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  1. Hello Guys! Thanks for your help guys, without you I would not have solved this problem. As you said the box was a bit too small. I shrinked the size of the typo from 10 to 8 and voila the date showed. (I do was missing the pattern as well) Btw we also develop on windows and test it in linux. Best regards Fredrik
  2. Hello! I use jasperreport to create reports in pdf and excel. In the reports we display some dates like 2010-05-01 Everything works fine when I run it in my own dev-environmonet but when we run it on our test-server we just get dates dispalyed like: 2010-05- ...the day is missing as you can see. We fetch the data from a Oracle databas. If any one got any clue how to solve this please let me know. Best regards Fredrik
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