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Michael Bielkiewicz

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Everything posted by Michael Bielkiewicz

  1. There are several ways to attempt the upgrade. Our docs present one way. What I usually recommend is to install the new server (9.0) on it's own, then export ALL from the old server (either via command line or the UI), then import that export into your new 9.0 server. With no customizations, this should work ok. If your test worked and you've tested all your reports and resources, you should be fine to continue down that route as well. Good luck! -Mike
  2. Can you let me know if you now see a "Create" option at the top of the screen when on our community website? There were some issues with it not displaying for everyone, but I do see it now myself (where I didn't before). -Mike
  3. Unfortunately, this is likely due to our recent transition to this new website. Let me research this a little and get back to you. -Mike
  4. I've never had this problem myself, so I'm not exactly sure what the issue could be, however you used to be able to report bugs via the ladybug icon from within the application (on the toolbar). I believe that essentially posted the bug to the old community site so now that we've just moved over, I'm not sure if that still works. Please give it a try and I will ping our Studio team internally to see if someone can chime in. In the meantime, I do see we have our Tracker feature here on the new site - I would post this issue there as a bug with Studio and perhaps the Studio team can get to it that way. -Mike
  5. I've never had this problem myself, so I'm not exactly sure what the issue could be, however you used to be able to report bugs via the ladybug icon from within the application (on the toolbar). I believe that essentially posted the bug to the old community site so now that we've just moved over, I'm not sure if that still works. Please give it a try and I will ping our Studio team internally to see if someone can chime in. -Mike
  6. This is a very vague issue, to be honest. There are many things that could possibly be wrong - if Tomcat is running (you can verify this by following above instructions), and you still can't reach Jaspersoft, that means the Jaspersoft application did not startup properly or you aren't hitting the correct URL. I don't want to repeat everything from earlier in this old thread, so can you post your specific issue and include anything you see in the catalina.out log that looks like an error on startup? That's really the only way to troubleshoot this issue.
  7. Is the issue contained within Studio itself (during Preview maybe?) or are you talking about after publishing the report to the Server (or executing it via library or whatever) when you see the issue? Can you provide the jrxml (at least the snippit with the table of contents where you see the issue?
  8. Are you talking about when you export a report to a certain format? If so, the only way to do this would be to customize the code behind the exporter. Can you provide more details about your process so I can let you know how you can accomplish what you need? -Mike
  9. While I don't have much experience running JSS on Linux, I'm thinking you can try to increase the memory allocated to Studio on startup. It could be running out of space. This is done in the "Jaspersoft Studio Professional.ini" file in the installed location. You can also try to change out the Garbage collection method identified in that file to G1GC as that's generally a bit better at keeping memory consumption issues down. See https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/changing-garbage-collection-g1-tibco-jasperreports-server for more details on that (same settings should work for Studio in the ini file noted above). I don't believe the Java version would be an issue, however our JRS product only supports up to Java 11 at this time...you could try an older version than the one you are currently running, but I'd try the memory/GC settings first. I hope this helps. -Mike
  10. We don't have a lot of Python experience, but I would suggest looking into our REST API. If you can make a call to JRS via REST, you can pass anything you want and run any report you have access to.
  11. What do you mean "redeem Jasperreport" ??? Are you asking to download it? That version is probably 12 years old and hasn't been available for maybe 10 years.
  12. You can also try adding the fully qualified classname before your Scriptlet references (i.e. "com.something.my.package.St3kDefaultScriptlet")
  13. It seems to me that something is wrong with your compiled JAR. I do not sign any custom JARs that I create - I would try to recompile it with various options - should be pretty plain/vanilla. Also, ensure you are compiling to the same version of Java that you have deployed on your server (i.e. if you are running JRS with Java 8, make sure your IDE is using Java 8 to build the JAR file. I hope this helps.
  14. Hmmm. Have you played with the Compatibility settings in Jaspersoft studio? Check https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jaspersoft-studio-user-guide-820/v820/setting-compatibility-earlier-versions -- if so, does the report work in JSS or is the problem only in JRS?
  15. Are you saying that in your output table, the two rows identified by "row_number = 198" should be returning on the one row? And it repeats the behavior every 99 rows? That could possibly be a bug - you are using a very old version of JRS, is there any way for you to update to a later version to at least test? You can pretty easily install the latest community version (i.e. free) to your machine with our bundled installer and test your report there.
  16. @lunchtimeres was very thorough in their response to your issue. Without the exact data that you are returning from your query, it's hard to test this issue. I would look again, in detail, at the font, size of text, size of box, etc because if the text doesn't wholly fit within the box, that could cause your issue. I've seen this happen only on export as well (since we have different code to produce exports than what you see on the page - essentially you see an HTMLExport of the report when looking in your browser, but PDFExporter, ExcelExporter, etc will be used to generate the other formats). I realize you only changed the sorting, but it could be something else changed in the schema for our reports. Are you using the same version of JSS to edit the report? If not, remember there is a compatibility setting in JSS you can set to force it to use the older code - give that a shot as well. -Mike
  17. Can you let us know what steps you followed to try to compile to a previous version as well as which previous version you were trying to compile to?
  18. I realize this thread is nearly 10 years old, but since it came up first in my search for this exact issue, I wanted to point out this wiki article which states how this can be achieved (at least in later versions of JRS): https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/redirect-custom-page-instead-loginhtml-session-timeout-custom-auth
  19. Does ANY CSS work in that field? Have you tested this - or is it true that anything you put in there, it simply doesn't work? Can you give me an example of the CSS you are trying that fails?
  20. David, I'm not sure if you're referring to a previous thread when you say you spoke too soon as I don't see prior info here. With that said, if you are seeing data in Studio but not once you publish the report to the server, the first thing I would check is the data source. Make sure the data adapter definition in Studio is the same (or what you'd expect) from the Data Source that the report is using on JRS. This can be checked by editing the published report on JRS and checking its Data Source tab. Then, of course, you can check the Data Source definition wherever it's located in JRS to ensure it's pointing the the correct DB. Since we don't have access to your database, it's hard to verify this information. I hope this helps. -Mike
  21. I'm a little confused as to exactly what you are expecting to happen here. Perhaps you can provide more detailed sample data in your example so we can better understand what you are trying to do?
  22. What exactly isn't working? I don't see any CSS in your JRXML snippit. I copied your snippit into a JRXML file I have in Studio and it appears to work ok...
  23. The best way is probably to utilize our REST API which has a "user" endpoint. When viewing a user, you can check their assigned roles. See document: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-rest-api-reference/v8/users-service#Viewing_a_User
  24. Check our Server Admin Guide as this is a setting that must be configured in an XML file (which will require a server restart). Here is a link to the 8.0 version - the setting hasn't changed in years though so it should be the same for all recent versions: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v80/configuring-scheduler#Restricting_File_System_Output
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