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  1. Thanks for this great work. In the 'Translation Status' plugin I can see there is still some work. I can provide a full translation in french and help with spanish. How can I proceed to send you the files ? Post edited by: jgo, at: 2006/09/06 09:08
  2. Thanks for your quick answer. For the moment I will make several views, it is certainly the easiest way to restrict data to specific roles. Do you think this linking between roles will be an improvement of a next JasperIntelligence release ? Bravo for your very useful tools.
  3. Hello, I have a little problem with roles and olap views. Here is the situation : - I created somes users, they belong to the group "ROLE_USER". - In olap views, I would like to restrict data to specific roles. In my Mondrian schema I use the access-control capabilities, for exemple : Code: <Role name="ROLE_USER"> <SchemaGrant access="none"> <CubeGrant cube="parcel" access="none"/> </SchemaGrant> </Role> But the users still have full access to the cube. I would like to have only one olap view for each specific need, and restrict dimensions according to the role. Is there a way to link the roles defined in JasperServer with Mondrian connection ? Thank you
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