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  1. djohnson53's post in download of jaspersoft studio 6.15.0 for MacOsX (dmg) corrupt ? was marked as the answer   
    We've identified the signing problem. We've fixed this DMG.  We're now working on a root cause fix.
  2. djohnson53's post in Security vulnerability CVE-2020-9410 for jasper-report library v6.8.1 was marked as the answer   
    Please refer to these resources.  As TIBCO employees, we are not at liberty to discuss these CVE's outside of these resources:
    Security Advisories
    TIBCO distributes information about security vulnerabilities and remediation in its products through security advisories.
    Public Security Notices
    TIBCO’s response to general publicly announced security issues can be found on our Public Notices page.
  3. djohnson53's post in SQL Validation Issue was marked as the answer   
    Fixed. I had forgotten to uncomment the line: sqlQueryExecutor=Alpha,ValidSQL,500000,true,SQL_Query_Executor_context
    in the security.properties file
    alanm - 13 hours 39 min ago
  4. djohnson53's post in Rest Creation Date Format was marked as the answer   
    It looks like a UNIX Time stamp. 
  5. djohnson53's post in ant build with ivy - how to generate lib folder with dependancies was marked as the answer   
    David,  I think that you should actually 'ask this question again', as in create a new question. The original question is 2 years old. It may not poke up very high in feeds.
    You could refer to this one for context.
  6. djohnson53's post in Table using JRCollection not repeating in details section was marked as the answer   
    Answer Logged as a comment.
  7. djohnson53's post in Please what do i choose jasperreport studio or iReport ? was marked as the answer   
    iReport is replaced by Jaspersoft Studio.  iReport is no longer supportted or maintained.  No new releases will be made. It also may not work well with newer versions of the JasperReports Server.  So, you should use Jaspersoft Studio.
  8. djohnson53's post in Looking for installer for Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.1 was marked as the answer   
    These first two are the available releases from TIBCO:
    There is a v6.0.1 of the server, but the Studio only goes back to v6.0.4
    Luckily SourceForge still has the Studio verson you want
  9. djohnson53's post in Are those features available on Jasper Reports Server Community edition? was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions
  10. djohnson53's post in 问个新问题 was marked as the answer   
    在科技方面,少数人懂中文。 英语听众更广泛。
  11. djohnson53's post in Hashes for Jasper reports server 6.2.1 was marked as the answer   
    There's a checksum.txt file in with the release files.
    For 6.2.1 its:
    f29b8601b627df752922f72897bc1be6  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-bin.zip
    2451a00ece2ed471229fa667a07b4a45  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-linux-x64-installer.run
    e19db353cb92746ec4b14dca76280f13  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-linux-x86-installer.run
    6f1ca698d7008f11ada46ef52eedded8  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-osx-x64-installer.app.zip
    2590793840bcab1681ac067d3cb2c705  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-windows-x64-installer.exe
    b2b799ad77312c9f53d4a874a1aac812  jasperreports-server-cp-6.2.1-src.zip
    BTW, I just posted v6.3.0 ...
    there's a checksum.txt for that too.


  12. djohnson53's post in Server Error - Permission denied Error while printing reports was marked as the answer   
    hozawa is right.   What else changed? Did you change how JasperReports Server is started up? Possibly under a different userid which doesn't have permission to write? Or did someone change the permissions or ownership of a directory path? I'm not sure where the server writes temp files.
  13. djohnson53's post in JasperServer external authentication was marked as the answer   
    You should look at JasperReports Server Authentication with NTLM  or JasperReports Server 6.0.1 Authentication with NTLM for ideas about how we advise doing it. Also refer to the official doc, TIBCO JasperReports Server Authentication Cookbook v6.0  (Download PDF, View HTML). 
  14. djohnson53's post in Starting a new Jasper Community server in AWS - which ami to use? was marked as the answer   
    BYOL stands for Bring Your Own License.  If you already have a license, then BYOL makes sense.
    Hourly is just what it says. Its <$1 an hour.  Many folks use an hourly setup for evaluation and then but a license at their leisure.
    You can start Hourly and then move to a License at a later time.
    We don't offer a Community Edition AWS product.
    For more info: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch
  15. djohnson53's post in Does the latest version of jasperreports support JDK 1.8? was marked as the answer   
  16. djohnson53's post in Could you please help about Ad Hoc Report? was marked as the answer   
    Sometimes, if you've modified the width of a column to be smaller than needed for the Heading, the whole column may not be displayed. Try making the column just a bit wider and see if it shows up.
  17. djohnson53's post in applicationContext-webHelp.xml Documentation or Help was marked as the answer   
    There is this section in the Admin Guide Configuring the Online Help that describes what applicationContext-webHelp.xml is for.

    In Jaspersoft Studio,  you can create HTML links in the actual reports that can point to your help docs.


  18. djohnson53's post in Installing Windows 7 was marked as the answer   
    Out of scope for this forum
  19. djohnson53's post in sorting of graphs was marked as the answer   
    I've done this by constructing the display names for the day field with a numeric suffix: "5 Friday,  1 Monday", etc. Another tactic is to get the sorting you want correct in a crosstab and then switch the Ad Hoc view to a chart.
  20. djohnson53's post in Huge data issue. Help please was marked as the answer   
    Did you take a look at: JasperReports Server Performance Reference ?
  21. djohnson53's post in Why is the url form is Bad URL format? was marked as the answer   
    Is it possible that you're trying to use hive2?
    Snippets from the Hivesever2 Utils.jar:
    public static final String URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:hive2://";... public static JdbcConnectionParams parseURL(String uri) throws IllegalArgumentException { JdbcConnectionParams connParams = new JdbcConnectionParams(); if (!uri.startsWith(URL_PREFIX)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad URL format"); (This is line 185) }[/code]The bigger problem is that hive2 is not supported in v5.5.  It will be in v5.6.
  22. djohnson53's post in Reports with multiple elements was marked as the answer   
    Without getting into iReport Designer or Jaspersoft Studio,  which are the traditional report creation tools,  the short answer to your question is: No, you cannot create a report with multiple Ad Hoc Views or Multiple tables, crosstabs or charts.
    An Ad Hoc view can be the basis of a report. There is a "Save as" option in saving the view that allows you to save it as a Report.  If you have saved the view as a report, they become linked so that, if you change the View, the Report will be updated as well.
    These Ad Hoc generated Reports can then be used in Dashboards.
    Refer to the Server Documentation for all of this.
    Ad Hoc is, as its name implies, designed at this point in time, as a quick way to generate comparitively simple reports. To move to the more complex types that you talk about, try reading http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-complex-reporting-reference. You will need to learn how to use Jaspersoft Studio or iReport Designer. iReport Designer is being phased out in favor of Jaspersoft Studio, which is built on top on the Eclipse IDE, so I would suggest Jaspersoft Studio. Once you're up to speed, you will be able to build the kinds of reports you speak of.
    Good Luck!  Hope this helped.
  23. djohnson53's post in Hiding the Measures heading from crosstab view was marked as the answer   
    In Ad Hoc, if you're creating a 'table' view, you can right click on the Column Header and choose the 'Edit Label' option.  You could then change the Label to something more appropriate. It needs something. Just spaces or an empty string won't work.
    If you're doing a crosstab or a chart, and using a domain, you would need to edit the domain's Display section and change the field's name there.
    If you created the field from the Ad Hoc itself, you're not going to have much recourse.  You might consider creating a derived table or a calculated field in a domain that creates the distinct count, then using the above mentioned Display section to manipulate its label.
    Hope that helps.
  24. djohnson53's post in jasperserver report without menus was marked as the answer   
    Append a decorate=no to the URL
  25. djohnson53's post in Remove totals from crosstab in Ad Hoc VIew was marked as the answer   
    Yes, Right click on the column header and choose the "Delete Row Summary" option.  To put it back, click on the "Add Row Summary".
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