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JasperReports Server connection not being retained in Jaspersoft Studio

Go to solution Solved by Massimo Rabbi,

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I am able to create a connection within Jaspersoft Studio to our JasperReports Server, but every time I exit the application and restart it, I have to re-enter it.

I never used to have this problem, so I'm assuming it's a bug rather than just a setting that I'm missing. Not sure where to report bugs.

I'm using the JasperReport Studio plugin version 6.20.6, though it's been consistently occurring over the last couple of years with the previous versions as well. Currently using Eclipse Version: 2.3.1500.v20230903-1000, though that's been upgraded a couple times as well - same issue in previous versions.

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I've never had this problem myself, so I'm not exactly sure what the issue could be, however you used to be able to report bugs via the ladybug icon from within the application (on the toolbar). I believe that essentially posted the bug to the old community site so now that we've just moved over, I'm not sure if that still works. Please give it a try and I will ping our Studio team internally to see if someone can chime in.



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I've never had this problem myself, so I'm not exactly sure what the issue could be, however you used to be able to report bugs via the ladybug icon from within the application (on the toolbar). I believe that essentially posted the bug to the old community site so now that we've just moved over, I'm not sure if that still works. Please give it a try and I will ping our Studio team internally to see if someone can chime in.

In the meantime, I do see we have our Tracker feature here on the new site - I would post this issue there as a bug with Studio and perhaps the Studio team can get to it that way.


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Mike - Thanks for the tip about posting it to the Tracker feature. I am able to see previously-reported issues with Jaspersoft Studio, but I don't see a way for me to post something new - and yes, I'm logged in. Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'll try the ladybug method. Thanks.

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P.S. The ladybug option isn't working. When attempting to send the issue, I get:


com.jaspersoft.studio.community.utils.CommunityAPIException: Unable to retrieve authentication information.
Http Status Code: 404
Http Response Code: <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Sorry, we could not find that!</title>


...plus a few hundred more lines.

Edited by rturnquist
used an incorrect word
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I read the article and applied the options noted, but it didn't help. But I also don't know if that's exactly what's needed. When the instructions indicate, "this means for example adding some instructions like..." it seems a little too ambiguous to know exactly what's needed.

That being said, I did try the RCP version, and that does save the server settings, so I'll be marking your reply as being the solution, even if I can't get the plugin version to work.

However, I did find it interesting that after I tried the RCP version, and saw that it retained my server setting, I opened the workspace folder I had been using with the plugin version and created the server connection again there - which again, retained it as I hoped. The interesting thing is that I then opened the plugin version again to use a different workspace there, since I was using that version of Eclipse for other things as well - but lo and behold, the server setting that I had set up in the RCP version, was also showing up in the plugin version. So to me, that sure feels like the plugin version wasn't actually saving the server setup. Perhaps something to consider.

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On 11/28/2023 at 4:09 PM, rturnquist said:

Mike - Thanks for the tip about posting it to the Tracker feature. I am able to see previously-reported issues with Jaspersoft Studio, but I don't see a way for me to post something new - and yes, I'm logged in. Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'll try the ladybug method. Thanks.

Can you let me know if you now see a "Create" option at the top of the screen when on our community website? There were some issues with it not displaying for everyone, but I do see it now myself (where I didn't before).


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