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  1. iancr01


    This post was submitted by mistake
  2. I'm trying to find a way to pass parameters to a report from another application (like a web page). An example would be using the POST/GET methods... e.g.: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2FMyFolder&reportUnit=%2FMyFolder%2FReportName&param1=myFirstParam&param2=mySecondParam Any other alternatives would also be accepted.
  3. iancr01


    Post Edited by iancr01 at 11/03/2011 21:28
  4. You can also use: select ... where $X{IN, colname, parameter name} "parameter name" is a parameter of type Collection or array.
  5. That is the database user name and password. You shoud check with the DBA to see what user and password you should have access to. If you created the database, there must have been some values that you were asked to enter at a certain time during the install process.
  6. You need to define a style and add a conditional style.. something like: new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() % 2 == 0) (make the color light blue for example) Then you need to apply the style to the field(s) you need to alternate the color for.
  7. Try using $P!{parameter name} instead of just $P{parameter name}.
  8. You may also use the Print When Expression for your text field.
  9. Can you run the same query against the DBMS (Copy to Clipboard and paste into a query tool)? What DBMS is it?
  10. No. ".doubleValue" is of type "double" (lower case d). "Double" (upper case D) is a different data type.
  11. To give you an example... SELECT a,b,c FROM table1 WHERE a < $P{YourParameter}
  12. The detail band will always show one line(field or group of fields) per record. Do you want to show the group header for every record? If not, you should use report groups and group header bands instead of detail.
  13. $F{CostNeutral}.equals( new Integer(1) ) ? new Integer(0) : $V{persondays}
  14. On Windows, guessing that this is iReport 3.x, the .jrxml type should be associated with iReport, so you should just be able to run "absolutepath to report file"
  15. Try (category == "Frozen Goods" || category == "Snacks")?(amount):0
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