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Exception in fonction JasperFillManager.fillReport


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thanks for  your replay , 

 i don't think about settings because this setting normal  woks with another information 

this is the funtion from  JasperFillManger :

public static JasperPrint fillReport(
        JasperReport jasperReport, 
        Map parameters, 
        JRDataSource dataSource
        ) throws JRException
        return JRFiller.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, dataSource);

and  there are paramters  : 

1-  jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);

2- Map<String, Object> paramsDesignPlanning = LauncherReport.buildParameterMap(session, parameterReport.getParameterBaseReport(), parameterReport.getParameterComplementaire());

3-  JRBeanCollectionDataSource jr =new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(lstVacationDesignPlanningReportBean);


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