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I have noticed a similar thread, but which appeard not to have any successful resolution.

I have been evaluating JasperServer/iReports.

I installed Jasper Server 3.1 OK.  Upon running once, I was able to start the jasper Server from the Windows start menu, which presented me with a Login screen.  I entered the default ladmin ogin details, and was presented with the administrator.  I was happy to check out the contents and all was going well.

Some days later, I went back to the Jasper server, and at the login, was presented with an error - "IE cannot display the webpage".  After a lot of frustration, I uninstalled/re-installed Jasper server.

I noted that when I rebooted my PC, I came back to the above situation where I get the error - "IE cannot display the webpage."

I have tried stopping and starting the server, to no avail.  The only solution seems to be a complete uninstall/reinstall.

Any re-boot seems to cause the JasperServer to become unstable.


Any Ideas.

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     Initially when i started using windows installer of JasperServer, i too had the same problem. Donot use those windows installer. I have a war file distribution, which is working fine.

     there seems to be some problem with their demo installers.


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We have not heard of these particular issues.


A restart of the server should work. If you used the installer, you would need to do this after a machine reboot or login. Can you see the command window for the Tomcat process?


How did you install it? Both MySQL and Tomcat?




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Thanks for the reply's.  I installed using the Windows executable, and selected Tomcat, MySQL, and examples to be installed.

After the latest uninstall/reinstall, At the moment, the web admin screen is running OK, and I have a java task command screen for tomcat running.  All seems sweet, but am cringing at it stopping after a reboot.

From memory, when i have rebooted in the past (and have had the problems), I can't remember seeing the tomcat java command window. 

Could you perhaps give advice as to how to manually start tomcat - I could give that a go

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Under windows, you can skip the Win Start Up menus. This might be a good idea so that you can get a better idea of what is going wrong.


Start a DOS cmd shell and move to the root of your JasperServer installation. Something like:

 Program FilesJasperServer-3.1

Then, cd to the bin directory. This bin directory has the windows shell scripts for starting and stopping jasperserver. Remember, jasperserver is a web application. So, this is really about having mysql and tomcat start and stop properly.

There is a script allctl.bat which will start everything. But you can try the individual components this way:

  cd Program FilesJasperServer-3.1bin

  jasperctl.bat mysql start    - starts mysql

  jasperctl.bat  tomcat start  - starts tomcat

Before you run the commands above, i recommend that you clear out you tomcat logs so you can see what is happening in tomcat.

  cd Program FilesJasperServer-3.1apache-tomcatlogs

  delete all of the *.log and *.out files



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thanks for the tips.

After a reboot, the (now familiar) error logging on to the jasper server admin web page.

When I ran the scripts individually, I noticed a whole lot of errors in the Tomcat log, particularly relating to an inability to write to one of its directories (the conf directory)

I checked the permissions of the directory, and noted that it was read only.  When I deselected read only, and started tomcat again, the tomcat java shell showed a series of starts.

I could now log into the admin web page.

Thanks for the help

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