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Everything posted by lmbaptista

  1. How can I customize the charts? Things like changing colors remove or move the legend should be easy to do but I can't find a way to do it. And there are any reason to have column charts but not bar charts? Thanks in advance. Luís
  2. Hi, all. My table have this look: Rows corresponding to each day. Columns corresponding to each hour. The cells have numeric values. I want to count all the cells that obey to an expression (bigger than 2, smaller than 4 and so on). I tried several approaches but all return errors. I can do this in excel using countif but I can't find a way to do this in JR Studio. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance
  3. Solved it. In the Text Filed Properties, I defined Tab Stop Width to 1px (it was 40, by default) and it worked. It is strange why that happen only with database fields with type "string" and does not happen with numbers or dates. Some JS buggy configuration. Anyway, it is fixed. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the effort. It was easier to upload the file than copy the code. However... I don't know what have you done but apparently you changed the field that was a database field to a text field and text fields I can aligne them. The problem only happens with database fields. And more, now i get an error exception: "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number" that I don't know where it is.
  5. Well... this file I shared is truncated from the original report to keep only the headers (where the problem is). I now realize that when I run it, it looks correctly aligned. However, if I keep the report with all information (variables, parameters,conditional styles) it lose the alignment and the result is like the image I attached initially. How can the code in the details band influence the code in the page header causing the loss of alignment? I share the full report with all information, maybe you can discover something I'm missing. Thanks in advance
  6. Thank you for the suggestion , Sad H, but it's not useful. I can't change the database fields because they are populated by dropdownlists in an aplication. Then, adding spaces doesn't solve the problem because the left alignment does not fix with spaces (at left or right). This is some kind of problem with Studio and I can't find it or solve it.
  7. Hello. I'm using Jasper Studio 6.12.2 and all libraries are 6.12.2 as you can see in the image attached. However, in the preview I can't align the texts, in this case at left. What can be wrong? This happens with fields that are being retrieved from a field in the database and the datatype is text. If the datatype is somehow numeric (integer, double, float), it align. If the datatype is date and a pattern is defined, it align. However, if it's a text field it aplies some kind of identation that I can't remove. Anyone with teh same problem who can help me, please? Thanks in advance Luís
  8. Yes. If in the header I can have the GlobalTotal, later in the details, when I need to divide the DailyTotal for the GlobalTotal, that value already exists and hopefullyI solve the problem.
  9. Thank you Sad H, but that was my first approach, but with Doubles since that is the type of my database fields. To do that I need to chanage the type of the fields in the database (to Float) and I don't want to do that. I think the problem is exactly in the order the variables are solved. I just don't know how can I make the GlobalTotal to be the first to be made. Tried to put it in the header but didn't worked.
  10. Thank you for your suggestion, jgust, but unfortunately I couldn't get any results. I tried several options with evaluation time and reset type and none retrieve a good result. The percentage is always calculated on each line, based on the sum of the previous lines and not considering the GlobalTotal. Only the last line will show the correct result because is the only one where the GlobalTotal is the full sum of all values.
  11. Apparently, it could be related to the order when the variables are calculated. The GlobalTotal is only calculated after all TotalValueDay so it's not possible on day 1 I made a division with the full value. Any ideas to solve this?
  12. Hi, I have a table with measures by hour. At the end of the line I have the Total Value by day (Variable) Then I have The global Total (Variable) which is the sum of all Day Totals. In front of each line, I want to have the percentage of that line in the whole month (Global Total). Apparently it should be simple: (TotalValueDay / Global Total ) * 100 But no. The results are weird and almost with a descendent pattern, as you can see in teh pic attached. What can be happening to this percentage is not working as it should? Every help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. What you mean by "data trim"? I'm having the same problem here.
  14. Yes, Paul. That's what I have done and worked. Thanks
  15. Hi, I'm using Jasper Studio 6.12 and I want to apply the same pack of multiple conditions (backcolor) for several fields. and what is happening is that all fields are returning the same color. I created a style (without any definitions in it) and in the report I defined the conditional styles for each cell field Condition A to cell 1, Condition B to cell 1, Condition C to cell 1 and then Condition A to cell 2, condition A to cell 2 and so on. The output is all the cells are returning the first condition that returns true. Even the other cells that obbey to other conditions are not assuming the correspondent conditional style . There are any order to type teh conditions? Should I define the conditions in the style file and not in the report? Should I create a difeferent style for any condition? Or for any cell? Thanks in advance Luís
  16. mode must be set to Opaque because teh default is transparent. As soon as the mode was set to opaque, teh colors appeared.
  17. Hi, all I’m trying to use conditional formatting in fields with numeric (double) values and I can define the forecolor, but the backcolor doesn't work. I’m using Jasper Studio 6.12 and most of the documented questions are related to iReports. I created a style (estilo_cond.jrtx) that I’m using in the report and then added some conditional styles and define the style in the element but the result do not respect the conditions. It looks like they aren’t there and no backcolor is changed.Are there any other thing I need to define in the cell for teh background color to appear? Here is the header of my report where I define the conditions. What is missing here? <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="teste_estilos_cond" pageWidth="612" pageHeight="792" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" uuid="d8d7cc6f-e8bf-4e56-81b9-948cfd77b78a"> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.sql.tables"> <![CDATA[YEVTSUdCQVIyYC5gU01QX01FRElEQVNgIEFTICwxMzEsNjQsMjBjYjZkYzYtMjgxMC00MDhhLTlj N2ItZTJlY2E5NWIyYzFlOw==]]> </property> <property name="com.jaspersoft.studio.data.defaultdataadapter" value="TestDB"/> <template><![CDATA["estilo_cond.jrtx"]]></template> <style name="SimpleStyle" fontName="Arial"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[($F{00H_L1_P} <0.15)]]></conditionExpression> <style backcolor="#0000FF"/> </conditionalStyle> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($F{00H_L1_P} <1.15)]]></conditionExpression> <style backcolor="#79FC7B"/> </conditionalStyle> </style> Thanks in advance
  18. Hello, I’m using Jaspersoft Studio and server for a while and today when I tried to open it, it refused to open and get an error message (telling me to check log file). I’m using Windows 10 64bits, my java is updated (version 8, update 251, build 1.8.0_251-b08) and I uninstalled and reinstalled it (with a machine restart in the middle) but the error persists. In the log file, among a lot of script, I can find the error “Caused by: org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.ObjectNotFoundException: Tree element '/MyReports' not found.” But the “MyReports” folder is there in place. Anyone had the same problem and know how to solve it? I send the log file in attach. Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks for your answer. That was my first theory. However, I'm using user "root" granted with all privileges through phpmyadmin. I also created "user1" and granted all privileges (so I can skip user "root") but with this one I cannot even connect. I get an authorization error (java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: invalid specification - not found: user1 ) This is clearely a problem with grants, but I'm starting to wonder if I should use commands instead of phpmyadmin console. Or there are any other grants I need to do that are not visible? This is clearly not clear to me.
  20. Infrastructure: Ubuntu 14.04 / MySQL 5.6.16 (LAMPP package) / Jasper Studio 5.6.2 / Java connector 5.1.33 (independent platform). I created 2 different data adapters with "Driver classpath" filled: A) org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver B) com.mysql.jdbc.Driver With connector A, I can connect to database, test is successful, I can see metadata, but there are no tables available. I tried a script (select * from table) but I get the message that the table does not exist or user lacks privilege. Since I'm connecting as "root" with all privileges I don't know which privileges I should have more. With connector B, apparently the most standard connector (since org.gjt.mm is "old and buggy"), when I test I get the message "com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure" In this link (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2983248/com-mysql-jdbc-exceptions-jdbc4-communicationsexception-communications-link-fai ) I found some possible reasons for what's happening, but I checked all of them and nothing changed. I also searched the web and quite a few people had the same problem but the only answer available was that it's fixed in release 5.5 but I'm with 5.6.2 and I'm still stucked. Can someone help me this time, please?
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