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Jasper Professional-Date Picker Not working


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I am using Jasper Professional.I  am facing this trouble while using date parameter. I am not able to use Date Picker for selecting the date parameter.Report gets hung AND When we do it my manually writting the date and Click OK then report does not respond.

Kindly Help.


Raman Deep Singh

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Hi ,

Thank you for replyin.

Same hre i have never run into this trouble ever.


1.Jasper Professional 3.7

2.my using jasper server directly and for data m using SQL.

Problem is from server itself..i.e. when i run report on jsper server

and click on parameter window it shows data parameter but when clicked on date picker it givs trouble


3.Im creating report using iReport the way i have been using it from Jasper Community edition on which things were working perfectly fine.These are the new reports created on it and now they are giving trouble.



Raman Deep Singh


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Does this problem happen only for specific reports? Can you reproduce it with one of the sample reports? For example, look for the Customers Report; it's got two date-based input controls (I set them to 1990-06-09 and 2010-06-03 to get results in the report).

I also wonder if it might be a problem with localization; what language is the UI presented in?



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Hi Kristen,

This is problem for all reports i have checked till now on Professional 3.7 Edition.


Yes I have tried this on sample reports also and the Date picker is not working there also.

As i said UI is same as Jasper Server.It is working in English.



Raman Deep Singh

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Have you made any customizations to the JS interface? A change to WEB-INF/calendar.properties might cause the date picker to fail.

Also, can you explain what you mean by "gives trouble"? Is it returning an exception, having a problem redrawing the page, or some other issue?



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Hi Kristen,

I do not think any change has been made in WEB-INF/calendar.properties .


Secondly, Other than what i have written in my first message

(I am not able to use Date Picker for selecting the date parameter.

Report gets hung AND When we do it my manually writting the date and Click OK then report does not respond.)


What i mean by GIVES TROUBLE is :-

that lately it does not respond at all.so it more like just an image.



Raman deep Singh

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Can u please try clearing the Browser Cache and clearing the work directory under tomcat ?

Also , calendar sometimes can have problem when testing in different browser.

fro 3.7 -> it has been tested and worked well for these browser -> IE 7.0, IE 8.0, FF 3.0., FF 3.5

can u please confirm which browser are u using ?

Ramnik Kaur

Senior QA Engineer

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sup03: the issue you report has been reported by other users and is currently targeted to be fixed in a future release. A possible workaround is to  to create an alternate sitemesh decorator, but we're getting way out of my area of knowledge.

I repost something I found that may be helpful to you (though I fear I don't have the skills to help you with it further than that...).



This is basically how sitemesh decorator works:


                          points to
                                                    points to

To create a parallel sitemesh decorator:
1. in \WEB-INF\decorators\main.jsp, add a switch like below

<c:when test="${param['ANY_KEYWORD'] == 'true'}">
    <%@ include file="alternate_decorator.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file="decorator.jsp" %>

2. make a copy of decorator.jsp and rename it like "alternate_decorator.jsp" or any other name.
3. with a text editor open "alternate_decorator.jsp" and delete what you don't want to be displayed.
4. add also <jsp:include page="/cal/calendar.jsp" flush="true"/> between <head></head> tags.

The advantages of this workaround are:
- JasperServer's decorator stays clean and you can modify as much as you like your alternate_decorator.jsp
- Whenever you need alternate_decorator.jsp, just add &ANY_KEYWORD=true to your URL (don’t use &decorate=no at the same time). It will use your alternate decorator
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