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JasperReports Server 4.0.0 Release Available!


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Jaspersoft is pleased to announce the availability of JasperReports Server 4.0.0!

There are a number of exiting new features implemented starting with the improved user interface framework.

New UI Look and Feel: The usability and look of the Web user interface has been improved to simplify many user tasks and to make it more visually appealing.

New UI Framework: The underlying framework introduced as part of this feature (Jaspersoft Interface Framework (JIF)) allows the application's look and feel to be modified more quickly and easily than in previous releases.
Application Themes: JasperReports Server now supports the ability to define Themes for the web interface that control its look and feel. These themes take advantage of JIF to let users define Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), images, and other graphical elements of the application. Themes can stored in the repository and can be updated without the need to restart the server.

New Macintosh Installer: This release includes a brand new installer for the Mac! You can check in the JasperReports Server Installation Guide for infomation on installing and starting/stopping.

Auto-Upgrade Script: For users who are upgrading an existing 3.7.0/3.7.1 instance, there is an "auto-upgrade" shell script (Windows, Linux, Mac) which automates the upgrade tasks. See Chapter 8 in the Install Guide "Upgrading Using SQL Upgrade Scripts"

Auto-Install Script: For users who are not using the Binary Installer, there is an "auto-install" shell script (Windows, Linux, Mac) which automates most manual install tasks. See Chapter 5 in the Install Guide.

Execute Only Permission: Administrators can set the new execute-only permission on resources in the repostory. This will allow users to execute resources such as Reports and OLAP Views without the underlying resources being visible to the user.

Dynamically Manage Log Settings: There is a new menu item: Manage > Log Settings. On this page you can dynamically change your log settings and see the results immediately. For instance, this can help you inspect your generated SQL queries or look at your input control queries.

Upgrade to Mondrian 3.2.0: This upgrade to the OLAP engine gives improved native performance, olap4j drill through support, improved XML/A support, a Greenplum dialect, and more.

Upgrade to JasperReports 4.0.0: New features include a new CSV query executer to simplify configuring CSV data sources, a new CSV metadata exporter, and more.

Upgrade to iReport 4.0.0: iReport is included in the Binary Installers and it has full support for JasperReports 4.0.0 and a number of bug fixes.

New Repository Browser and Search: The JasperReports Server UI has been enhanced to include separate Repository Browse and Repository Search pages. This makes repository browse faster and easier. Additionally, repository search has its own page for faster and easier searching.

Of course there are many other bug fixes and improvements. Please see the Release Notes for more details.

Thank you,

- From the Jaspersoft Team!


Post Edited by tkavanagh at 02/03/2011 18:13
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Ok, gonna check it out soonish :D It would be awesome to have an easy update procedure, tho. Updating JasperServer usually takes half a day (or more)


What will happen if i just rename the "jasperserver"-directory in the tomcat "webapps" directory, deploy the WAR file and perform the database schema changes manually to my mysql?

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Ok, where can i find them?

<Update Note>:

The Themes are loaded from the js-catalog import file. The "auto-install" shell script puts the themes in place for you (as does the binary installer of course).

The actual import file is located here:


(and js-catalog-mysql-ce.zip, and js-catalog-postgresql-ce.zip)


Or the Themes are loaded automatically via unit-tests if you are building from source code.

Post Edited by tkavanagh at 02/03/2011 18:17
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Hey, regarding the upgrade steps. Take a look at the ReleaseNotes.txt. It gives a brief intro to the new "auto-upgrade" shell script.

I think this makes the upgrade way more quick and easy.

You should use the "js-upgrade-samedb.bat/.sh" script. This one will do what you describe above... basically, just update the war file, and upgrade the database to 4.0. And then you are done!

It automatically loads the new Themes which are required to make the UI look nice (if you have no themes, the UI will look very bad!).

Start by downloading the WAR File Binary Distribution ZIP:


(when you unpack it, that becomes <js-install> folder)

All you do is put your local settings into a "default_master.properties" file. Like example:

    cd <js-install>/buildomatic

    cp sample_conf/mysql_master.properites   -> to    default_master.properites

    Edit default_master.properties



    cd <js-install>/buildomatic



You can follow the instructions in Chapter 8 of the Install Guide "Upgrading Using SQL script".


Let me know how this script works for you. I'd like the upgrade reduced maybe 45 minutes instead of the (bad) 1/2 day.



1) Make sure your DB is running

2) Make sure your app server is not running

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I tried to download the source, but received this error from the webpage:


The "/JasperServer/JasperServer 4.0.0/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-src.zip" file could not be found or is not available. Please select another file.

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I upgraded his evening a 3.7.1 existing jasperserver with the new release 4.0. The upgrade script (upgrading the war)  worked perfectly

Sorry to say that, but I am disappointed by the performances. The new release seems to run twice or three times slower than the 3.7.1 release. In my case, it is on the same server with the same reports accessing the same databases. I just upgraded the .war.

Is the new release needing more hardware resources??  Am I the one to have such a feeling ??

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Source loaded:

Hi, I loaded the source code zip. File name is:


Also, I loaded the Maven Repository zip. It should have everything that you want inside. File name is:


This is what jgh was waiting for ;-)

Let me know if any problems or questions.

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i am currently diving into the upgrade process. So far, i have detected the following:

- In the current distribution the *_master.properties files are located in <js-install-4.0>/buildomatic/sample_conf (this is not noted in the documentation)

- After setting my JAVA_HOME manually, the upgrade-script doesn't recognize it ans subsequently fails :(

ids@idsmdftp:~/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-bin/buildomatic> echo $JAVA_HOME

ids@idsmdftp:~/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0-bin/buildomatic> ./js-upgrade-samedb-ce.sh
Writing to log file: logs/js-upgrade-ce_2011-02-04_08-28-19734.log
Running JasperReports Server upgrade script at 2011-02-04_08-28
WARNING: JAVA_HOME environment variable not found
Running upgrade-minimal-ce Ant task.
Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.
  We cannot execute java
Checking Ant return code: OK

After setting the PATH Variable to the java-bin directory, it worked.

- Next, the pre-installation-test of the ant script failed due to security related restrictions with the jasperdb user: he is not allowed to access the mysql database:

     [echo] Checking DBMS host and port:
     [echo]   Host localhost is OK
     [echo]   Port 3306 is OK
     [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql. Phase: [test]
[advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Access denied for user 'jasperdb'@'%' to database 'mysql'
     [echo] Connection failed:
     [echo]   SQLState: 42000
     [echo]   Vendor specific error code: 1044
     [echo]   Message: [Access denied for user 'jasperdb'@'%' to database 'mysql']

After allowing SELECT in the mysql database, it worked.

- Next fail was while trying to upgrade the foodmart database (i dont have it installed). I had to revoke to the single update commands from chapter 8.9

- The deployment target (deploy-webapp-ce) was a bit tricky, tho, since i didnt had the permission to copy files into the tomcat directory (only sudo was enabled). I worked around this by writing a small script with PATH/JAVA_HOME variables, etc.

- After the successful deployment, i had to reinstall my db2 jdbc libraries again.

- After that, the server worked. I checked a few reports and recognized, that apparently something with the DATE/TIME stuff has been borked. Every Report with DATE input controls give me the following error:

2011-02-04 09:29:10,725  WARN PageNotFound,http-8081-4:1077 - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/jasperserver/viewReportCancel.html] in DispatcherServlet with name 'jasperserver'
2011-02-04 09:29:12,258  WARN DefaultRemoter,http-8081-4:67 - Method execution failed:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Date/Time must be JDBC format

        at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.q.a(q.java:1798)
        at com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.q.m(q.java:1753)

The input control is a date picker (single value), while the Parameter is of type "java.lang.Date".

This is quite severe and i dont seem to find a solution. (95% of my reports are date based...)

Can you help with this?

thanks and regards


Post Edited by DocJones at 02/04/2011 08:54
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 About my performance problem, it seems that this morning all went back right : performances are "normal".

I "rebooted" a switch in my home network and I think that it was involved in the lack of performances.

So I apologize for the trouble and I am going on playing with the new release

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Ok, where can i find them?

<Update Note>:

The Themes are loaded from the js-catalog import file. The "auto-install" shell script puts the themes in place for you (as does the binary installer of course).

The actual import file is located here:


(and js-catalog-mysql-ce.zip, and js-catalog-postgresql-ce.zip)


Or the Themes are loaded automatically via unit-tests if you are building from source code.

Post Edited by tkavanagh at 02/03/2011 18:17


What is the js-ant target for this? Here is my issue when building from source: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=83660&page=2



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I am trying to upgrade Jasperserver 3.7.1 that was installed from the bin file using built-in mysql and Tomcat - on Ubuntu Linux. In the 4.0.0 release notes it states that it uses newer versions of Tomcat and MySQL but it is not clear from the documentation whether this applies only to a new full intsall or to the upgrade also... so in default_master.properties should appServerType be Tomcat5 or Tomcat6? 

I also ran into the same issue posted earlier:

     [echo] Checking DBMS host and port:
     [echo]   Host localhost is OK
     [echo]   Port 3306 is OK
     [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql. Phase: [test]
[advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Access denied for user 'jasperdb'@'%' to database 'mysql'
     [echo] Connection failed:
     [echo]   SQLState: 42000
     [echo]   Vendor specific error code: 1044
     [echo]   Message: [Access denied for user 'jasperdb'@'%' to database 'mysql']

This is where I gave up and went back to 3.7.1.... can you clarify what needs to be done to resolve this error? I was using the newdb script procedure, when I use the samwdb option I get different error.

Would appreciate any assistance



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

 Hie all,

I've installing new version 4.0 on CentOS with no problem and before i've exported my repo (from 3.7 version) but when trying to import it, i've had some errors (i don't remenber them, sorry :() so i have to rebuild my repo (it was a small project).

And i would knom if there's solution to manage cascading input control in webservice in 4.0 version ?

Thanks, Geoffroy

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  • 2 years later...

jaspersoft server installtion error on mysql access denied

i somehow get error while trying to install jaspersoft server (jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin)

using tomcat and mysql The DB logins have no issue directly as well as from report designer tool also

appreciate any help



[echo] Checking DBMS host and port:

[echo] About to validate host: localhost

[echo] Host localhost is OK

[echo] Done validating host: localhost

[echo] About to validate port: localhost:3306

[echo] Port 3306 is OK

[echo] Done validating port: localhost:3306

[echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql. Phase: [test]

[echo] About to validate JDBC jar existence

[echo] Look in: C:/mrtn/install/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin/buildomatic/conf_source/db/mysql/jdbc

[echo] Found jar file: assuming OK

[advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

[echo] Connection failed:

[echo] SQLState: 28000

[echo] Vendor specific error code: 1045


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jaspersoft server installtion error on mysql access denied

i somehow get error while trying to install jaspersoft server (jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin)

using tomcat and mysql The DB logins have no issue directly as well as from report designer tool also

appreciate any help



[echo] Checking DBMS host and port:

[echo] About to validate host: localhost

[echo] Host localhost is OK

[echo] Done validating host: localhost

[echo] About to validate port: localhost:3306

[echo] Port 3306 is OK

[echo] Done validating port: localhost:3306

[echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql. Phase: [test]

[echo] About to validate JDBC jar existence

[echo] Look in: C:/mrtn/install/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin/jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0-bin/buildomatic/conf_source/db/mysql/jdbc

[echo] Found jar file: assuming OK

[advanced-sql] Failed to connect: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

[echo] Connection failed:

[echo] SQLState: 28000

[echo] Vendor specific error code: 1045


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