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Everything posted by swood

  1. Your custom DAO or in-memory implementation is fine. The authenticationManager can be configured to use a list of authentication services, and you can have several services try to authenticate the user name/password. How does the authentication fail? You need to give more details, like a stack trace, log files etc Sherman JasperSoft
  2. There is a patch for this at http://jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf1204?nav=1 I renamed the tables and columns so that Oracle was happy. Sherman JasperSoft
  3. How are you referring to the 2nd level of subreports from the 1st level? The subreportExpression example below is pointing to a "local" sub report resource. How does your subreportExpression look? Code:<subreport isUsingCache="true"> <reportElement x="2" y="2" width="547" height="43" key="subreport-1"/> <parametersMapExpression><![CDATA[new HashMap($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP})]]></parametersMapExpression> <subreportParameter name="userid"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{id}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <connectionExpression>$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}</connectionExpression> <returnValue subreportVariable="SUM_amount_1" toVariable="user_total_deals"/> <returnValue subreportVariable="avg_days_to_close" toVariable="user_avg_days_to_close"/> <subreportExpression>"repo:«»SubReportDetail"</subreportExpression> </subreport> Sherman JasperSoft
  4. The next release is planned for mid September, and this enhancement will not be in it. We will look at it for the release after. Sherman JasperSoft
  5. We have not looked at this in a while and did not complete the task, but here is what you have to do. You will need to run a build to get the metadata repository database scripts for Postgres. In your Maven2 settings.xml before you run the build, you will need parameters like: Code:<test.hibernate.cfg>C:/Docume~1/swood/postgres.hibernate.cfg.xml</test.hibernate.cfg> <test.hibernate.jdbc.properties>C:/Docume~1/swood/postgres.jdbc.properties</test.hibernate.jdbc.properties> <!-- When you run the metadata repository DDL generation, do you want the database to be dropped and recreated? --> <metadata.database.generate>true</metadata.database.generate> <repository.database.driver.groupId>postgresql</repository.database.driver.groupId> <repository.database.driver.artifactId>postgresql</repository.database.driver.artifactId> <repository.database.driver.version>8.1-404.jdbc3</repository.database.driver.version> Postgres BLOBs need to be read in a transaction, so you will need to try to change the transaction attributes on beans in /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml to remove readOnly. If you have any problems, let us know and we will help. Sherman JasperSoft
  6. We have hooked up JasperIntelligence to Apache through JBoss, but have not tried it yet directly to Tomcat. What is the problem? What error messages are you getting? Sherman JasperSoft
  7. flow.html is the general entry point we use for Spring Web Flow. Can you log in? Try http://localhost:8080/jasperserver Sherman
  8. We are looking to get the next release out with select from a query and multi-selects in the 2nd week of September. Also there will be extended hyperlinks and drillable charts, so that you can drill into the same report, another report or another URL with parameters etc. There are some extensions in JasperReports to support this. Sherman JasperSoft
  9. http://jasperforge.org/sf/tracker/do/listTrackers/projects.jasperreports/tracker Is it really a bug? Post your details to the forum first to see whether it is. Sherman JasperSoft
  10. What sort of messages are you getting? Sherman JasperSoft
  11. Right now, we have not linked the user roles defined in JasperIntelligence to the roles defined in the Mondrian schema. To do this, we will need to inspect the user roles and the roles in the Mondrian schema and set the appropriate connection parameter for the Mondrian connection. Sherman JasperSoft
  12. It does get saved as an Excel (.XLS) file. Sherman JasperSoft
  13. All security configuration is in /WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml. See the filterInvocationInterceptor bean definition in that configuration file and the line: /fileview/**=ROLE_USER Make that /fileview/**=ROLE_ANONYMOUS,ROLE_USER and move it higher in the list. Sherman JasperSoft
  14. We need to fix this. Can you raise a tracker item at http://jasperforge.org/sf/tracker/do/listArtifacts/projects.jasperintelligence/tracker.bugs Thanks, Sherman JasperSoft
  15. I did some work to integrate JPivot/Mondrian into JBoss Portal. If you check out the JPivot CVS HEAD, it is there in a sub directory. The integration was pretty light, because I did not address at the time connection management, roles etc. I had some back and forth with someone who was porting this to the Liferay portal server, too - they got that working. You should be able to take the basic portlet implementation I did and extend it to add in roles from the portal server. On the JasperIntelligence end, we do not have native portlets yet. We have had customers who use a portal server in front of a JI server, and have JI appearing in a portlet window via URL. Sherman JasperSoft
  16. Does that Oracle URL work outside the server? How have you set up the report unit using the Oracle connection? As a JDBC or a JNDI connection? Sherman JasperSoft
  17. You cannot do things this way. Please read up on Spring MVC. You have your own filter in the mix, and are not using Spring MVC correctly. Because of this, the controller object is not being initialized properly. Sherman JasperSoft
  18. Pentaho's report designer generates JFreeReport templates, while iReport generates JasperReports templates, so part of your question is related to which is the better reporting engine. I believe you will find that JasperReports is ahead of JFreeReport in terms of functionality and community support. The Pentaho report designer is a commercial product that was recently open sourced. The comments I have seen make it sound like it is of beta quality right now. iReport is a mature environment. Sherman JasperSoft
  19. There is a lot of documentation on Acegi Security at http://acegisecurity.org/ The Reference Guide (see the left hand nav) covers many areas. Also the Acegi forums have a wealth of information about how to do things - the joys of open source! http://forum.springframework.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33 I have been working with our consultants who are helping customers implement JasperIntelligence and the authentication area always comes up. I have been finding that Acegi is awesome in terms of its ability to be customized and extended for funky requirements. B) The key for you is in the applicationContext-security.xml, which controls Acegi in our environment. Below is the entry point for your security travels. Code: <bean id="filterChainProxy" class="org.acegisecurity.util.FilterChainProxy"> <property name="filterInvocationDefinitionSource"> <value> CONVERT_URL_TO_LOWERCASE_BEFORE_COMPARISON PATTERN_TYPE_APACHE_ANT /xmla=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,basicProcessingFilter,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer,anonymousProcessingFilter,basicAuthExceptionTranslationFilter,filterInvocationInterceptor /services/**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,basicProcessingFilter,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer,anonymousProcessingFilter,basicAuthExceptionTranslationFilter,filterInvocationInterceptor /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,authenticationProcessingFilter,basicProcessingFilter,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer,anonymousProcessingFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter,filterInvocationInterceptor </value> </property> </bean> <!-- ======================== AUTHENTICATION ======================= --> <bean id="authenticationManager" class="org.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <!-- not on by default <ref local="ldapAuthenticationProvider"/> --> <ref local="daoAuthenticationProvider"/> <ref local="anonymousAuthenticationProvider"/> <!--ref local="jaasAuthenticationProvider"/--> </list> </property> </bean> If you need to catch a custom cookie, you will need to create a filter to do the authentication and include the filter in the filter list in the filterChainProxy bean definition. Have a look at the Acegi source and our own MetadataAuthenticationProcessingFilter to see how you set the AuthenticationContext. If the authentication fails, the exceptionTranslationFilter catches that and what happens next depends on how that filter/bean is configured. In the web UI case, you will see in the config: Code:[code] <bean id="exceptionTranslationFilter" class="org.acegisecurity.ui.ExceptionTranslationFilter"> <property name="authenticationEntryPoint"><ref local="authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"/></property> </bean> <bean id="authenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint" class="org.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilterEntryPoint"> <property name="loginFormUrl"><value>/login.html</value></property> <property name="forceHttps"><value>false</value></property> </bean> Note the loginFormUrl. Here is the configuration that sets where login success will take you. Code:[code] <bean id="authenticationProcessingFilter" class="org.acegisecurity.ui.webapp.AuthenticationProcessingFilter"> <property name="authenticationManager"><ref local="authenticationManager"/></property> <property name="authenticationFailureUrl"><value>/loginerror.html</value></property> <property name="defaultTargetUrl"><value>/loginsuccess.html</value></property> <property name="filterProcessesUrl"><value>/j_acegi_security_check</value></property> </bean> Hope that helps! Sherman JasperSoft
  20. Welcome to JasperForge, Javier! Trackers are here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/tracker/do/listTrackers/projects.jasperintelligence/tracker We moved all the outstanding tracker items across from SourceForge, including yours. Sherman JasperSoft
  21. It is with the downloads. With this move to JasperForge, we have not got JasperIntelligence into Subversion with history yet. We will be working on this over the next week or so. Sherman JasperSoft
  22. The log4j error is caused by having a log4j JAR in the jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib. Having a JAR here conflicts with JBoss's own log4j JAR. Just remove the log4j JAR from jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib and you will be fine. The FilterChainProxy class is in the acegi-security-1.0.0.jar under jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib. Is that JAR there? Sherman JasperSoft
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