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mysql test data adapter works, but no metadata


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I created a mysql data adapter in Studio 5.5 and when I click 'Test', I get the 'Successful' message.  In fact, I can see the connection in mysql when I type 'show processlist'.  However, in the Report Wizard, when I select that data adapter, it doesn't list the tables -- there is no Metadata at all (even after double clicking).  If I manually type in a query, I can get results, so the connection is definitely working.

I tried using a user with more privileges, but I still get no metadata in the report wizard.  I also tried using a newer (currently the newest) mysql driver from Oracle.  I don't see any errors in either the Error view or in the workspace .metadata/.log file.  Is there another location I can look?

Any ideas what I am missing?


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we actually don't have any date for the next release. It will probably be in synch with a JR one. Not sure when.

This bug was related to the new SQL Editor that was introduced since version 5.2.0, so a relative new feature. Some bugs like this are being fixed while discovered.


Best regards,




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

we started providing temporary beta/integration versions.

They will be available here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperstudio/files/beta-release/


The packages folder will contain the product files for the different platforms as usual.

The updatesite folder will contain the update site content for the plug-in version.

Please read the README in the sourceforge location.


Please recall, that the SQL editor available can not be considered as a fully replacement for tools like DbVisualizer, SquirrelSQL, TOAD or similar softwares. In JSS we are trying to give the ability to compose query in a graphical way. Moreover we try to provide support for common SQL syntax, and not database specific.

Therefore if you need to create a very complex query it can happen that the internal SQL editor is not enough, and you will have to use one of the mentioned tools.

Plus you can still enter the query manually how it was done in the previous versions of JSS (prior to 5.2.0). I would not define it as "unuseable".


Best regards,


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