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Deploying reports with subreports


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I am trying to deploy a jasperreport with a subreport in Tomcat environment. The normal reports without subreport work perfectly. However, the master report has a SUBREPORT_DIR parameter from where it should pickup the subreport.jasper. What is the value I should be passing to this parameter? I have tried various options but always get an exception saying couldn't load the object from the directory. The syntax I use is as below:


private static final String PREFIX = "/WEB-INF/reports/";


private static final String SUFFIX = ".jasper";


externalContext econtext = getExternalContext();


InputStream stream = econtext.getResourceAsStream(PREFIX + name + SUFFIX);

JasperPrint jasperPrint = null;


jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(stream, params, conn);




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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget the parameter SUBREPORTS_DIR, and use as expression for your subreport something like:




where yourReport is the name of the resource containing the jrxml of your subreport: infact the best wat to use subreports in JS is to load the subreport jrxml as resoure in your report unit and refer it by resource name.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I am struggling with using a URL to call a parent report containing a subreport. I have a servlet engine on a tomcat server which will send a .jasper file to a browser. The URL calls the .jasper subreport with no error, but when calling the parent report I get a can't find the (subreport name) file error.


I've tried various path combinations, and I've tried your "repo:reportName" (see image below), but none have worked. Do you have any guidance you can give me on how to get the parent report to properly call the subreport from a tomcat server?

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