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Submit Your Questions for the 'Ask the Experts' Webinar!

Badr Draifi

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Welcome to our dedicated community page for the upcoming "Ask the Experts" webinar series! As we gear up for an engaging and informative session, we're reaching out to you, our valued community members, to shape the discussion and make it as relevant and impactful as possible.

Do you have burning questions about the latest software trends, technologies, or best practices? Is there a particular challenge you're facing in your work that you'd like our industry-leading experts to address? This is your chance to steer the conversation and get personalized insights from the forefront of the software industry.

Here's how you can participate:

  1. Submit Your Questions: Use the comment section below to submit your questions in advance. Whether it's about cloud, visualizeJS, Studio, Scheduler, or any other Jaspersoft-related topic, no question is too big or too small.
  2. Vote on the next Dr. Jaspersoft webinar topic: Submit your choice for the topic you would like us to discuss in our next webinar sessions using this link. This will help us prioritize the topics that matter most to you.
  3. Register for the Webinar: Don't forget to secure your spot at the webinar. Register here to ensure you don't miss out on the discussion. 

Your input is invaluable in making the "Ask the Experts" webinar a success. We're excited to hear from you and explore the topics that drive our industry forward. 

Thank you for being an active part of our community. We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you at the webinar!

Edited by Badr Draifi
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  • 3 weeks later...

One of our main use cases is for our Customer Success team members making their own dashboards and reports for monitoring customer performance. That team has a lot of familiarity/experience using Looker / Data Studio, but as we migrate over more fully to Jaspersoft, we'd like to get more familiar with Jaspersoft's web-based self-service BI tools and any enhancements in the latest version that recently came out, specifically with non-technical users in mind. 

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is there a way to have a multi selection query parameter in a report and to make a rest call to generate the pdf of the report and select all options in the parameter without knowing the values of any of the options in the parameter?

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After upgrade to 9.0 from 8.1 our larger reports are failing towards the end of processing with only a fairly general error message.

Invoke-RestMethod : resource.not.foundResource 6ea06350-e6ee-4671-9725-de03c7983f62 not
At D:\Jaspersoft\bin\JasperReports.ps1:76 char:3
+   Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -OutFile  ...
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

I'm sort of at a loss for how to troubleshoot the issue - wondering if this resource name "6ea06350-e6ee-4671-9725-de03c7983f62" is something I can identify/investigate/troubleshoot etc?  Anyone else seeing similar issues.  My assumption at this point is either process is failing at the end of the query when it hits a temp space/sort space limit on the DB or its failing on the Jasper side trying to convert the query results into report image format (pdf).  (Is there a config setting that allocates or throttles RAM consumption I may need to increase?)

Was considering submitting this as a case and/or searching the Community site or posting this there.  Saw this event was planned for  tomorrow and decided I'd try that first.....  Thanks!

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19 hours ago, lkuo said:

is there a way to have a multi selection query parameter in a report and to make a rest call to generate the pdf of the report and select all options in the parameter without knowing the values of any of the options in the parameter?

Hi lkuo,

Thank you for bringing up your concerns and questions for our live webinar. We appreciate your active participation.

Yes, there are many ways you can follow to achieve this (Configure the report to run without the IC, Have default values as select all...).

This particular question requires a more detailed investigation and debugging process than we can offer in this live setting. To ensure we can provide you with the thorough assistance this matter deserves, we kindly ask that you raise this question directly with our support team. They are well-equipped to dive deeper into the specifics of your situation and offer personalized solutions.

Please reach out to our support team at support.tibco.com or our community QnA. Providing details such as the nature of the issue, and any error messages or screenshots you have will help us address your concerns more effectively.


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19 hours ago, BrandonL said:

After upgrade to 9.0 from 8.1 our larger reports are failing towards the end of processing with only a fairly general error message.

Invoke-RestMethod : resource.not.foundResource 6ea06350-e6ee-4671-9725-de03c7983f62 not
At D:\Jaspersoft\bin\JasperReports.ps1:76 char:3
+   Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers -OutFile  ...
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

I'm sort of at a loss for how to troubleshoot the issue - wondering if this resource name "6ea06350-e6ee-4671-9725-de03c7983f62" is something I can identify/investigate/troubleshoot etc?  Anyone else seeing similar issues.  My assumption at this point is either process is failing at the end of the query when it hits a temp space/sort space limit on the DB or its failing on the Jasper side trying to convert the query results into report image format (pdf).  (Is there a config setting that allocates or throttles RAM consumption I may need to increase?)

Was considering submitting this as a case and/or searching the Community site or posting this there.  Saw this event was planned for  tomorrow and decided I'd try that first.....  Thanks!

Hi BrandonL,

Thank you for bringing up your concerns and questions for our live webinar. We appreciate your active participation.

We've noted that this particular question requires a more detailed investigation and debugging process than we can offer in this live setting. To ensure we can provide you with the thorough assistance this matter deserves, we kindly ask that you raise this question directly with our support team. They are well-equipped to dive deeper into the specifics of your situation and offer personalized solutions.

Please reach out to our support team at support.tibco.com or our community QnA. Providing details such as the nature of the issue, and any error messages or screenshots you have will help us address your concerns more effectively.

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19 hours ago, linjiang said:

I need to update a Jasper report. However, when I tried to open the file, I encountered the following message:  I have also searched for a solution, but with no luck.  Capture.JPG.8d8de2e4e712164c0b5c4e110a8de87e.JPG

Hi linjiang,

Thank you for bringing up your concerns and questions for our live webinar. We appreciate your active participation.

We've noted that this particular question requires a more detailed investigation and debugging process than we can offer in this live setting. To ensure we can provide you with the thorough assistance this matter deserves, we kindly ask that you raise this question directly with our support team. They are well-equipped to dive deeper into the specifics of your situation and offer personalized solutions.

Please reach out to our support team at support.tibco.com or our community QnA. Providing details such as the nature of the issue, and any error messages or screenshots you have will help us address your concerns more effectively.

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Are there any documentation/recommendations when using VisualizeJS with JS frameworks, specifically Angular. Currently going through the docs and found that some functionality (i.e. refreshing/cancelling) is not possible the way the docs mentioned. 

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We manage 100s of reports across many instances - and most reports have the identical set of 5 input controls. 

How can we create RESUABLE input control objects, in such a way that they can be used in all reports?  This will help GREATLY when an update is needed to the input control e.g. an adjustment to the SQL query underneath - as with the current setup we'll need to update the input control in EVERY report. 

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How can we log the fully processed query that is sent to the DB when a report is run?  (currently we only see the parameterized "?" query and a list of swap values. VERY TEDIOUS.

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Bonjour tout le monde, j'espère que vous allez bien. je suis en train de créer un rapport avec TIBCO jaspersoft studio ( c'est la 1ere fois), je veux que tout les éléments de mon rapport soient importateurs de la base de données (oracle sql développeur) . Je veux créer un tableau dynamique que je vais appeler à partir de la base de données .
Donc l'objectif est de déclarer une variable dans mon code java, puis de l'appeler dans textfield dans jasper report afin d'afficher le tableau souhaité. avez-vous une solution et merci!


NB : comme vous voyez ci-dessous,

   -je veux importer les deux tableaux avec leurs styles de la base de données et non pas seulement leurs variables parce que je veux appeler le template vide et après la remplir avec du java

sachant que j'ai essayé avec les balises html <table> et ça marche pas

Mon XML :

<textField> <reportElement x = "0" y = "110" width = "556" height = "470" uuid = "8de6570c-3975-4e24-add0-ec08f5d83677" /> <textElement markup = "html" > <font size = "10" isBold = "false" /> </textElement> <textFieldExpression> <![CDATA[" <html><body> " + $F{border} + " </html></body> "] ]> </textFieldExpression> </textField>


Variable Java :


private String border = " <table> \n" + " <caption> \n" + " Cours de développeur web front-end 2021\n" + " </caption> \n" + " <thead> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <th scope = \"col\" > Personne </th> \n" + " <th scope = \"col\" > Plus d'intérêt pour </th> \n" + " <th scope = \"col\" > Âge </th> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " </thead> \n" + " <tbody> \n" + " <tr> \ n" + " <th scope = \"row\" > Chris </th> \n" + " <td> Tableaux HTML </td> \n" + " <td> 22 </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <th scope = \"row\" > Dennis </th> \n" + " <td> Accessibilité Web </td> \n" + " <td> 45 </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <ième portée = \"ligne\" > Sarah </th> \n" + " <td> Frameworks JavaScript </td> \n" + " <td> 29 </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " <tr> \n" + " <ième portée = \"row\" > Karen </th> \n" + " <td> Performances Web </td> \n" + " <td> 36 </td> \n" + " </tr> \n" + " </tbody> \n" + " <tfoot> \n" + "<tr> \n" + " <th scope = \"row\" colspan = \"2\" > Âge moyen </th> \n" + " <td> 33 </td> \n" + " < /tr> \n" + " </tfoot> \n" + " </table> ";         



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please, anyone can help me? I had an error for exporting jasper report to pdf

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/DocumentException
    at net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.classic.ClassicPdfProducerFactory.createProducer(ClassicPdfProducerFactory.java:44)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.createPdfProducer(JRPdfExporter.java:882)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.initExport(JRPdfExporter.java:711)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.exportReport(JRPdfExporter.java:672)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager.exportToPdfFile(JasperExportManager.java:155)
    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(JasperExportManager.java:503)

Edited by tefa_yoyo
modifying the request
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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm using 4.0.2 version. I have a problem. I generate an inform ok at local, but when i deploy in the remote server, inform is generated ko. 

Some texts are divided in two lines.

Why is it occured?

thanks you.

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