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iReports Database connection password.


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Our company will be using Jaspersoft for reports next year and I am trying to set up a test/training environment on my local drive so I downloased iRepor however, when I get the screen to set up the JDBC Connection, I am asked for a password but as I create my user name and assign a password, I get a password error.
Is there a default password for the installation?
Thanks for any and all help with this issue.
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That is the database user name and password. You shoud check with the DBA to see what user and password you should have access to. If you created the database, there must have been some values that you were asked to enter at a certain time during the install process.
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After doing a lot of research, I found out that I needed to install Jasperserver (this is not indicated anywhere on the links to download iReport). Once I installed Jasperserver, I followed the instructions for the bundle which contains MySQL, the Tomcat and iReports. However, it appears that MySQL only loads once. It is nowhere to be found on my local drive.

The password issue ocurred when I was trying to build the connection between one of the practice databases and iReport. One of the items in the troubleshooting section of the Jasperserver's Users Guide indicated that the pasword/user id is a common error and directed me to log into MySQL to find out what are the default passwords but since MySQL never dowloaded to my hard drive, I am going in circles.

I thought about loading MySQL from another source but that would not work for what we are trying to do. The goal is to become familiar with Jaspereports before we begin implementation and roll out but I do not know where to look. I seem to be getting fragments of the information I need.

Where to look?


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rmolina I think you are missing something. iReport requires first of all a database when you are configuring a connection to a database. A database has usually a username and password, so you have to specify them, you can try root without password or root/password (the word passoword is the password).

Jasperserver is not necessary, but of course if you install it, it will create a default sample database which can be used for your tests.



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I was trying to install Jasperserver because it contains 2 sample db's which I wanted to use locally on my lap top. However, for some unknown reason Jasperserver will not install on my local drive. I tried several times and nothing. I searched my c:/ drive but it never got installed.

I also noticed tha the JasperServer User's Guide vers 3.5 is geared towards iReport 1.2.4 and I was trying to install  the latest version of iReport.

I almost feel like continuing with Crystal Reports Xi...

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Hello all...

i have just installed IReport and try use it for BI on I5 Server (as400).

I experienced few difficulties to create datasource,but finally it's done.

Now i have an other kind of problem : when i connect to the db2 database, ireport

ask me "signon to the system" with system/user/password for each operation. !!!

so, it seems to work but i don't understand why it ask me those information because the "save password" is checked in

datasource description.

any idea ??

thanks a lot by advance.




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