had to change any reports or anything from upgrade to upgrade, but this latest 2.0.3 has given me problems. One of my biggest issues is with my boxed tables. Most of my reports involve tables with borders on all the cells. I don't know if this is a trick or not, but it has worked till now -- I would specify a border for all sides of the box in my style element. Then I would "cheat" by specify the x and y locations as 1 pixel before the one I need and add one to the width and height, and I can use the same style for every cell, and the boxes are nice thin borders. (For example, a single-row detail would have y="-1" instead of "y=0". Now, with this 2.0.3, my lines have become thick and look bad. Even worse, a couple of reports now cause Adobe reader to give "Illegal operation inside a path" error when I try to view the PDF file. Is it because something changed with the way the cell borders are handled? I dread having to redo all my reports to deal with this. Again, I've had no problems with all the releases up to now. Thanks Betty
  10. Hi -- Okay, I don't understand why this is the case, so I think we need the help of some super-experts on this forum. How and when do you compile your encoding2.jrxml file? Here's the thing, if I compile the jrxml file using the regular JDK compiler, I get question marks. HOWEVER, if the jdt compiler jar file (jdt-compiler-xxx.jar) is in the classpath during the compilation of the jrxml file, so that the jdt compile is used instead of the normal java compiler, it works and the PDF shows all the characters! I kid you not. I have no clue why this is true. Does anyone else understand this? Betty
  11. Hi -- So I compiled and generated a pdf from your encoding2.jrxml, and again, I see all the correct characters. (I attached the pdf) what exactly is not working for you? Betty [file name=encoding2.pdf size=18151]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/encoding2.pdf[/file]
  12. Hi - If I just take you encoding.jrxml and run a test java program (similar to the sample jasper files) that just compiles and fills and generates the PDF, I get most but not all of the characters. If I change your encoding from Cp1252 to Cp1250 (eastern european) I get all of your characters in the pdf output. Of course, this is separate from PHP, so I'm not sure where that comes into play. Also, I did make sure that the arial.ttf file is in the classpath when I run the report. Betty
  13. Hi -- I'm afraid now your problem is outside of my knowledge base. I've only used the unicode characters for their symbols, so my reports have just contained the strings with the hex representation of the characters. I've never tried display data from a database that has special characters. Also, I've never used postgresSQL-- we use oracle and mysql here. Otherwise, I'd play with with a simple example. My first suggestion is to make sure that your tamil characters made it into your DB correctly. One simple thing you can do is run a simple JDBC program to read the data back into java String and just dump out the unicode characters of the String to be sure that Java reads the data correctly and you get the unicode that you expect. Then, you can deal with jasper issues after that. Betty
  14. Hi -- I have found that with charts, the dataset resetType, resetGroup, incrementType and incrementGroup attributes are critical to controlling the data that appears in a chart and when things get reset. Have you tried adjusting these values to see what happens? Betty
  15. Hi --- I've attached my adjusted StackedBarChartReport.jrxml from the samples that come with Jasper. You'll see the extra <valueAxisFormat> element. [file name=StackedBarChartReport-9d47ef837107d104dd15484568bb9c74.jrxml size=16997]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/StackedBarChartReport-9d47ef837107d104dd15484568bb9c74.jrxml[/file] I have been able to make this work using a ChartCustomizer program, which I need to use anyway for other reasons, so this is not critical. I am curious as to how to make it work without the customizer Betty
  16. Hi -- I've had blank lines appear when my font size is just a tad too big for the allocated height. I notice you have font size="13" and height="15". Perhaps you could try a smaller font size or bigger height to see if it makes a difference? I'm not sure why the machine would matter though. Betty
  17. Hi - I looked at your uploaded example, and I tried something very similar to imitate it with the FirstJaspser sample but it worked for me (using my Akshar.ttf font file) So, what do you see instead of the correct Tamil characters? Here's what I suggest trying as an experiment. Instead of printing your $F{dist_name_t} data, just put the string "u0b90u0bb0" which are two valid unicde Tamil characters. See if they appear correctly. Betty
  18. Hi -- I downloaded a freebie Akshar.ttf font file from some site and tried it out with the FirstJasper.jrxml sample and it works fine. I specify pdfFontName="Akshar.ttf" and put the Akshar.ttf in the classpath Betty
  19. Hi -- Are you using a font file , and if so, what is it called? I've been able to use the unicode fonts from ARIALUNI.TTF without any problems. I set pdfFontName="ARIALUNI.TTF" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" and isPdfEmbedded="true". Betty
  20. Hi -- I am trying to figure out how to change the font of my horizontal (category) axis on my stackedBarChart. I cannot seem to make it work. I played with the sample StackedBarChartReport and added a <valueAxis> under <barPlot> which includes axisformat/labelFont, but notthing works. No matter what size or labelcolor I specify, I get the same font. Thanks Betty
  21. Hi -- Have you tried setting isPdfEmbedded=true so that the font is included with your PDF file? betty
  22. Hi -- I suppose this is probably more an itext question, but I'll try anyway, just in case someone knows the answer. When I run my jr program to generate my PDF reports, the resulting PDF files are bigger when the program is run on Windows as compared to running on Linux. I used 'od' utility on Linux to compare the files, and the Windows PDF has lots more bytes at the end. I swear I am using the same jasper and itext and other jar files. Has anyone else noticed this? Betty
  23. Hi -- Are you talking about disallowing the user to use the mouse and select sections of the pdf and copy it to be pasted elsewhere? I believe you can control some of that via JRPdfExporterParameter class, and the JRPdfExporterParameter.PERMISSIONS flag I have tried it to some extent and I believe I was able to prevent copying of the contents. Betty
  24. Hi -- Can you just do the calculation "in-line" where you are doing the <textfield> to display the value? Betty
  25. Hi -- The easiest way to see all the latest samples is to download the jasper reports project. That contains a "demo" folder with all the samples Betty
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