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Detail vs Summary sections


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I'm totaly brand new to reporting and for iReport.

I'm trying to get how it work and especially about the detail and summary bands. Indeed as it's possible to get several details bands wihtin one report I had a preference for this one. But I have to admit I don't know much about each band role.

It seems like some components aren't working in the detail band but work fine for the summary band: e.g. table. Why my table are well displayed when located in summary and not in detail? 


Thanks in advance!


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Because the detail band is designed to be a band that is REPEATED for every result row you get back from you query.  You don't normally want a table, a chart, etc. to appear over and over every time a row is returned from your query.  You normally only want it to appear ONCE to summarize that data (hence the term "Summary" band).  The design view can be misleading when you first are getting used to iReport, because of course you only see a single detail band, just like all the others, so if you are new to reporting, you might not yet be used to the idea that this single detail band is just the design for a band that will show up over and over and over on certain kinds of reports.


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