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Drill on stacked bar chart


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I am developing reports in Jaspersoft Studio version 6.3.2.final using JasperReports Library version 6.3.2.

I developed a report containing only a stacked bar chart. The idea is to drill thru to a second report showing the actual detail data on which the stacked bar chart is build. Any where I click on the stacked bar chart the second report should open.

How can this be done ? What settings do I need to fill correctly and whith which value to accomplish this drill thru ?

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Yes, I tried setting hyperlinks on the chart. I tried to use the hyperlink type ReportExecution but because we don't have Jaspersoft Server this doesn't work.

For the time being I am just going to use 2 separate reports until we scale up to Jaspersoft Server.

Thanks for your help.

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Just add your own Hyperlink Listener to your own preview window in your appplication that shows the filled JasperPrint-Object and listen to the click events. Then you could interprete the hyperlink parameters and could just start a new report call to show the detailed data of your stacked bar either in same window or in a new frame.

This is, what we've done, to enable "DrillDownFeatures" also without JaspersoftServer just with pure JasperReports Library Community Edition

hth + regards


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Hi C-Box and hozawa,

I am totally new to Jaspersoft and starting without any training. We use JasperSoft to create reports from Labvantage LIMS and Labvantage provided a powerpoint presentation on how they integrated Jasper Studio into LIMS and how to use Jasper Studio then. I am also not Java savvy so if you start talking about adding your own Hyperlink Listener I don't have a clue what you are talking about. Can you send me a link to an example, tutorial, ... so I can have a look how these things need to be setup ?

About how I display my reports : the chart is just included in the summary band of a standard Jasper Studio report and the detail report is also just a standard Jasper Studio report listing the data in a detail band.  

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Don't have any idea on Labvantage. May be better to ask them for help. Unfortunately, their home page (http://www.labvantage.com/) is returning an error message so I can't view it.

Jaspersoft Studio is just a report layout tool. The output is a file with an extension of jrxml. This jrxml file maybe used to produce report by inserting data into the defined layout. Generated file may be in html, pdf, xls, xlsx, and files in other formats. Hyperlink is just linking these generated files together by uri just like in web pages. That is, it's just about entering the url to generated web pages in the report layout.

If Labvantage LIM is a web system, it's probably generating reports in HTML formats.

I've already provided a section in Jaspersoft Studio documentation on setting hyperlink. There's also some videos on youtube.

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Both videos indicate that the subreport can only be taken from JasperSoft Server, which we don't have.

We are using the Community Edition ? Could this be an issue ? Because I also tried to do conditional formatting but can't find any of the options/properties/... mentioned on a section document on that topic.on hyperlink

On hyperlink I have read to section documents : 'How to set up chart hyperlinks in HTML5 charts?' and 'Anchors, Bookmarks, and Hyperlinks'. But neither are wriiten by you I think. Could you send me the link to yours ?

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