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ant build with ivy - how to generate lib folder with dependancies

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I a missing the contents of the old project files which used to be distributed. They had a complete lib folder with all the required jar files in them. Is there a way to force all these files to be downloaded into a single folder so I can easily identify the required jars and include them in my programs classpath.

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I have tried looking at the files automatically downloaded by thy ivy/ant build and also by the maven script. 

a) The 2 methods above seem to give me different results.

b) Both of the above when compared to version 6.1 also look very different.

Surely there must be a simple way to generate a folder which contains a complete set of dependant jars. 

Is there a document which lists all the files needed and what they are used for ?

I really miss having that lib folder within the project zip file.

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After trying different methods to recreate the lib folder using ant-ivy and maven I get two different sets of jar files.


I really could do with some assistance with a simple method of downloading just the jars which are needed to run jasperrports. Like the lib folder from version 6.1.0 for example.

The report shows the result from using the command below on the left

>mvn dependency:copy-dependencies

on the right are the jars downloadeded by ivy into its cache directory


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  • 2 years later...

Can I just ask this question again please.

I am using the JasperReports library from a desktop Java Swing (not Spring) application and I need to know the correct way to download/build a list of all the dependent jar files that I need to put in my classpath with the JasperReports libraries.

As I mentioned before when I use ant-ivy I get a different set of files to when I use maven.

I'm sure there must be a way to clarify this as whenever I update the version of JasperReports I need to also amend the jars that I bundle with it. I am currently trying to determine the correct list of jars for 6.6.0. I will then hopefully be able to repeat the process with other versions and use a tool like Beyond Compare to generate a list of new/obsolete files.

If someone would clarify it would be very helpfuil. I'm not a ant or maven guru I'm afraid to say.

Thanks in advance


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